How politically dysfunctional has Marama Davidson become? Look at this response to child offending


The latest study into our ram raiding teens highlights these are children of trauma being exacerbated by post-Covid ruptures..

Study finds link between young ram-raiders and family harm events

A study has provided a startling look into the link between youth involved in ram-raids and family harm.

The Police National Youth Team prepared notes for the Children’s Commissioner about the relationship between family harm and youths identified in recent ram-raid events.

A sample of 63 children and young people was drawn from those involved in ram-raids in Christchurch, the Bay of Plenty, Auckland, and Waikato, in the year to May 2022.

Their ages ranged from 10 to 18 years old, with an average of 14.4.

…these ram raiding teens are the legacy of John Key’s punitive prison policies and social welfare failures.

These were the children living in cars that National ignored.

TDB Recommends

These were the children who’s fathers were in prison when National mass incarcerated.

These were the children who National threw out onto the streets over the State Housing meth scam.

Their predictable explosion should shame us for the failed services we’ve provided, and yet the cry from National is for more punitive sentences…

Meanwhile, National’s justice spokesperson Paul Goldsmith maintains there needs to be harsher consequences for youths involved in serious crimes like ram-raids.

…while ACT want children in ankle bracelets.

ACT Party kindergarten

So what does Marama Davidson, Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence have to say about this research highlighting that these children are from trauma?

Why her first statement is to ensure we don’t think victimised people will cause crime, which is just so eye rolling…

Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, Marama Davidson, said it’s important to keep in mind the majority of people who are victims and survivors of violence are not criminals.

…of course Minister, no one is saying every kid who has experienced trauma will commit crime, but the fact these kids have experienced trauma demands more empathy, so where is the empathy?

“When you have people involved with violence – let’s say a politician who may have caused violent harm to someone at a boarding school. When they are wrapped with support, understanding, forgiveness, and given opportunities to carry on and lead a good life – that’s how we can interrupt cycles of violence. That is how people can be supported to lead healthy lives.”

Cue jaw dropping now.

The Minister is using Sam Uffindell as a point scoring exercise for traumatised children committing crime?

The Minister will be so glad that Kelvin Davis fucked up in Parliament and stole all the limelight and this banal comment was ignored.

Davidson launched a strategy last year called Te Aorerekura, a which is a comprehensive, generational, 25-year strategy to eliminate family and sexual violence.

But, it requires a whole different way of working across government.

“The evidence, the community, the sector experts at the forefront of family and sexual violence have been very clear for a long time that we need enduring solutions. That’s why the simplistic short-term ‘tough on crime’, ‘tough on youth’ responses do not work,” she said.

…and yet this Government passed changes to the Sexual Assault Laws to ensure more men accused of rape are found guilty.

I appreciate the point scoring the Minister is attempting to make here with Uffindell, but I’m not sure this is the time or place for that pettiness.


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  1. Marama Davidson encapsulates perfectly the woke shitfest we are currently drowning in . . ignoring real issues and instead grandstanding on trivial shit that only serves to score her points with her divisive and brain washed TikTok lynch mob / also clearly fueling a shift to the right by those who otherwise would have no desire to be there.

  2. Started well under Helen Clark/Jenni Shipley. John Key just continued to the tradition of ‘i have mine and fuck you’ and this tradition has been cemented under the loving tender care of Jacinda Ardern and their Green Party scapegoat err handmaiden who is a ‘coleader’ seatwarmer for the Green Party she is that useless.
    What you can do though is check where the ideas are coming from. And it seems a lot is coming via tiktok from the US were people meet up in the hundreds to overrun shops and steal anything that is not nailed or glued to the wall. And that seems to be a thing specially in California where police no longer intervenes as these people get locked up, get released immediately, rinse repeat. Defund the Police, Defund the Prisons, and suddenly your community turns to shit. Who could have imagined.

    You can blame the past for all you care, but we are living in the here now, and if we don’t start thinking about what can be done, this will be daily occurrence in the now and future.
    So just for the record, don’t lock up offending adult males who are on the hook for fighting, brawls etc to home d were they then can let out their misery on their whanau and kids. Don’t lock up offending sexual violent people up at home where they can let out their misery on their whanau and kids.
    Or else don’t feign surprise when that back fires and the kids of these violent people become violent people themselves.
    I get it that the Pakeha population in NZ does not dare state the obvious anymore lest they be accused of racism, but then maybe it is the Maori population that needs to demand better from their fellow Maori.
    We had a women shot dead at a fish n chips in Rotorua last weekend. By adults, in broad day light. That shit does not even make the news anymore.
    Defund the Police, Defund Prisons, and make incarceration the problem of the families of the offenders will not help anyone other then the offender. And they get to terrorize their families, whanau, communities and those that live around them on the government dime.
    The kids copy adults, and there are a whole lot of very violent adults in this country. But doing nothing is not going to change anything.

