In 2017 I helped then Chief of Staff Matt McCarten put together the Labour election strategy.
It was simple, use MMP to cut National’s support Parties so NZ First would choose Labour.
We did that by standing a strong public service candidate like Greg O’Connor in Ohariu against Peter Dunne to knock him out of the race and by bringing Willie Jackson and urban Māori away from the Māori Party.
That cut National’s support Parties and made it impossible for National to gain a majority.
With the 2023 election now being so close, Labour must again look to using MMP dynamics strategically and tactically to ensure they can win.
To that end, Jacinda should consider using the same tactic that National and ACT do in Epsom and have electorate coffee dates to let Labour voters know who to electorate vote to maximise the MMP dynamics for a win in 2023.
Central Auckland – Jacinda should have a coffee with Chloe to ensure she retains Auckland Central, the Greens are wobbly in the Polls and always over poll while their voters stay home and rarely turn out. I also think the international vote that always heavily favours Green/Labour won’t save them next year with so many expats furious they were locked out over Covid.
Waiariki – If the Māori Party gain more electorate seats than party vote, they generate an MMP overhang that makes it far more difficult for the Right to win a Parliamentary majority. Retaining Waiariki and picking up two more electorate seats would be essential for this.
Tāmaki Makaurau – Peeni Henry has already intimated he would prefer to be on the list than run in this electorate, John Tamihere would clean up if Jacinda had a coffee with him.
Te Tai Hauāuru – It is tradition for the Speaker to step down from an electorate and be on the list only, Adrian Rurawhe has yet to make that decision, but if he did, a coffee between Jacinda and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer would win it for her, which if taken alongside Wairiki and Tāmaki Makaurau would give the Māori Party 3 electorate seats and they are likely to win sub 3% Party vote thus creating an overhang.
Ilam – This is where it gets interesting. Gerry has stepped down from the electorate (he is fancying his chances as Speaker in the next Parliament) so if Jacinda had a coffee with Raf Manji from TOP and directed Labour voters to electorate vote him and he wins, he would also bring in MPs using the coat tail dynamic meaning TOP wouldn’t have to get over the 5% threshold.
At this stage a Labour/Green/Māori Party/TOP Government is the only chance for the political progress on the big economic issues we need.
A National/ACT Government would be the most right wing since Roger Douglas while NZ First’s inclusion would just be another 3 years of hand breaks for Labour.
It’s time to use MMP strategically using the very tactics National and ACT have used for decades in Epsom.
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Yeah, good luck with that. How many non-citizen voters has Labour enfranchised since 2017? 250K? 500K? Does anyone know? Statistics No Zealand doesn’t.
Labeen lost the election when they opened the border. I’m not even sorry when they lose due to making so many things worse for Kiwis in all aspects of non functioning government run by woke and neoliberals.
The only tick for Labeen is that they did right by people with Covid but they have gone full feral woke now, and pretty clear they can’t be reined in. They have lost the plot and in full ideological delusion.
Possibly the worst thing about Labour is their complete “faith” in their officials. I am not talking about the worker bee ranks of the PS, but those that Munsters deal with.
There’s a revolving door of course between the political class and the senior ranks of the PS, but fuck me!!! some munsters are either really bad judges of character, or they’ve completely swallowed the cool aid that says “officials” are above accountability or any sort of judgement as to their competence. (I’m quite surprised at Chippie ekshully, in that space going forward – I’d have thought he would have been more aware when he was being duped). And it’s also sad to see that the newbies (such as that bloke McNulty from the Rapa who seems to be in the process of being captured.
Kind of reminds me of the Pied Pipe.
And yet another failure @ Ummigration NuZull (not openly and transparently reported until fekkin 3THREEEEEE months later).
And the Main chance has gone on to fuckup the Accident Compensation Commission – which is possibly a blessing, but still in charge of the horses reigns is Boss Hogg’s lil gal. Really!!!! She must be fucking somebody on the QT. Could even be that old biddy Tremain.
Sorry to be so base, but it really does beggar belief.
@ Martyn Bradbury and his enterage should probably start a poll to determine which of the gummint agencies ranks lowest. Purely for the purposes of assisting our political masters in developing policy. There’s a lot to choose from.
My lowest rankings (in this public service ecosystem) would probably have to be Orangatan Tamariki, followied by MoBIE, MSD, NZTA, Krekshus, and then probably the Spook Agencies
look at what gammon flavoured xenophobia has done for the UK castro.
