UNDER THE RADAR – Flash point Iran: The obscenity of a Medieval Theocracy vs Israeli nuclear threats


We here at TDB like to be first at pointing shit out, but in this never ending 24-7 news clusterfuck of a media environment we all live in, even we can slip up and miss something that should get more focus, so from time to time we’ll run Under the Radar News, things of note that escaped attention.

This week, Flash point Iran: The obscenity of a Medieval Theocracy vs Israeli nuclear threats.

Flash point Iran: The obscenity of a Medieval Theocracy vs Israeli nuclear threats.

Golriz cutting hair in traditional protest against latest Iranian cruelty

‘Something big is happening’: the Iranians risking everything to protest

The internet has been shut off in parts of Iran and access to platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram blocked after seven days of protest in cities across Iran.

The uprisings were sparked on 16 September by the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, who had been detained by the morality police for wearing her hijab in an “improper” way. Iranian state television has said 17 people have died, though the number could be higher.

The brutality of the latest appalling  human rights abuse perpetrated by the medieval Theocracy of Iran is the beating to death of a women by the morality police for not wearing a bloody head scarf ‘correctly’ FFS!

Let’s remind ourselves as we are all hoping onto our high horses that America kills people during arrest all the time and that there wouldn’t be a medieval Theocracy operating in Iran in the first place if the West hadn’t committed a coup to steal oil and set in motion a revolution against the Dictator we installed.

The unprecedented protest and the predictable looming brutal crackdown will all swirl for the next week our show but the bigger issue I fear in Iran now is how desperate the West has pushed Iran into a nuclear programme.

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Trump’s insane decision to shit all over Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran has forced Iran into nuclear production that could lead to a nuclear weapon. Iranian leaders could believe the only way out of the economic sanction death grip America has placed them under is to gain a nuclear weapon.

The Israeli’s see that as an existential threat and are training to hit Iran if they suspect the Iranians cross the technical threshold for this…

Israeli military exercise to simulate attack on Iranian nuclear targets

TEL AVIV: As Israeli leaders sound the alarm about what they say is an acute, active threat from Iran’s nuclear program, Israel plans to conduct a major military exercise, with some US participation, part of which will simulate attacks on Iranian nuclear targets, according to Israeli officials.

…if the Russians wished to cause real damage to America, it would provide the final technical specs the Iranians need and trigger an Israeli attack to cause wide spread damage to American interests throughout the Middle East.

The beating to death of an innocent woman for something as inane as a head scarf could be the least of our worries with Iran.


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  1. Whatever one thinks about the hijab, it’s trivial to find the video that shows this woman was not beaten and simply collapsed as an unfortunate result of long-term health conditions she has had since birth.

    Meanwhile, in neighboring Iraq, the Americans shot a 15-year old girl dead as part of a military exercise. Odd how that isn’t being covered in Western regime media.

    The riots are not very broad in scope and the Iranian government is using a very light hand in dealing with them at this point- unfortunately, as terrorists have murdered a number of police. There have been arrests of members of a number of terrorist groups which the US pays to incite violence through their ‘National Endowment for Democracy’, a CIA spinoff, from ISIS to the MEK (a terrorist sex cult that fought on Saddam’s side when he was bombing Iranian civilians with poison gas).

    I don’t believe, unfortunately, that Iran is likely to develop a nuclear weapon. This is a pity as they are entirely capable, and the human world needs some self-defence against the tens if not hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons that the zionist entity developed in concert with its close allies in apartheid South Africa and threaten to use against the entire world (including Europe and the US- see ‘Operation Samson’).

    However, the simple fact is that Ayatollah Khomeini had a very principled if rather impractical moral stance against the use of weapons of mass destruction. During the Iran-Iraq War, even as western powers helped Saddam strike Iranian civilian cities with chemical weapons, killing tens of thousands of civilians and leaving hundreds of thousands with permanent illnesses, Khomeini refused to permit the development of chemical or biological weapons, even for retaliatory strikes against military forces. When the IRGC ran a program in secret hoping to present him with a fait accompi, he ordered it destroyed when he found out. Khamenei has followed the same policy and it would be very difficult to break from it. The same considerations would apply for a nuclear strike against the zionist entity. Of course, all of the home invaders would deserve what they got, but how many innocent Palestinians would die? Clearly, this would not be permissible, no matter how many problems it would solve.

