Labour’s political sins can only be forgiven by a radical 100 day Labour/Green/Māori Party manifesto

Labour, the Greens and the Maori Party

The horror of what has been revealed by the Sunday TVNZ program is incredibly dangerous to the Government who seem to be oblivious to the minefield they’ve bumbled into.

Rotorua’s Golden Mile obscenity is becoming Labour’s ‘Key’s kids in cars’ political moment and they don’t get it yet.

We know Labour don’t get it because the feckless Megan Woods is still speaking and trying to defend this.

If you are in trouble and Megan is still talking, you are really in trouble.

Labour’s bullshit neokindness which is all aspiration and not actual doing anything has its origins in Labour’s spineless attempt to get their agenda past the Wellington Bureaucratic Elites in 2017 and 2020.

Those mistakes can not be allowed to stand!

Labour have been overtly cautious and has refused to make transformative change because the Wellington Bureaucratic Elite refuse point blank to allow that, well with a Labour/Green/Māori Party, there are no internal checks to stop a genuinely populist Left wing agenda akin to Corbyn or Sanders from taking shape.

The Greens and the Māori Party should be meeting at the end of the year to decide a shared platform going into the 2023 election that they can force Labour to adopt.

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This could be the greatest outcome for progressive politics since Savage.

While I am sickened by the lack of transformative change under a cautious Jacinda and Grant, the possibility of what they could be forced to agree to demands the Left once more rally to cause in 2023.

The most important political lesson I’ve ever learned in NZ Politics is from the Laila Harre School of change.

Back when she was in Alliance, she had to force Labour at gun point to agree to maternity leave.

Can you remember and imagine that?

Having to force Labour to give maternity leave.

Laila teaches us that if we ever want the fucking Labour Party to actually serve the people and not the vested interests of the Professional Managerial Class, then you need to smash Labour’s head against a wall, pout a gun to their head and scream ‘do it’.

That’s the only way Labour will act in the interests of the people, if you put a gun to their head.

There’s no point raising benefits, MSD and WINZ and IRD claw back not of that so the beneficiary is left with the empty promise of transformation, a better way to avoid the State clawing back anything we give poor people is to fully fund universal services.

Here’s what a Labour/Green/Maori Party Government should be committed to passing in the first 100 days of the 2023 election…

1: Feed every kid in NZ a free nutritious and healthy breakfast and lunch at every school using local product and school gardens with parents paid to come in and help. The slow incrementalism touted by favourite public sector for dragger apologist Max Rashbrooke isn’t good enough because the lower middle classes are feeling the same pinch thanks to mortgage rises and universal school lunches and breakfasts would help them as well. 

2: 50 000 State Homes for life built using the best environmental and social architecture standards using the public works act to seize land and immediately start building satellite towns using upgraded public transport hubs plus Renter Rights – (rent freezes, end accomodation payments, long term tenancy arrangements) 

3: Free public transport plus vast infrastructure upgrade for climate crisis.

4: 30% stake holder in a new Government backed supermarket operation run to provide lower food prices for kiwism better prices for supplies and better conditions for workers.

5: GST off fresh fruit and vegetables and essentials like tampons, toilet paper, condoms, oral health plus a sugar tax.

6: Free Dental services for everyone through public health.

7: Fair Pay Agreements that allow unionisation and real collective bargaining power for workers outside the tiny public service clique they currently cover.

8: Taxation focused on corporations and banks  like financial transaction taxand first $20 000.

9: Offer nurses, teachers and Drs free education and living allowances in return for bonded time in our health and eduction systems. 

10: Properly funded public broadcasting with TVNZ advert free and merged with RNZ alongside properly funded journalism through NZ on Air with more money for the Arts and Science. If you can’t have good public journalism, the right wing media will destroy these other 9 advances. 

11: Refund night schools – One of the worst things Key did when he entered Office was destroy Helen Clark’s night school budgets. Sure that Italian Cooking class wasn’t generating Chefs, but the free night school classes allowed lonely disconnected people to have a social life. It allowed Schools to be used as community hubs and if well designed could become social health hubs and distribution points for community health outreach. We urgently need our people to have places where they can mix and mingle and engage because isolation sends them down fucking rabbit holes.

12: Legal Cannabis market to fund meth rehabilitation and create 5000 jobs and create quarter of a billion in revenue for the State plus remove cannbis crime from the Courts and Prison.

…Kiwis have to see a progressive Government ACTUALLY doing shit in the first 100 days or they won’t believe any change is coming and when you consider the economic maelstrom we are entering, the most vulnerable amongst us will be screaming for real change.

