Lorde & Jacinda are voting for Efeso, and so should you (if you want free public transport)


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern endorses Efeso Collins for Auckland mayoralty

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern​ has thrown her weight behind Auckland mayoral candidate Efeso Collins​ as a tightly contested race comes to a close.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Ardern endorsed Collins, saying he was a candidate who could “bring together Auckland”.

“In our minds he’s a candidate that can really continue the significant investment that’s been going on into regional economic development [and] public transport,” she said.

Lorde and Jacinda have both come out and endorsed Efeso Collins for mayor.

And you should too if you want free public transport!

The cost of living crisis has not gone away and the poorest 25% of people spend 30% of the weekly income on transport, this City will be forever gridlocked if we don’t get people out of their cars and onto public transport.

Making public transport free takes people off the roads, allows tradies, delivery people and Truckers who actually need to use the road less congestion and it lowers our emissions target.

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We won’t get free public transport if Wayne Brown is elected.

Currently, we are tracking to have less than the paltry 2019 35% turn out in Auckland’s Mayoralty Election.

That is a pitiful wasteland of local democracy descending into apathetic decline! Structural poverty issues like homlessness and constant moving robs poor people from voting while the older white baby boomers vote with the same ruthless passion of piranha feeding at a kindergarten swimming pool.

Indeed in many cases those rich white boomers have property in multiple locations and gain multiple votes, oh how quick the right’s ‘one person one vote’ mantra against co-governance goes out the window when it’s their landed gentry voting priviledges that get challenged.

What most people don’t know about NZ Elections is that we are such a cheap arsed country we contracted out the holding of the local elections to a private company, a private company who have no real interest or desire to run the elections for anything other than the cheapest means possible.

Also, isn’t it a tad on the nose for Wayne Brown to clutch his pearls and demand Leo Molloy stand down for language not befitting a mayor when he is caught on camera talking about pissing on Simon Wilson – what other Journalists will Wayne Brown cancel from his press conferences if he is elected Mayor?

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  1. ” Indeed in many cases those rich white boomers have property in multiple locations and gain multiple votes, oh how quick the right’s ‘one person one vote’ mantra against co-governance goes out the window when it’s their landed gentry voting privilege’s that get challenged ”

    Status and privilege in Aotearoa. One person one vote not several !

    Its just like having more one vote in a general election which is illegal last time I checked. No wonder local government is subverted in favour of wealth and privilege and more than one address.

    • Not sure where you live Mosa.. but where I live it doesn’t matter how many properties you own in a city , you only get one vote in the local body elections ….you get lots of rates bills if you own several properties. If someone owns a property in another electorate or province they can vote in that area . They are paying rates there as well…

  2. So Ms Adern is voting for Efeso , well it could be the kiss of death given the LINO ‘s dropping poll numbers. Hardly an endorsement given her abysmal track record in delivering transformation for the many whose vote was solicited by the people Efeso claims to represent.

  3. While free bus services are a great idea it is not free as someone pays and needs to be sold on it merits not a lie

  4. I’m a pakeha, boomer (and non-property owning renter) – voted for Efeso.

    Free public transport results in saving public money in various areas: e.g. road maintenance and construction, health, ticketing systems.

    • No thought has been put into “free public transport” when we have a driver shortage caused by the way out economy is geared.

      • The only way free public transport works is with nationalization of public transport, at which point it’s easy to pay reasonable wages.

        Both of those are good things. It’s time to force the matter.

  5. Oh Ella Yelovich voted for Efeso? I ‘d better fish my voting paper out the mailbox so I can change my vote and be in the cool kids club then.

  6. My comment sent yesterday seems to have been subsumed…it was explaining how each property owner has one vote in an electorate where they own property. Multiple properties in one electorate = one vote.
    Think it through and see if you can find an issue with a ratepayer having one vote (even if owning several properties) in a local body area where they pay rates.
    In the parliamentary elections each person has a vote for their electorate.
    The co-governance model is this; one race has 15% of the people and gets 50% of the vote and all the other races with 85% of the people get 50% of the vote.
    End of comment.

  7. You in Invercargill? Then for God’s sake vote for Marcus Lush. Fabulous Sir Tim Shadbolt’s running out of time. He’s getting closer, as are we all, to his equilibrium .
    Boingboing.net “In this video, a ciliate dies to our edification. This is hardly a snuff film, however, as a ciliate is a microscopic protozoa about 150 micrometers long. And yet the departure of this loxodes magnus individual from the mortal coil has much to tell us about the chemical vicissitudes of existence.”

  8. Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland, deserves EFESO COLLINS. He is the most beautifully spoken person since sexiest Tane in the Motu Dr Bloomfield. We need someone who will listen to others, treat others as other humans; and make this beautiful city be together as the big city that this entire country relies upon. It is not the farmers, it not the bureaucrats in Wellington; it is us who live and try to breathe in this city. Free public transport is amazing for everybody; the humble among us, a way to move around the city without destroying our household budget, for the wealthy who choose to ignore climate change, less traffic on their roads. Ratepayer crap about cost is true rubbish. Look at any other country where the wealth divide has increased to rapidly and the news is very very bad. Efeso is hope, hope that we can continue to call ourselves civilised, and not anti evolutionary blissful she will be right types. There are big problems, problems of 30 years to be addressed. Problems of 800 years to be addressed. Efeso Collins has the temperament to begin to resolve some of the unpretty things in our city. Let us make sure that he is given the chance, because we do not want to imagine a future where no one believes in compromise, no one believes in debate, no one believes in listening to another’s point of view. “We are the people, we will live forever, and the future is written in the wind” (John Mellencamp 1987). Only the internet has been invented since then, we can be better humans!

  9. Nice of Jacinda to endorse at or just after the cutoff for postal ballots… real show of support there

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