NZ Midwifery Council to remove women and mother from definition of Midwife


Fresh from attempting to cancel Shakespeare, the woke are at it again.

This time they are removing the words mother and woman from the Scope of Midwifery.

The ‘Scope’ defines what it means to be a midwife in New Zealand and you would think the vast, vast, vast majority of those using their service are women becoming mothers.

Apparently however, assuming the vast vast vast majority of those using Midwifes are women becoming mothers is a hate crime these days and you will be cancelled for thinking otherwise.

Here’s the original Scope where Woman is referenced widely and the term Mother used, here’s the proposed Scope where Women and Mother have been removed altogether.

If they are this triggered by the words ‘Woman’ and ‘Mother’ shouldn’t they be Midpersons instead of Midwifes?

Isn’t wife heteronormative?

It’s this sort of woke nonsense sold as ‘inclusivity’ that is killing the Left and we are seeing it in the current polling meltdown.

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The problems is this activism is associated with the Left and even though Labour and the Greens have nothing to do with this, social media proxifcation has alienated voters thinking this is what the Left stand for now and it’s going down like a cup of cold sick.

My fear is that as the Polls drop for the Left, our activists will get crazier and crazier with the woke stuff and keep cancelling until there are no more voters left to try and win over.

All the woke are doing is handing ammunition to the right.

Please, wokesters, pull these ideological stunts AFTER the election, NOT BEFORE! Voters are sick of this dogma and it isn’t helping!

Look, you could define yourselves as rock lobsters for all I care, but do it a week AFTER the election so the backlash can’t be weaponised into another example of woke gone mad.

The identity politics activists keep wanting to buy a culture war that we on the Left will lose.

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    • @Fantail
      ‘Wife’ is cisgendered heteronormative patriarchal oppression so 3 domains of sin. There is likely a satisfying (and conveniently unfalsifiable) narrative linking it to white supremacy, if not we should make one up.

      In the meantime ban husbands too for they are wife-adjacent!

      • Tui Good thinking. I lent a book to somebody who miraculously returned it – I think it’s called ‘ The Return of the Goddess’ , and it could take a day or so to find it, and the last time I looked I’m pretty sure that it is not indexed – just you don’t hate that?

        It documents that back in the matriarchy, it was when males finally made the connection between what they did, and the end product, a baby, that women lost their power. The mystery, and the sheer miraculousness of what we are, came crashing down. Use that as a starting point. The church fathers made up all sorts of weird things about women, and it’s high time that we retaliated…even if the woke scourge and deride us… we can do this !

    • Fantail. This too, is worse than it looks. I suggest that it is clinically unsound and irresponsible to divert focus away from the mother and baby, in order to incorporate the Treaty of Waitangi into the birthing process and instead make the whole whanau the object of their practice. This is what they say they’re doing.

      Omitting ‘mother’ words and thus diminishing the importance of the mother, is simply a continuation of Catholic teaching which has always stated that the baby’s well-being is more important than that of the mother, and that if a choice has to be made, or a life has to be sacrificed, then mum’s the one who has to go.

      This is even worse as far as mothers are concerned. Apart from the fact that there are midwife shortages, and stretched workloads, trainees are now being told that their primary focus has to be on the whole whanau. It is very wrong and very unfair on mothers whose well-being at this time should be paramount, that they’re now being pushed aside for political purposes.

      This politicising of pregnancy and birthing in order to accommodate the Treaty could be extended to other medical or surgical practices and actually end up putting patients at risk, and the Treaty being a millstone around the neck.

  1. I can’t wait for Labour candidates to start listing their pronouns on their campaign material and billboards, as party policy for all candidates…

  2. Thanks for posting this. What a f…g outrage.

    Only women can get pregnant and have babies. End of.

    I do disagree that Labour and the Greens aren’t where this is coming from. Having watched the idiotic Green and Labour women during the select committee on self ID, I can assure you they are up to their eyeballs in this insane crap

        • Anker I’m sure you could acquire a couple of gonads for a high price in Thailand, and get other spare parts from those dispensing of them to become femmes, but hey, who’d want to become a man when you can just join the Green Party and bleat away about gender bending, ride unicorns, chew W’s chocolate with greenery in your hair, and accuse people who think differently from you of racism, sexism, age-ism, or all three? Loudly ?

          Insult enough people to secure a place on the party list and you too could become an honourable or dishonourable member and not have to worry about an electricity bill for the rest of your life. So what’s not to like ?

    • Yes, Deborah Russel for one and the the KereKere made a right shitshow out of their respective persons and parties. If ever you wanted to see whom they are, watch the submissions.
      This is all parties that signed up for this. and the castrated sterilized children and the things that birth are the ones paying the bills.
      But then in times of scarcity some will have to make amends and i guess its the birthers job.