If we on the Left don’t offer voters real solutions to their material problems and instead prefer to micro aggression police the latest middle class virtue signals of hate speech, militant pronoun demands and screaming everyone is racist, we are fucked politically in 2023.

Labour’s political sins can only be forgiven by a radical 100 day Labour/Green/Māori Party manifesto

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  1. As a matter of fact, free lunches were part of their 2017 manifesto, along with all the other stuff they’ve failed to deliver on.
    As a welfare kid in the 1960’s in England I received free lunches. It was a big help for my mum and I certainly appreciated the food, but there was a bit of a stigma attached to it among the kids.

    • Thats ok, Labour are trying to remove the stigma of being a beneficiary by making everyone a beneficiary.
      Clark started it with Working for Families and Adern is greatly expanding it by destroying the economy and removing any impetus to work.

      • If people could earn enough from genuine jobs there would not be a need for government support. The system is broken but the damage happened decades ago.

          • Or they could sort the housing shitshow out so we stop giving so much of our money to Australian banks and paying some of the difference in higher taxes so as our essential services are properly funded. The days of lower taxes are surely behind us as I’m sure Truss is about to find out.

          • yup bg that works real well in the welfare queen red states.
            and the tax cuts will be for the rich not the likes of us.

            good point jays all the research says rich or poor 2 is the optimum.

  2. That 100 day manifesto would see the three parties getting under 30% of votes, collectively.

    So a Nat/ACT landslide…

    • Remoras – that’s a good image Kiwij. Hangers-on cleaning up the droppings and getting a living keeping the body sleek and ready to go aren’t they?

  3. It’s their bureaucracy to tame at any time, they have three year terms to do it in – the “first 100 days” is a gimmick.

    The real problem is they defer to “experts”, and that includes bureaucrats. They’re not poweless to wrangle bureaucracy, they’re ideologically opposed to doing so.

    They could roll Ardern now and start making real progress, dump the baggage and show a reason to vote for them. But they won’t, Labour today are yes men not leaders.

  4. Let me spell this out for you “THEY DON’T ACTUALLY CARE”.
    I’m not suggesting National and ACT necessarily do, but sure as shit Labour doesn’t care at all beyond the impact on their ability to suck at the taxpayer’s teat.
    The problem with no consequences socialism like you propose, you are guaranteeing that the next generation of NZers will be filled with an even greater proportion of people who are unwilling to work, because that is the sector of society having the most children thanks to welfare payments.

    • I know many Labour MPs. They are passionate and intelligent and have a deep desire for a better NZ.

      Your claim of they don’t care is bullshit. And lazy. And cheap.

      This Government did a magnificent job of protecting us from the worst extremes of a once in a century pandemic. Your inability to comprehend the difficulty they faced and succeeded against marks you out as a lunatic who doesn’t know what the fuck they are talking about.

      My solutions are moving NZ to a more resilient community so that we have the adaptation capacity required for the immediate future as late stage capitalisms geopolitical shockwaves rock us. Working will require survival, everyone wants to survive.

      Your belief that people breed for benefits is so fucking hateful and bitter and twisted that all you’ve managed here is verbal vomit.

      Wipe yourself down love, your bile is toxic.

      Your language is catastrophic and ridiculous.

      Breathe. Chill the fuck out.

      You don’t have to be wrong and hysterical. You can just be wrong.

      • Tell that to the people in Rotorua to the Face. C’mon. Tell them that Tamati Coffey and Jacinda Ardern care and are good at what they do.
        Film it. Post it up here. Just for a good belly laugh, something that us here in Rotorua need.

      • That may be true Martyn, but where are these MPs?

        Dr Sharma has highlighted that Labour MPs are told to think of the party first and NZ second, hide communications from the OIA and do not embarrass the leader. It’s these MPs (and I’m not disagreeing that there aren’t good Labour MPs) care so much, they need to start putting pressure on the upper echelon of their party to put NZ first.

        The fact that no one apart from Sharma has broken ranks, sort of provides evidence that no, Labour MPs are quite happy with the direction of the country, don’t actually care about anything but re-election and to collect their paycheck.

        • Dr Garam Masala only broke ranks because his own chances of re-election were gone. He is on a personal crusade, not a moral one.

          • Hey I probably agree. But on recent polling there’s probably another very nervous 20-30 MPs thinking the same.

            Labours discipline has been exceptional, but will it last. I know MPs are supposed to breath through the nose for the first term, but if they’re honest with themselves about making a difference can they continue to sit by while their party destroys whole cities like Rotorua?