Actually Brexit was heavily influenced by foreign and domestic influence and money laundered / criminal money, the media and fake news. It followed the opposite – globalist capitalism, huge immigration without the measures that other EU countries put in to protect their labour force and welfare systems from an expanded EU and little to no regulations.
Similar to the USA – Trump is a product of elevating fraud and having a criminal justice system that allows rich people not to pay other people, Trump universities about money not education, while being made a media star off firing people. It is a reaction to globalist democrat policy of doing the opposite of unions of old, they outsource/insource labour to the cheapest country as their ideology while virtue signalling how great it is that 2.8 billion Chinese/Indian citizens can now afford phones and cars and help pollute the world with more consumption never seen before!!! Meanwhile US citizens with professional jobs like pilots and university lecturers are on food stamps. It is not citizens of countries fault – they are the victims, it is obsessive greed from individuals and bad government policy influence by donations that has led to more billionaires and more poverty in western countries, while taking the education out of education.
and snz a brexit had a big dose of ‘I don’t like darkies’ and ‘why do poles speak polish’ yup the foreign money and the traitorous ‘think tanks’ were in there but the british exceptionalism already existed they just played to it.
the thing about immegration laws is as you point out other EU countries had their own national ones as did the UK it’s just that like NZ they preferred cheap labour.
Yep interestingly UK labour rates have gone down considerably and their economy has contracted. The best and brightest want to go to the places with highest wages and are happier there!
AKA migrant survey has Australia 9th as a great place to work, NZ is 51th – 2nd to last. When people from Botswana are complaining about low NZ wages, something is seriously wrong.
Making the taxpayer pay free pensions and health and education, doesn’t seem as desirable as getting ahead with decent wages – NZ attracts people who have low waged skills like pizza manager and a lot of dependants – not expertise and professional skills.
lots seems to be suddenly discovering their irish ancestry
“Labour must again look to using MMP dynamics strategically and tactically to ensure they can win.”
Yes indeed, so can have more random woke policies, more empathic head nodding and tilting, more solutions looking for a problem, more undermining of our institutions by CRT and radical gender ideology.
Yes Martyn, we absolutely need three more years of Jacinda.
100% Pope
I wish there was a tick box on voting papers for ‘Vote of no confidence in any party’
Hear hear.
There isn’t PURELY because they don’t want the answer to be known.
It has to be this faux NZ democracy, rather than REAL democracy.
Yep, spoilt for NO CHOICE
There isn’t that tick-box option on the ballot.
But, you can stay home and vote for the PA party. Vote Procrastinators Apathy, you don’t even have to have an early vote, or even on the day of the election, you can wait for the polls to close, then vote at 7.05pm a month after the elections closes.
my preferrence too, imagine election night
the returning officer mounts the podium
labour 2000
nats 1999
the rest nowt
and youse can all fuck off…5475
now that would tell us something about mandates if nothing else.
Are you really sure that the Ardern endorsement will have the effect you hope for in 10 months time?
Ask Paul Eagle and Mr Collins…
I don’t think there’s any chance of Labour winning but..
John Tamihere is not an attractive proposition for Labour voters. Or anyone!
Nor are the Maori Party.
Chloe may win on her own but with a surge from National she may also be knocked out of Auckland Central. One tick Labour for the party vote, one tick Chloe would be sensible.
And Ilam. TOP are more or less campaigning on housing and little else. That will scare the living daylights out of Jacinda because if by some biblical miracle she was returned, she would actually have to commit to addressing the housing catastrophe, not tinker and not pretend to care and we all know addressing this massive problem is exactly what she’s avoided for the entirety of her government.
I’m picking a massive clean out of Labour MP’s is the actual reality if things remain the same.
Sound like a reasonable plan but I can’t see Jacinda doing it. I would highlight Acts policies they are over the top and will hurt a lot of NZers and set us back in race relations and destroy our public services. Act want to get rid of our Maori seats. So Maori need to vote in big numbers and I would work hard to get Maori to vote and also PI as they are another group that will get left out if National and Act get in. National have a very inexperienced leader and they have lost a lot of their experience this needs to be highlighted as does the tax cuts for the wealthy. Labour needs a good tax policy to, and I think they need to look at the thresholds as inflation is eating into people’s wages and hurting too many. We do need to bring workers in, but we need to ensure we don’t bring too many as we have apprentices in the pipeline. Houses are popping up so by the time the election comes along we will have much more socials housing. Tourism is also picking up and I am an optimist, so I believe by the time we have the 2023 elections many things would have improved including more houses built. Summer is coming and many NZers will shed their grumpy hats and get out and lap up the sun.