      • Reactionary Bratwurst I thought Kerekere only hates young hetero males and everyone’s white ancestors in the way that Kelvin Davis does.This is an attack on other women, a demeaning of women and of motherhood, stunningly bad.

  3. ” The identity politics activists keep wanting to buy a culture war that we on the Left will lose ”

    Its lost Bomber and some time back.

    The Nasties are waiting in the shadows to inflict serious harm and only Winston’s handbrake in a hung parliament will be able to temporarily lessen the carnage.

  4. “If they are this triggered by the words ‘Woman’ and ‘Mother’ shouldn’t they be Midpersons instead of Midwifes?

    Martyn ‘Mid’ is relative-location-normative. Individuals working in the birthing person assistance profession should be able to identify with their own positionality. Such as as Mid, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Diagonal etc.

    Birthing persons will be put at ease with the warm personal touch of
    “Hello I am Trixielotta Huntingdon-McGrath I am a Bottomperson and today I’ll be your birthing person assistance professional or BPAP (‘Bee-pap’).”

    • Google tells me “mid” =old English for “with” and “wife” (wiv) =old English for “woman”. Midwife thus meaning the person “with” the “woman” during birth.
      But I do like your suggestion better!
      Will this madness end with a change of government?
      Let’s find out.

      • @KCC You are quite right. However equivocation is part of the woke rhetorical tool box.
        Redefining terms for political expediency.

        For example:
        Woman = Gender identity (not sex)
        Racist = Someone who exists is a system that, according to theory, privileges their own race and does not fight for equity (not prejudice based on race)
        Homosexual = Same gender attracted (not same sex attracted)
        Mid = middle

        Ok I made the last one up 🙂

        “Will this madness end with a change of government?”
        Perhaps that and when everyone can laugh at the absurdity of ideological puritans.

    • Tui – as a semi-retired teacher of languages (English, French, and German) may I congratulate you on writing the best comment exposing the utter stupidity of current woke mismanagement of our English language?

      • @In Vino Thank you, sometimes irony fits woke’s very specific kind of nonsense. If you haven’t heard, I believe Cambridge University is encouraging students of German to use gender neutral language. The stupidity and mismanagement is shared more widely.

            • Yes – I lived in both France and Germany. Both had fears that English was taking over their language. I was teaching English to adults. I was soon able to reassure them that there was no way that English would supplant their languages.
              The same applies to all this pronoun nonsense, etc. It simply will never be taken into normal language. Sorry for those who care.

  5. Ah the latest woke superhero will fix this!
    Transmogrifier to the rescue! Super powers include being able to identify someone’s pronouns without being told and having both a penis and vagina so zherg can go fuck zegselves.

  6. Due to Dr Doo Little’s nursing immegration plan there will not be any midwifes to be found soon and mothers and their babies will suffer

    • Trevor. “ There will not be any midwives to be found soon” . And maybe that’s not such a bad idea. The politics of these bloody women drove many family doctors away from practising obstetrics and gynaecology, and my most recent excellent Sri Lankan gynaecologist/obstetrician told me that he was quitting because of the politics of the midwives.

      Suddenly male doctors delivering babies became the enemy, but I only ever struck one total wanker, and were I to breed again, I ‘d want an obstetrician/ gynaecologist. I owe the safe delivery of a son by emergency Caesarean section to the late Harry Bashford, who saw me at 4pm, said we needed to deliver pronto and did so at 8pm, for the ailing baby would not have survived overnight. I know enough to know that had I been under the care of a midwife the scenario could have been very different indeed.

      I have been shocked to hear generation X ( or whatever they are) pregnant persons (sigh) boast, yes,
      boast, that they’ve delivered their baby without a medical man in sight, as if male doctors are standing pointing guns at them. Phyllida Bunkle wrote what I thought emotive crap about some hospital doctor’s gleaming eyes when she actually needed his expertise, and was in pain, but it’s in a book I tossed out, so I cannot check the scenario, except I doubt that he was the sadistic bastard she seemed to think he was. Phyllida was HOD or Acting HOD of Women’s Studies at VUW. ( Deeper sigh). I transferred out of a paper in that dept because I thought that they were more anti men than pro women. Another student reported them to the NZQA.

      The midwives’ “ Scope” is exceedingly loquacious and pretentious and it doesn’t need to be that way, but having largely succeeded in driving males out of their business, they may have inflated themselves into thinking they’re equal to the dastardly old school types, and they are not. If these women cannot refer to the mothers in their care in a simple straightforward way, they probably need to see shrinks. They’re meant to be on our side damn it, not depersonalising us.

      What’s more, they need to check their own titles; not all expectant mothers are wives, and nomenclature implying that they are is culturally insensitive and probably a whole host of other discriminatory things as well.

  7. So tell me about ‘them’ that ‘believe’ that they can give birth because they changed/declared ‘something’ on their birth certificate and ID.