            I forgot Louisa Wall, who the tax payer has to basically pay out to remove a Labour problem.

            • And how much to remove Bridges and now Uffindell and then now NATIONALS PROBLEM?

              3 x as much. Weve seen how Key and National destroyed McGehan Close, is Tauranga next? Can National put forward anymore thugs?

        • Agreed BG, and it goes right across the board with all MPs. I have no doubt that the vast majority of MPs right across the political spectrum genuinely care and try to do the best (as they see it) for the country, but they are limited by party politics and party whips… and ultimately potentially by personal ambition and prosperity. I think it would be a great thing if MPs if MPs consistently voted on conscience and on direction by those who elected them rather than on party politics, and also received no more than the average wage, so that no one is drawn to politics for the money, and also so that they understand personally the impact of their policies on the average citizen. Our current form of Government is a bit of a joke where often a token of democratic process is given then the ultimate decisions made follow ideological liens rather than citizen input via referendums etc. This Labour Govt has been particularly bad at this but they all do it, we need a change of political mindset. Ideological authoritarianism is bad no matter which side of the political spectrum it comes from.

      • No doubt the Labour MP’s are decent and upstanding members of our society. All power to the right arm.


        They are ruled by the 9th floor and Labour HQ to tow the party line.

        Maybe if those erstwhile Labour MP’s followed party principles instead of the 9th floor we might get better government from the Labour party. Especially principles 1 and 9.

        1 All political authority comes from the people by democratic means including universal suffrage, regular and free elections with a secret ballot.
        2 The natural resources of New Zealand belong to all the people and these resources, and in particular non-renewable resources, should be managed for the benefit of all, including future generations.
        3 All people should have equal access to all social, economic, cultural, political and legal spheres, regardless of wealth or social position, and continuing participation in the democratic process.
        4 Co-operation, rather than competition, should be the main governing factor in economic relations, in order that a greater amount and a just distribution of wealth can be ensured.
        5 All people are entitled to dignity, self-respect and the opportunity to work.
        6 All people, either individually or in groups, may own wealth or property for their own use, but in any conflict of interest people are always more important than property and the state must ensure a just distribution of wealth.
        7 The Treaty of Waitangi is the founding document of New Zealand and that the Treaty should be honoured in government, society and the family.
        8 Peace and social justice should be promoted throughout the world by international co-operation and mutual respect.
        9 The same basic human rights, protected by the State, apply to all people, regardless or race, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religious faith, political belief or disability.

      • Martyn 8.10 am
        Are you Martyn Bradbury? If not I think you should not be using the same name and spelling as the blog meister – it’s confusing. Please Martyn can you make clear who the writer is please.

        Who says we shouldn’t get hysterical! It’s bad for your health to go around with misery eating your guts and pretending to be happy and only say nice things. Let’s look at the reality for that other fella, who is coping with daily mounting problems and sees no different future ahead.

        The rain it raineth every day, Upon the just and unjust fella,
        But more upon the just – Because the unjust hath the just’s umbrella.

    • Jays You can do better than that demeaning talk. You had better as it is not on to come on here and spout that biased, ignorant stuff.
      the next generation of NZers will be filled with an even greater proportion of people who are unwilling to work, because that is the sector of society having the most children thanks to welfare payments.

      The job of bringing up children is a real one, The government should be assisting with skills training and support. Not to do that is bad policitically and morally. Then to force parents to work when they should be managing socialisation of their children, then to under pay them to do what they do of that, underpay them when they do paid work, hit them with debt, drop their monetary and housing support at the first opportunity; it all adds up to decaying community starting from government and degrading downwards. Poor paying uncertain jobs that don’t hold to definite rules and times, and standards and poor money. Beaten down generations for sure. But don’t lay the blame on people having had their life shaped by gorgons hiding behind normal faces.

        • That sounds like a man’s thinking gagarin, and I understand women are the ones that have the end fertility problems. Passion or desire arise and youthful exuberance or peer pressure can push things along, pills can be forgotten etc. It’s hard to think of fertility as being a disease that you have to treat as a chronic condition gagarin.

          It’s time for better attitudes towards women and fertility before we have Brave New World rules that take away western human interaction freedoms of natural behaviour that don’t comply with artificial controls and morality imposed by dictatorial authority.

  5. Rotorua will remember Jacinda Ardern for a long long time to come. And there ain’t no forgiveness coming either.

  6. Thank you for your outrage and positive ideas. I would like to add:

    1. Free hearing aids – an expense, but a great help to so many, especially older people.
    2. Free GP appointments and prescriptions.
    3. Place all utilities under public ownership, and run with strong worker involvement.
    4. Make worker shares and involvement a mandatory part of every business structure.
    5. Repeal the Employment Contracts Act – that costs nothing.