The way forward is to increase our Maori seats in line with our increased population as Maori have retained sovereign rights in many respects including water rights and land ownership. Their version of the Treaty of Waitangi was different to the English version and Maori had a verbal understanding with pakeha, anyway, that their sacred rights would be kept forevermore. So I definitely agree with you about the Act Party putting us back as a nation with race relations with their policy to abolish the Maori seats. If you look as well at some of the old national rhetoric, not necessarily policy as such, under three term Prime Minister John Key, now here was a leader who agreed with the Act Party policy. He disagreed fundamentally with the principle of a segregated system of parliamentary seats. Now that’s fine. A lot of people think like that. But it pushes back the interests of the Maori people if you get rid of the seats.
Sound like a reasonable plan but I can’t see Jacinda doing it. I would highlight Acts policies they are over the top and will hurt a lot of NZers and set us back in race relations and destroy our public services. Act want to get rid of our Maori seats. So Maori need to vote in big numbers and I would work hard to get Maori to vote and also PI as they are another group that will get left out if National and Act get in. National have a very inexperienced smarmy leader and they have lost a lot of their experience this needs to be highlighted as does the tax cuts for the wealthy. Labour needs a good tax policy to, and I think they need to look at the thresholds as inflation is eating into people’s wages and hurting too many. We do need to bring workers in, but we need to ensure we don’t bring too many as we have apprentices in the pipeline. Houses are popping up so by the time the election comes along we will have much more socials housing. Tourism is also picking up and I am an optimist, so I believe by the time we have the 2023 elections many things would have improved including more houses built. Summer is coming and many NZers will shed their grumpy hats and get out and lap up the sun.
covid is pa. But Labour and the Greens have to be punished for their years of misrule and division.
She should have a cup of tea with TOP. Sounds like Winston is going with ACt/National
Of course he is going with National, the party of whingers, climate-deniers, conspiracy theorists, tax-the-poor-more-than-the-rich.
Trevor trespassed WTP from Parliament Grounds and squeezed Winnie-the-Pooh’s victim gland.
Which can be found in the same general vicinity as the prostate gland.
Opposite end of the body from the ego and conscience glands.
Speak for yourself XRay many Maori unhappy with Jacinda and Labour will vote for the Maori Party especially some of our anti vax whanau.
” Maori unhappy with Jacinda and Labour will vote for the Maori Party especially some of our anti vax whanau ”
Jacinda didn’t ruin Paul Eagles chances in Wellies he did it all by himself. Wellingtonians like us in the Hutt Valley we are smart voters.
Good on you covid looking forward to right wing landslides in the Wellington electorates.
What makes anyone so sure that would TOP want to associate themselves with Labour’s sinking ship? Labour and Jacinda are going to be toxic lepers come election time next year. In a few years nobody will even admit that they ever supported Jacinda’s incompetent, dishonest, corrupt, authoritarian regime.
Points well made Ernie.
Praise from Bob is damnation by the faintness of the value so lacking in his praise.
Couldn’t have expressed it better Bert. Bahahahahaha!
Looks like Bob the First hasn’t grown any more than his 2 brain-cells in the 32 days I have been away.
One brain cell for Labour bad and National good.
The other for thinking of the name of his first brain-cell (clue: Bob the first.)
He’s like one of the sheep from Orwell’s “Animal Farm”
Pity him, show him some compassion.
Arguing with BTF is like having a battle of wits, with an unarmed opponent.
Brilliant as usual Mike.
I noticed how Bob tries to cancel others opinions now by calling them “naysayers”. If you haven’t seen his post bragging of his Dulwich school upbring Mike, I suggest you read this, it gives a clue to his type of person…
See my fan club out and about today thankyou chaps.
” What makes anyone so sure that would TOP want to associate themselves with Labour’s sinking ship ”
Yeah I came to the same conclusion listening carefully to his comments on the working group. The fact he is standing in Ilam a normally safe National seat I think shows where his sympathies lie and should he win the seat he will be expected to stay right.
