A moment of geopolitical hope the West must grasp

Hi Xi, I'm Jacinda. According to Mike Hosking, and the Voices for Freedom antivaxxers, I'm a bigger dictator than you.

Apec summit: PM Jacinda Ardern to meet China President Xi Jinping

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will have a formal meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping when both leaders attend Apec in Bangkok at the end of the week.

It will be the first face-to-face meeting between them since her brief visit to China in 2019, although they did speak by telephone in 2021 when New Zealand was hosting Apec virtually.

The positivity of Biden and Xi’s extraordinary meeting and the weakening of Trumps fascism in the midterms are rare moments of hope in a turbulent world that the West desperately needs to seize to de-escalate the current tensions that are drifting us closer and closer to conflict.

Jacinda should seize that possibility in any dialogue with Xi.

If a break through at COP27 between China and America can occur then we can start pulling back from the brink, but it will only mean the world has backed down on one conflict front while still juggling the Russia/Ukraine war, the ongoing global pandemic, ongoing economic recession and catastrophic climate change.

The good news is one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse might be reigned in, the bad news is there are still 3 others who aren’t.

We urgently need de-escalation because we will barely have the energy for everything else.

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    • Kirk28 “ She’s giving Xi some tips”… like you only need to eat meat 2x weekly… if you’ve got a fridge full of fish… and we’ve got the water water everywhere if you’ve got the plastic bots.

  1. You’re so busy worrying about the supposed ‘Trump Fascism’ that you forget that (almost and probably) ALL US Presidents are awful people, when you read up on them from sources other than the propaganda MSN.
    Biden is a LOT worse than Trump and Obama was even worse.
    But too many people think if they hate on Trump (who I agree is a crooked moronic ass) that anything will be OK.
    A bit like removing Hitler so Stalin can take over IMHO……D’OH !!!

  2. keriman, and how exactly with details not just ‘fox says’ are biden and obama worse than trump…remember facts not smears…comments around pizza are self disqualification.

  3. A couple of points you might have missed Martyn:

    > The Biden administration has just picked up the Trump ball regarding China and is running with it.

    > China is screwed and ultimately, I suppose, Xi along with it. Demographics, water supply, Covid containment, real estate collapse, recession, energy insecurity and diplomatic relations, China is facing headwinds in all areas. It’s so bad I doubt we’ll be talking about China as a country in ten years’ time. The West has at last picked up on this and China is now the supplicant, although it puts on a brave face about it.

    • China is screwed! Maybe but look at your list:
      Water supply
      Covid containment
      Real estate collapse Recession
      Energy insecurity Diplomatic relations

      Now apply that list to any country in the world, especially the West. Most will have multiples of those issues plus more of their own. Don’t kid us that we are superior or different, nor exceptional.

    • Yeah, China is gonna be a supplicant, a supplicant like Russia is a supplicant with the lights and heaters going out in Europe and industries closing down because they can’t produce.
      I am not sure why people don’t actually see that this is kabuki theatre and nothing more. China has huge investments in Africa, Canada, Asia, and now in the Pacific. Russia can keep the lights out in europe for as long as it wants and there is nothing much Europe can do.
      Here in NZ, what would happen tomorrow if the boats from china with the cars, the goods and the vitamin C – most of it coming from china – were not to arrive? You think you would get it from the US? Mexico? Maybe india? lol.lol.lol.lol.lol. breathes, lol.lol.lol.lol

      As far as covid goes, by the time china is done with its ‘re-education via covid isolation’ we will have riots. We will have long covid, internal strive, division and China will keep on doing China.
      The Leader of china just ripped the clown of Canada a new one and the clown of Canada walked away and everyone could see that getting a new one in public hurt quite a bit. Publicly, cause the supplicant China has no fucks to give.

      China has no fucks to give about the west.
      Half if not most of the wests corporation would collapse tomorrow if China were to close the border for a year or two and spare parts and good were no longer traded.
      China is a hard place to live for, freedom is a word without much meaning and generally means a decent quality of life with three feeds a day and a 12 hour working day, and if any one in the west were to actually adhere to this they would be sitting crying in a store room complaining about how they are expected to work on the shifts they are rostered on. For the same reason we not only import goods from Asia but also people, because they actually work, and ours don’t. The west is obese, mentally so unwell that they literally hate themselves and try to re-organize theirselfes via surgery and drugs pretending to be cartoon figures as being a human is just to hard, is illiterate for the most part, has an attention span that rivals the Dory from finding Nemo and that fish had short term memory loss, throws hissy fits when they don’t get what they want, and can’t differentiate between the large gamete carriers and the small gamete carriers because they all live in a game setting in which one unlocks achievements.
      Yeah, China is gonna collapse and the west is gonna survive. lol.

      But what ever delusions makes people feel good about oneself.

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