  7. Fuck it, Martyn, why do you think that this troupe that since 2017 has overseen nothing but growth in misery, poverty, homelessness and hardship should be elected again, and to boot elect again the same useless fucks in the Greens and L and TPM (who are ex labourites for the most part)?

    They have brought nothing but division and misery to the country. Rotorua was just the first one to get bashed to the ground by these useless fucks.
    11% unemployment, 50% of all school leavers leave with out a certificate of anything, deprivation on every level, vote Labour cause they do fuck all all day long but you get to feel all woke.
    Repeat this in Tauranga, Whakatane, Tokoroa, Putaruru, Tirau, Gisborne, Northland, never mind CHCH which also has a huge “Motel’ Population, and of course Nelson with their flood refugees that will spend years in Motels cause in this country building houses is in the too hard basket.
    Labour is part of the problem, and Labour in its current configuration will never be Part of the solution. Fire them all.

  8. Pfft. 35% in the polls. I must say that as a Right-winger I’m impressed. The destruction of the idea of State Housing is one thing, but your heroes are also doing over Public Health and Public Education. I might even vote Labour in 2023 at this rate.

    • They must be intelligent….they all have heaps of these important degrees like BA Communication. So that means they are very very clever yes? So clever, they are cunning. And cynical. They have no shame whatsoever.

  9. To stop poverty in NZ – raise Wages!!!!!!! Saw this today,

    “There are over 890 roles advertised on Trademe in the Waikato at the moment paying $50k and less. I know times are tough for business but team we have to find a better solution than barely minimum wage for skilled employees!”

    Hang on, aren’t they crying out for workers there??? But not enough to actually pay rates like Australia!

    It has been estimated that a family of four needs over double $50k, so no wonder more and more people are in poverty. Then we have the rest of NZ topping up the incomes of all these low end jobs and poorly paying but often highly profitable employers. Literally the jobs are poverty jobs not real jobs where people can long term survive on them.

    The left abandoned NZ workers in NZ decades ago and like any Ponzi, we are seeing the results with massive increase in poverty and crime and less and less professional and talented people wanting to live in NZ.

    NZ voted 2nd worst place to live by migrants! But probably top of the list of people to move too, for those who have problems (terrorists & crims & financial and health welfare for foreign pensioners) and need a country to look after them.

    You don’t get prosecuted when you kill illegal workers here, and if found with them it’s a mere $2000 fine.

    No wonder work quality is so low here for so many industries, and companies keep doing bust. Nobody can compete with near free workers who government turn a blind eye to.

    Compare that to Finland.
    Finland deported unusually many foreigners last year, writes YLE

    • and roll the costs for higher wages and everything else over to the same worker who then bingo voila again don’t earn enough of the expensive shit they make. lol

      • Tired of this tactic of right wing discourse from paid for media in NZ and other right wingers. Aka “If we have decent wages, prices will go up!”

        In Australian they have higher wages and lower prices of food!! Prices seem to go down!!! They get paid more and charged less!!! Thus more people who don’t want to be exploited and scammed are moving there.

        We have less droughts and make more food here in NZ, but somehow inspite of exporting to OZ and the UK, NZ consumers often pay more!

        OZ has regulation of cartels, banks and ripping off people. They don’t have costly and ineffectual report after report like NZ, that do nothing. Oz fines them millions/billiions of dollars and repatriate the profits back to the state and ripped off consumers!

        Banking royal commission: The scandals revealed during the inquiry that shocked Australia

        Too many ex MP’s on NZ bank boards for a start!

        • + 1 saveNZ. I remember an article in The Listener about 20 years ago, titled “Let’s face it, most things are done better in Australia than here”.

          It’s truer than ever.

          • @Pope Punctilious II

            The sad thing is that NZ is a much nicer country to live in than OZ – no poisoness snakes and other animals, much less horrifying fires and a better climate with less drought …. but government and advisors screw up NX with more Rogernomic thinking, again and again, driving decent people out so that they can make enough money to prosper somewhere else.