What exactly is authoritarian about a government that voluntarily ended the powers they gave themselves to deal with the pandemic? No authoritarian ever legislatively reduces it’s own power … It seems like people here don’t actually know what authoritarianism is …
P-man. How about getting the SIS to issue a guide to how to snoop on the neighbours, with pointers about how the spies themselves identify potential terrorists, including persons with braided hair ? Ring 0800 if Susie’s off to Netball wearing plaits? Seriously ?
Wow, the four headed hydra, not quite the five headed hydra. Bring back Kim Dotcom. Imangine all the infighting…..
Here s a novel idea to win the next election try listening to the voters and actually do something for those that put faith in you in 2015 and more so in 2020. Where do you start plugging the hole is it health law and order transport education housing .immegration it is a big list but first admit fault then format a policy to fix them rather than just saying no crisis here.
Good work Martin. JACINDA, PUT THE JUG ON, please!
She should have done this when she ran for Auckland Central and lost twice to Niki Kaye, thanks to the Greens that did not vote for her. Not gonna happen now.
Losing twice to Niki Kay! How lame is that?
Good work Martyn. JACINDA, PUT THE JUG ON, please!
Greg O’Connor was a master stroke, but I wouldn’t be surprised even if he throws in the towel before too long.
It’s probably already too little too late. Ultimately, we get our deservings in this ecosystem, going forward.
And in the aftermath, I’ll be interested to see how the likes of Chippie and one or two others explain themselves
It would be so much simpler if we had a two party voting system like the Usa ,,,, where despite re-run rumors of Russian election meddling ,,, we could pick between the red Zionist candidate, or the blue Zionist candidate….
… and speaking of which, Nz’s foreign policy is being decided in their (the Usa’s) midterm elections as I type this…
Hmm, interesting BA.
Is this because the National Party and ACT the National Party’s klingon vote for Trump?
Todd Muller was a MAGA man., but he lasted twice as long as Liz Truss?
John Key said he would vote Trump
And was the occupation of Parliament grounds a rehearsal for New Zealand’s January 6th moment?
Yes Mike, that’s exactly the direction Nact would lead us, the Trump and Truss way!
My comment about red ticks or blue ticks in the usa was mainly in relation to who pays the piper, with money meddling in elections and influencing Govt policy… hundreds of millions in declared money .,,,, and then there’s all the dark/hidden money spent.
I read recently that the ‘New Zealander’ Peter Thiel spent either $10 Million or $20 Million usa dollars on his favored right wing usa politicians ,,,, which makes me wonder what and on who he is splashing out on in NZ ,,,, Act favors tax havens and shadow/hidden banking for the rich ,,,, National backs lower ‘official’ tax rates for the uber rich (like Thiel) among us.,,,, maybe he will split his party and electorate vote.
Back to the usa again ,,,, people need to remember that the Democrats are to the right of our National party ,,,, and the Republicans are to the right of Act ,,,, but whoever gets in keeps the same foreign policy with more money spent on their military every year.
Nato’s favorite daughter Jacinda is bringing that aspect to our politics as well….
It is rather foul to see that we/Nz have voted against discriminating against Nazis with our latest vote on the matter at the UN ,,,, shitting all over the “Christchurch call” in the process. ,,,, it’s not very often you’ll see Israel taking the higher moral ground than Nz,,, but they did in this instance.
Also and somewhat related, how long before our ‘Hate speech’ laws get used to protect the feelings of Nazis here in Nz ? ,,,, like two examples under Canadas similar laws have attempted to do . ,, “An incident involving graffiti spray painted on a monument to those who fought in Adolf Hitler’s SS is being investigated as a hate crime by an Ontario police force.”
“This incident occurred to a monument and the graffiti appeared to target an identifiable group,” he (Const. Steve Elms, spokesman for Halton-Regional Police) explained in an email to questions about how a hate crime could be perpetrated against members of the SS.”
Maybe I’m just talking Disinformation ,,,, and due to the fact all political party’s in AoNz stand with the Ukraine Bear trap,,,, the official line is, ‘you can not hate what does not exist’.
Slava daba doo ,,, Russia we hate you.
Going by the arrogance of LINO and the Nasties NACT coalition Raj will discover that despite his best efforts he will not get the change he is seeking.
He “possibly ” is about to find that out next year.
“a Labour/Green/Māori Party/TOP Government is the only chance for the political progress on the big economic issues we need”
To quote Martyn, “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…”
Any party adressing the obesity epidemic? No. or .
fat is beautiful, don’t be a hater.
Such weird thinking about Ilam….really… Gerry lost a safe Blue seat cos of EQFC, and a great deal of back Earthquake grief.
