The Daily Blog Open Mic – 4th October 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Let’s hope Paul Majureys 27+ business interests get scrutinised by PwC thoroughly.

    Aucklamd Council pulls the pin on Majurey? Hopefully the Crown does too when it comes to all of the treaty settlements hes involved in. About 5 all up involving 19+ iwi.

    He’s had an easy ride into Auckland from Thames on the back of my iwi and screwed us and everyone else.

    Todd Nialls article sets the scene.

    Good fuckn job!

  2. Housing select committee puts down petition for enabling tiny houses. Perhaps the description sends the wrong message to what passes as brain in housing enabler’s’ heads.
    Call them luxury dog kennels,, everyone loves dogs, though people are out of fashion. Is there a NZ RSPCA for ensuring decent human conditions?

    (I seem to remember that in UK their RSPCA came before a child protection agency. You know that it took some people’s whole live in Britain to raise the conditions that poor people had to put up with. It is criminal that the upper and middle classes of NZ have found excuses to roll back those ground-breaking sacrificial achievements.)

    Petition asking for national recognition of ‘tiny homes’ fails › business › petition-asking-for-na…
    1 day ago — A petition to Parliament to have tiny homes recognised as affordable, safe, healthy, durable and permanent accommodation has failed.

    Petition · NZ Its Time to Support Tiny Home Dwellers › nz-its-time-to-support-tiny-h…
    This petition is to help the people be able to live in their tiny homes or mobile homes. Think about the people – your people New Zealand, …
    9 members most Labour and one green Julie Genter

    Transport and Infrastructure – New Zealand Parliament Select Committee › scl › transport-and-infrastr…
    There are currently 9 members on the Transport and Infrastructure committee. Chairperson. MP Name: Halbert, Shanan; Party, Electorate: Labour Party, Northcote.(

    Names and Party affiliation and status of 9 members who managed not to advance this petition.
    Why isn’t there a select committee for Housing instead of it being an afterthought after roads, bridges, bmajor buildings or whatever????)

    Surname, Firstname Party Electorate

    Halbert, Shanan
    Labour Party

    Deputy – Chairperson
    Julie Anne Genter
    Green Party List

    Bennett, David
    National Party
    List Member

    Brown, Simeon
    National Party

    Eagle, Paul
    Labour Party

    McDowall, James
    ACT Party
    List Member

    Ngobi, Terisa
    Labour Party
    Ōtaki Member

    Rosewarne, Dan
    Labour Party
    List Member

    White, Helen
    Labour Party

  3. Did you know this – gobsmacking!
    Twenty years ago, in Wellington itself, there were anywhere from 100 to 200 landslides reported a year, and now we’re up to 800 to 1000 landslides a year on average,” says Wolter.

    Some of it can be attributed to an increase in reporting, but climatic changes are also to blame.
    “What we’re seeing is an increase in extremes, so both an increase in dry days and extreme storms. And these extremes affect how stable the land is around us.”

    Anyone who knows about it got a comment on a remark I heard – that roads over slip prone land that have metal posts driven in to provide crash barriers, g divided roads, then act as a conduit for rain water flow to saturate the earth underneath? Can then fall away in the gaps between posts and leave just the inside lane with the rest falling down the bank.

  4. I don’t understand what the childcare centre is supposed to have done wrong, or failed to do by this report.

    If centres are dealing with children from homes that are not good, safe places for chlldren, they cannot be held accountable for everything that happens to the children, they can’t magically make up for the lack. They can help bring some joy and organised time into the child’s life only. They have to deal with matters as best they can or ask for the child to be withdrawn. Now the centre has to close.

  5. Just been to see film Lancaster. That’s the bomber that my birthfather piloted WW2, came down twice, first all saved, second fatal except for rear gunner, buried France of whatever was left.

    The old men talked seriously, remembering hum our, laughs and pain of loss of mates.
    I think those of us trying to find a way through today’s flak and battle conditions while not being war, have to stick to human principles and support and commit to the group like the men in the Lancasters.

    They said how strange it was, when the Lancasters were introduced,a new plane ready to be flown, with the hopes of being the big British defence and attack ‘vehicle’. The bosses got all the trained men together and said sort yourselves out into crews, talk to each other and find a group that you want to work with. The crews met up and sounded out each other and then went looking for a pilot they liked. They said they formed good teams which stayed together and it worked out well. That approach seemed fairly revolutionary to me.

    I think now that thinking perceptive people now have to sort out a group for themselves that has practicality, skill, good thinking, commitment, humour, able to take some cheek from each other. Attitudes to living – loyalty, commitment to a balanced lifestyle with personal restraint but flexibility not authoritarianism ruling.

    The old systems that we imagined would work and provide a solid platform for us, citizens, are shot to pieces, or so holey they won’t hold. Many people are under the influence of some hegemonic belief that doesn’t respect others for what they are, instead based on style, looks, income, materialistic primarily and ends up either too puritanical or judgmental, or too loose in precepts about living to rely on.


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