    The zionists know this as well as I do, but they simply look for any excuse they can find to murder the innocent, whether those innocents are Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, or Iranian.

  2. Condolence to “Mahsa Amini” whanau and love ones. If these Morality police are guilty of murdering this Kurdish woman than Iran has its own domestic laws to deal with this problem. As for the collective west and ‘Apartheid Israel’ the only democracy in the M.E. have been agitators towards the Iranian regime for sometime and the unbearable sanction imposed on the state of Iran is criminal and an act of war!!

    To date the Iranians have rightfully militarized their economy and are a military superpower in their region that has the capacity to defend itself from western aggressions. One could also argue the case that their military is world class and the proof is in their ability to use A-symmetric warfare to defend its sovereignty for instance On June 20, 2019, Iran’s integrated system of Air Defense Forces shot down a United States RQ-4A Global Hawk BAMS-D surveillance drone with a surface-to-air missile over the Strait of Hormuz, or on 5 December 2011, an American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was captured by Iranian forces down by its cyberwarfare unit which commandeered the aircraft and safely landed it, after initial reports from Western news sources disputedly claimed that it had been “shot down”. There are many other US drones intercepted by Iran in Iraq and the Iranians have mimic this technology and now produce some of the best drones on planet earth.

    There rocket systems are the best in their region and they now export their military hardware globally. China has also invested in their blue water navy to protect their access to Iranian energy among other big projects in gas and oil. Remember Libya President Colonel Gaddafi and his fate? He gave up his nuclear ambition and NATO attacked him and his country population. One has to concede that this is why Iran hasn’t been fully militarily attacked by the USA and ‘apartheid Israel’? This country is gonna be one of the biggest players globally in years to come and I believe we as a supposedly ‘sovereign nation’ need to start looking at fermenting co-operative peaceful relationship with this region and distance ourselves from NATO expansionism and european exceptionalism which already is doom to fail.


  3. Thanks in a large part to usa initiated and backed extremists proxy war ,,,,, a long running civil war ,,, the Afghanistan stage of ‘the shock and awe war ,,, and the Natostan occupation war,,,,

    The west has gifted ( and stolen) the present situation,,,, where Afghanistan women have the freedom to listen to their children cry and whimper on the way to death from starvation and disease.

    ‘1.1 million children under the age of 5 are in danger of dying from severe acute malnutrition. Another 3.2 million children, are at risk of the malnutrition.”

    “up to 500,000 Afghans have fled to Iran this year”

    Is New Zealand taking thousands of Afghan refugee’s?? ,,, which is a rhetorical question as Ukrainian ones, who are not starving, are far more important,,, obviously.

    ,,, Or are we a country which is joining in on the sanctions and imposed suffering on the people (half women/females),,,, of both Afghanistan and Iran?.

    If Tom Hunter has not mentioned this extreme cruelty and violence towards women and children then it would be fair to say ,,,,


    Wow. As long as the regime is non-Western subserviant and anti being American vassals , there is no atrocity against them that “Tom Hunter” will not justify, excuse or deny, often using the propaganda of those in power in such regimes.

    I’d like to think that in this case at least, T Hunter’s fellow supporters of Boris/Truss and Biden/Trump plus company will refuse to back his toadying.


    As Martyn pointed out “there wouldn’t be a medieval Theocracy operating in Iran in the first place if the West hadn’t committed a coup to steal oil and set in motion a revolution against the Dictator we installed.”

    The shah’s female inmate raping secret police were not that hot on womans rights either ,,,, Tom

    If you posted your comment at ‘the standard’ ,,, their PDS, ,Putin Derangement Syndrome ,,, would have loved your comment.

    Swap out your Putin putdown for a Jacinda one ,,, and posting it up at
    kiwiblog ,,,, will see you with many thumbs up supporters.

    Hypocrites ,,,, “Watch all the western right wingers who’ve been stomping on women’s rights at home transform into a bunch of bra-burning feminists over women’s rights in Iran.”

  4. Hmm, I wonder if New Zealand’s regime media will be reporting that more than a million people marched in support of the democratically elected government of Iran, against the rioters, just in Tehran alone yesterday. I suspect it will be considered inconvenient.

    • we don’t have a regime here. We have an elective democracy.
      No homosexuals or rebellious women get executed here.

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