To think that TOP can get Wellington intellectual theorist Raf Manji to win this seat when he has such distaste with thing like ‘campaigning’ and ‘meeting people’.
Sarah Pallet is a good MP, but will have a fight with a now marginal seat.
I sincerely wish Jacinda Ardern the very best in the upcoming 2023 general election. In my opinion Jacinda has worked very hard as our Prime Minister.
” I sincerely wish Jacinda Ardern the very best in the upcoming 2023 general election. In my opinion Jacinda has worked very hard as our Prime Minister ”
Well she is paid well enough and is like most of us on much less doing her job.
Looks like another lost soul from the LINO reality. Bet they don’t even know he is missing.
No! Fuck right off!
Let the sleepy sheep be lead to the slaughter house.
If they’re too stupid to realise that miss bo peep is leading them astray, then fuck’em!
Orf with their heads and other bits!
When something is imploding. It’s impossible to stop it.
Not sure “Labour” and “strategy” belong in the same sentence unless the words “very poor” are also included.
NZ Health workers especially our nurses won’t be forgetting anytime soon the way Labour / Andrew Little have treated them. If you want to guarantee you totally lose their support just ignore the desperate calls from them for help and just keep telling them there is no money in the kitty. Then waste tens of millions on a harbour bridge cycle lane without doing fundamental due diligence, give millions to the Mongrel Mob FFS and now give 20 million dollars away to other countries to help battle climate change.
I supported Labour in 2020 mostly because I felt National had put too much focus on those doing well and ignored the plight of those doing it hard. Labour have done the opposite. Gifted money to those on benefits and low incomes while treating hard working tax payers in the middle and above as if they are the enemy. How divisive is that? !!. Who is more likely to turn up and vote on election day? Who is far more likely to go AWOL on election day? How’s that for a political strategy? That is more like political suicide and then Ardern absurdly says “bring it on” when talking about the 2023 election. She must be taking the piss. That has all the hallmarks of arrogance. Ardern obviously believes she can be the pied piper to Kiwi’s again via her communication. That has one enormous problem. More and more Kiwis recoil when they see her now or hear her talk. It’s like a marriage break up. You have the love and then comes the separation. When that arrives and there is loathing involved, no amount of talking will make a blind bit of difference.
Ardern has abandoned middle NZ and above. They are now abandoning her in droves. Trying to stop that now will be like trying to stop the tide coming in. I disagree with those saying the election result will be close. If it’s close it will only be close to a massacre. I doubt very much Labour will get back in again for decades.
How ironic. Labour got into Government because National abandoned kiwi’s doing it hard. National will get back into Government because Labour abandoned hard working middle NZ and above.
“Not sure “Labour” and “strategy” belong in the same sentence unless the words “very poor” are also included.”
🙂 ROFL Hehehehe and TMAWAF (Tickle My Arse With A Feather)
Rest assured though, they’re pushing back in a way the world’s worst masochist would be proud of.
Oh how Labour has fallen!!! Even since that gorgeous little Martinborough shindig not too many years ago.
Before you get all excited about such plans you should not that Labour could not even pay people competently.
Be careful what you wish for with TOP. They could easily go the other way
Never forgive. Never forget.
The only way that the Left, or we, the people, wins is by holding government (of any persuasion) to account. Make them justify every decision (or policy) that directly, or negatively impacts upon impacts upon us.
This is how the Left truly wins.
Sarah Pallet is a good MP for Ilam, Raf Manij is pretty untested…as are the rest of TOP
there is no left so how can they win?
McCartern was a flop as C.O.S and was NOT in that role in 2017!
The electorate mood is continuing to change -and in direct contrast to the zeitgeist that brought first Key and then Ardern into ascendancy.
Fluff and manipulation only really ‘fly’ as political strategy in early to mid-decadence. They are emblematic of the silent, spreading rot caused by too much ease for too many, with too much influence, for too long. Image almost totally eclipses substance.
You can see it in the herculean efforts to deny now obvious, runaway rot. Roll out the lipstick army and cover that damn pig from head to toe!
But now, at this stage, redoubling efforts in manipulation and artifice just hastens the demise of the cosmetician.
none of the usual TDB rightards jumping up to defend the nappy wearing orange piglet thing….now the red wave hasn’t’ll be interesting to see which of them now disown their god given leader….mmm rightard tears so sweet yet sooo salty.
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