  8. Jesus. As usual, everybody reads the headline and gets offended. Nobody actually bothers reading all the way through. If you’d bothered to read the whole thing you’d read that they discovered that it wasn’t really inclusive of the entire family referring only to the person giving birth, and what they really wanted to do was reflect that there is often more than just the pregnant person involved – and they decided the best way to acknowledge that was to refer to the entire whanau.

    But hey, let’s all get offended and scream woke. Fuck’s sake.

    • Whatever bullshit reason they are removing ‘woman’ and ‘mother’ from their Scope, DO IT AFTER THE FUCKING ELECTION so we don’t hand the Right the culture war ammunition FFS!

      You can call yourselves rock lobsters for all I care, just. Do. It. After. The. Election!

      • Yes but they can’t stop themselves – so we will be inflicted with more of this if they get into power. They may call themselves the left, but they are not – Natz Lite selling everything off into COO’s, SOE’s, Kiwibuild etc, championing exploiter work permits off the backs of taxpayer funded welfare to top it all up, woke red guards now getting powers to criminalise freedom of speech, while the manager woketards who can’t do their jobs spend their time in talkfests obsessing about changing language into their altered reality.

        Sorry some of us want to get off this woke train to Kafka’s 1984.

    • There is one ONE person involved in giving birth. It is the human female who is pregnant and gives birth.
      The birthing partner can be a father, a mother, a friend, but they are not the birthing body or birthing person.
      Inclusivity would like a bit like that: Mother, Birthing Person/ Parent for those that are uncomfortable with the word Mother – i.e. transmen, non binary women, surrogates.
      And yes, this shit is woke as fuck. there is only one person birthing. The women. The rest of the whanau is involved as family, waiting for the arrival of the baby, and non of them other then the woman doing the birthing labour is the Mother of that child, no matter how their family arrangements.

      Mother – a women who gives birth to a child. It is a earned title. You only get it when you birth. You can be an adoptive mum, a foster mum, a mother in law etc and frankly you woke people could just try to find something that is inclusive for them. All human beings have been born to women, all of these women were made a mother by that act of giving birth. No man ever has given birth to a child and no one will for a long time to come still.
      Labour, vote for us you birthing bodies of the country. And share your prison cells with men who call themselves women. And share your sports with men who call themselves women. And share your awards with men who call themselves women. And share your changing rooms with men who call themselves women. And lesbians date lesbians with penises. And birthing bodies give up your children to gender affirming medication, hormones and surgery. And don’t insist in being called a Mum as that may upset people who will never birth anything.
      All in the name of kindness.

    • Riffer I read it, and I am still offended, ok ? You and they are making assumptions about families which may not always be true, or accurate. One person, and one person alone actually births the baby, and that person is the mother, and there is no need, or any good reason to diminish her role, or her as a person, f.

  9. This is nothing to do with women, this is to remove the word ‘woman’ ‘adult human femal’ from all reproductive function. Men, will never and have never given birth. No Transwoman will ever give birth. Not a single one of them. But of course if Transwoman are Woman, it remains to be seen what is happening to the ones we used to call ‘woman’. I guess we call them dairy cows now. Surrogacy, harvesting eggs, milking that human milk all for sale is a good business.
    Specifically in surrogacy calling he thing that gives birth ‘mother’ would imply ownership. So it must be a birthing person, or a birthing body, or a birther. Not more than an actual dairy cow, or cat, or dog throwing a litter. Oh look a little birther. Now give us that child, after all we paid good money for it.

    Human females – the born ones, are they even human?
    But rejoice birther, we take away your language, we take away your right to have single sex spaces – if you are upset about this, how do you feel abut men being locked up in womens prisons on their say of ‘I am a woman’ and so on and so forth.

    But yeah, vote Green, vote Labour, vote National, vote Act, they all signed of on this bullshit, and hey its inclusive. After all it will benefit men, men who pretend to be women and women who nope out of womenhood into pretending they are men LOL, and the ones who lose out are the things that no longer have words to describe themselves in any meaningful way. Maybe we should call these people chattle/property/or something, but then, chances are that the men who want to be women would want that too.

    Why don’t you all go home and hug the important birthing bodies in your families, just to remind yourself whom this actually affects.

    • Reactionary Bratwurst The woke are redefining ‘ woman ‘ to diminish the the biggest differential between male and female, in that only persons born female, with a uterus, become pregnant and give birth. This needs to be downplayed to help transgender persons feel more equal to what they will never really be, but want to

      • I agree, Snow White. My compliments to the conservative fried sausage: entire article written in excellent English. Very rare nowadays! +1

  10. Labour is now National lite policy but with insane woke putting their insanity into legislation.

    Polls are gonna punish the woke Labeen big time as it has become clear Labeen can not stop themselves.