  3. well 9 month for 4 rapes is pretty good going for the rapist would you not think?
    but i get why Marama would want to re-write the book on wayward children, it will take decades to implant and execute and by then she hopefully thinks everyone will have forgotten about her and her uselessness.
    Also and the ‘whatabouttery’ of the Green and Labour Party and supporters is really reaching new heights.

    The old saying about the right now applies to the left. The left can’t fail, it can only be failed.
    Nevermind, that if that is the left, why should anyone be afraid of the right? Oh, because they gonna cut the ministry of penis and vagina havers? lol

    • The rapist was 16 years old. I’m not sure we should put children in prison as a solution for a decaying society in NZ.

      Teach youth consent and when someone complains of rape the police should be on it ASAP, not sure how the teen rapist managed to offend so many times before the police knocked on his door – he should have been spoken to and put on a curfew to stop him going out there and continuing raping other girls.

      It took years to prosecute the roast busters too – they were allowed to continue as offenders – but in my view it was worse as the kids raped were younger with a larger age range and the boys boasted on social media about how they lured the children with alcohol etc etc. Should have been pretty simple to prosecute on Day 1 and get those teen rapists off the streets.

  4. different segments of society commit different crime…yup the poor probably carry out more naked violence, the middle class fiddle their taxes and the wealthy commit financial crime…it’s access to the appropriate criminal tools that defines the difference

  5. From my experience, many kids who go on to commit crimes have the same psychological profile as kids who go on to become addicts, self harmers, drop outs and general anti social miscreants.
    The reason for that, is that abused and impoverished kids in particular have no emotional mechanisms in place to give them a perspective on the shit being flung at them by a barbaric state system. They react according to peer influence instead and that’s why you get gung ho kids stealing cars and making a mess of things. It looked cool on media so that must be the answer to their emotional struggling and failure ultimately.
    That footage of that cop bashing that kid while on the ground after that kid got dragged out of that car is a clue to how wrong everything’s become. The cop should have been gentle with that kid. Helped him up, talked him out of the moment, left him with his pride intact. Repeatedly punching the kid in the head while that big cop had his knee on the kid’s neck probably isn’t the way a professional should handle kids at risk born of a dysfunctional capitalist-fascist system created before they were born.
    Marama Davidson was eleven years old in 1984. She will be entirely politically ignorant of that terrible time.
    News Hub.

  6. I don’t think this is the worst response Marama has had – also don’t believe the youth criminals parents should get off being violent with the idea that the government did it all to them.

    You can be poor and still look after and protect your kids in NZ. Good parenting is not about money.

    NZ needs to get the balance right between supporting violent parent offenders who are completely fucked up and making them take responsibility for their actions and their parenting, and supporting and protecting their victims.

    Don’t think the woke or right wing have the right balance yet.

    • Pretty sure Bill English was trying. From memory, 2017 was the first time that teenage pregnancy among single maori girls dropped. The targeted welfare system was working but was immediately dropped by ardern and labour because …. you know, politics.

      • Because Bill English hated public services and wanted to ratchet down living standards for the poor, starting with huge cuts to our welfare system.

        • Rubbish.

          Your vitriol would be better directed towards our current government that have not only failed to deliver on a single promise but have worsened in every metric there is.

          You may hate people like English and Key but at least they were able to deliver. Ardern, crickets!

  7. I always return to the Dunedin Multi disciplinary study that show crime addiction teenage pregnancy problem gambling and poor health is associated with poor self control at 3 years old regardless of socio economic factors. And good self control can be taught. If I was looking for answers, I’d look to this study. Not a popular view I think.

    Other than that I have no answers

  8. and these were the children whose grandparents and great grandparents were brutally abused and dispossed in the processes of colonisation. brutality begets brutality.
    we have not dealt with intergenerational truama.
    part of what has prevented healing is the competitive and heirarchical nature of all of the professions involved with health and wellbeing. who have been trying to convince each other and public servants and government that they are the ones who know what they are doing and others dont.
    see the colonising practices of the psychology profession who have been churning out thin research on themselves for decades to convince people that they are the sole delivereers of best practice for mental health issues.
    as if intergenerational truama is an individual mental health issue!
    it is a whanau, hapu, community, national issue that can only be addressed when we resource those entities to address it, bypassing the dominant professional heirarchies. and can only be addressed when we start taking collective healing seriously.
    marama davidson is just lost in all the professional advise coming her way.

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