        • it is actually not a tactic. It is in essence what is happening now in Europe and elsewhere.
          People are getting charged 100.000 Pound to run a 22 two seater restaurant. 🙂
          Bakeries closing for the electricity costs, big firms too.
          At some stage comes the point where a pain barrier has been hit and it all crumbles.
          The cost of living needs to be adressed properly. A rent cap, a rent mirror, cheaper building materials, more government housing, cheaper food etc etc etc.
          But i guarantee you that you can not make businesses – and keep in mind that most businesses in NZ are not international companies that don’t pay taxes thanks to tax avoidance loopholes but small / medium / self employed businesses – responsible for the increasing cost of living, i.e. food, rent, electricity, health, education.
          At some stage something got to give. Watch Europe. Its gonna be fun.

          • Keep helping constructions and supermarket profiteers! Thatcherism is championing price gouging and the countries that love it most like UK and NZ, are surprise, surprise having massive price increases, that other countries are not experiencing at the same levels for the same goods and services.

        • Thanks savenz that explains much. The scam is too big to fail Is the problem. Our system doesn’t work – new one needed.

  10. Martyn, your dreaming these woke wankers in Labour won’t or can’t put together any decent plan for 1 day let alone 100 – afraid the Nat/Act mongrels will walk the next election.

  11. There is no quick fix and never has been. Labour had a dream list at the beginning of their time in Government. Any chance that those dreams would come to pass were dashed by covid so we will never know if they could have done better. They have shown us that they can’t complete a task, any task, and that their money managment is dodgy and some of their decision making is flawed. In my opinion the next government will be hobbled regardless of who it represents. There will be no mandate this time, unless all dissafected labour voters vote National and they won’t of course. Who ever gets in may have a majority of one or two to pass law but radical changes require a mandate, a large majority and that will be gone. Radical change will have to go back to the people and the people are conservative. Any dream list that Martyn would have implemented is just that, a dream. The only reason I would vote National is that there management skills might be better than Labour and that would mean something might get done, even if some believe that would be the wrong thing.

  12. Admittedly there is a sea of negative outcomes for this government but…

    A milestone of 50000 apprenticeships have been reached under a booster program.

    The awful Steven Joyce created monster, the Public Transport Operating Model, of which cost savings were carried by bus drivers, has been scrapped.

    There is at least a hint of light in the gloom.

  13. A Labour / Green / Māori Party coalition would be comparable to a sinking boat made out of ‘all natural’ banana leaves with only a Maori allowed at the helm.

  14. James+Brown = your post is ha-ha-hilarious. It is so emotional reading this stuff, from despair at Martyn’s hopefulness for hopeless Labour, to anxiety about the worsening unresolved issues and new horrible disclosures daily, to the truly ironic and funny.
    I appreciate this channel of info and opinion and I’m hoping we can all make life better in our own ways. But clearly more is needed at a political and national level.
    Also higher wages do not reduce business productivity.
    “According to Harvard Business Review, wage hikes—in the case of Amazon—increase productivity for two main reasons. First, paying wages above the market rate can be an important motivating force because current employees have more to lose. In other words, workers have more to lose by slacking off since it is harder to find an equivalent salary at another company. Because of this, they are more motivated to do good work and remain at their job. These wage increases (also known as “efficiency wages”) can be traced back to Henry Ford himself. Ford nearly doubled the average wages of workers at nearby manufacturing plants, calling the move his “finest cost-cutting move” because of substantially increased productivity.”

    • Higher wages do reduce productivity if the output remains the same.
      Henry Ford accomplished it through higher productivity on production lines.
      He was vilified by the Unions of the day for paying his employees too much!!

      • And yet Ford is still around today as a brand.

        It is the opposite, if you pay your workers badly then you lose productivity which is NZ’s problem and why NZ has few world leading brands anymore and those we have are generally co operatives with profit sharing not capitalism. (And they are trying to destroy that ASAP).

  15. Martin, your list is essentially free food, free housing, free medical, free education, free transport, free, free free. Put this together with suburbs with high addiction to lotto and pokie, we get the picture of a society that expects all things for free, getting without putting honest effort. We just raise a society of underachievers. This essentially increases crime.

    People who have lived life getting things for free have low self esteem, low self confidence, low self respect, and end up on the wrong side of the ledger. Their children will learn from them and continue the same cycle.

    Free may he easy but is not healthy for the society. People only appreciate something when they have put honest effort to achieve it.

    Socialism does not uplift human, it just makes them weak. Capitalism believes in survival of the fittest. Neither are successful strategies on their own.

    • +1 Benny. A good society helps those in need – in particular those who are disabled, sick, youth and the elderly, those abused.

      A sick society wants to create a nation of need, helplessness, individuality and poverty for everyone, minimising those that harm others, while attacking those who are not in need as being bad.

      There is a middle ground between socialism and capitalism. NZ seems to have a strange soco-capitalism, aka NeoKindness that is not working out.

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