    Woke are busy derailing anything in language they can from culturally appropriated Te Reo to anything to attack biological woman. The same woman who used to vote Labour!

    Auckland elections are a bell weather to what is to come. Including now the privatisation brigade (shock/crisis) with Wayne Brown.

    The only silver lining is at least woman might still be safe from the insanity of woke gender politics in Auckland for the next 3 years.

    However my guess is at least 1 billion of council assets will be moved to private practise (which quite frankly is similar to the COO structure that Labour loves, that means Aucklander’s get the F-You from their assets and no accountability and creative accounting so it’s really just the Natz nite policy in real terms to soften up for the next step, full privatisation under the Natz tickets).

  11. The area of “midwifery / midpersonry” is traditionally and currently horrifically undervalued, underpaid, and having witnessed my ex wife through two pregancnies / births of our children; I would say subject to extreme stress that the average male would have neither the ability to tolerate, nor the desire to suffer. Mnemonics are wordplay, but yes, to decolonise language is important. It is evolutionary. But the biggest problem, like most honourable, valiant professions, is lack of financial recompense. There is a socialist class struggle in this profession and we should be supporting correction of language. It won’t address every social issue in this country, but neither will Luxon serving burgers at McDs. Respect the mighty Wahine and we may yet escape this inescapable tornado of ignorant capitalistic greed; not before we are rendered extinct; but at least in time that we might be able to make peace with ourselves and our ignorant inactive destruction of Planet A.

  12. I’m a single male who live alone because other people piss me off. I don’t like children or babies.

    I’m feeling left out because this whole birthing thing doesn’t involve me.

    I’m so offended right now

  13. Has anyone actually read the proposed scope linked by Martyn? OMG that could only have been written by a committee of clipboard warriors down in Wellington somewhere. What a shitshow of a job description!!!!

    • Sour Kraut. Yes, it’s a verbose load of pretentious codswallop, from a committee room in Wellington, where the out-of-towners arrived with their pullalong bags as self- important as that dreadful Arts Council mob.

  14. An aside from taking the piss out of ideas that derive from Queer Theory ideology.

    Trans rights activists and the woke sophistry around identity (which is actually political identity) has little to do with actual trans people (concrete identity) most of whom did not sign up to be a political football, know what biological sex they are and have no disagreement with the terms woman/mother/wife as commonly used nor do they want to see biological men in women’s sports and spaces etc.

    ‘Queer Theory asserts that oppression comes from the gender binary so liberation comes from erasing the stable category of ‘sex’ and transgressing the stable category of ‘gender’ (this is the opposite direction to CRT where liberation comes from reinforcing the category of race which is why you cannot be ‘trans racial’). It is act of rebellion to ‘transgress’ gender by identifying as non-binary or trans.

    Imagine how belittling it is to the tiny number of genuine trans people for whom the process of transition is long, difficult and not well understood. Rather than working towards building acceptance and respect so they can live their lives, trans identity is hijacked by activist puritans to advance political goals. Compound that by the trend towards self-id where anyone can fashionably identify as non-binary or trans for status and social clout with little effort or cost. It is analogous to stolen valour for the aesthetic of queerness.

    Apologies for the interruption let the piss taking continue.

    • beyond the right to sodomy should your partner be receptive what is ‘queer theory’ for, other than providing academics not up to studying a proper subject employment….less valid than ‘star trek studies’ at least nerds have a grasp of their subject.

      • @Gargarin at the risk of oversimplification, you could say that it’s a bourgeois top-down liberatory ideology which in implementation aims to conjure and widen cultural fractures in society. The purpose being to destabilise institutions and bring about the conditions of revolution that will open the path to a utopian society.

        Or you could say it’s a fashionable cult that makes affluent, mainly white, people (useful idiots) feel good about themselves for thinking the ‘right thoughts’ and mouthing the (current but fluid) in-group platitudes.

    • In other words genuine trans people, and others, like the Maori & Pacific island peoples (ie the natives ) are not sophisticated enough. So therefore they need the woke middle class white liberals, with ersatz university degrees, to step in and make sure they are not taken advantage of.

      I’ve got people like this in my family, they would invite their Maori wore mate out to dinner, but would be concerned about them using a knife and fork…

  15. At 71 I’ve seen and heard most of the trying to better stupidity this world has to offer. The subject of this discussion is doing my fucking head in. It seems those of whatever gender they call themselves have hijacked our all believing totally fucked up society and made it their own. Because our labour green government has encouraged this new liberal thinking they are being tarred and feathered with the more conservative ( normal) backlash by the majority, who believe this crap is a total distraction from the real issues we face.

    • it could be argued that the biggest issue the world faces is overpopulation
      so getting rid of women is probably a start

      the ones I’ve known
      all they ever want to do is make a baby

  16. All these paid political commentators and none have hit the nail on the head

    FTM’s give birth all the time
    I would hazard all this is for them


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