As predicted by TDB – Jacinda wins huge in Australia on citizenship & 501s


As predicted by TDB – Jacinda has gad huge wins in Australia over citizenship & 501s…

Jacinda Ardern in Australia: Albanese on 501s – Countries to show ‘common sense’ and work ‘as friends’

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced a major shift on the contentious “501” deportations policy towards New Zealanders and vowed to work on pathways to citizenship and grant voting rights to residents.

…allowing citizenship rights from 2023 will do more to harvest votes for Labour on both sides of the Tasman while the major 501 announcement (as foreshadowed by TDB) is an enormous win for NZ as it will take into account the length of time a 501 has spent in Australia before being deported.

Currently we have case after case of 501s deported here who have lived their entire adult lives in Australia, once could suggest that if a citizen turns criminal after being brought up in Australia, that’;s Kida on them, not us.

Thankfully our criticisms of this have been heard and a major change will occur.

This is the most important news in our gang war because it is these disconnected 501s bringing a level of professional criminal violence who are stoking the gang war that is the problem for us.

501s who have actual family and community here have the potential to turn from crime, but vast numbers of professional criminals with zero family or community connection here are just walking time bombs.

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Jacinda has managed a citizenship and clamp down on 501s that National never managed to gain.

Her world wide tour of diplomacy has been an enormous success, we should be proud of our Prime Minister and all the influence she has gained for NZ.

It doesn’t matter how you voted or your current political persuasion, the PM has made bold strides on the International stage that are good for NZ. If you are still hating on her despite her success, you may be a tribal right wing Troll who probably needs to get out a bit more.


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  1. looking forward to the detail on citizenship pathways. Will those displaced 501’s have a shitshow of re connection with their Aussie whanau????????
    Devil being in he detail and all that and OZ not known for playing straight with us on ANYTHING.

    • John key let the 501’s in in 2015 and did nothing to try and control it. It took Jacinda and Labour to make some progress to send fewer back to NZ. Jacinda is a world leader and NZ’s best PM since Lange. Keys legacy are dirty politics and streets full of homeless.

      • @ Nikorima.
        Remember to read about, and understand, Norman Kirk.

        He was the last of the true frontiersmen of social justice and understood the vital importance of putting the most vulnerable first. Before commerce, ‘jobs’ and finance.
        That stuff can wait. Money can come in at third place, or somewhere in the middle. Commerce, jobs and finance aren’t really that important despite what the exploiters will do their best to convince you of otherwise. Money’s nice though. One can buy nice things, useful things, cool things, pretty things. But what money can’t buy is a person’s soul back. When a person must live within an otherwise affluent society, such as ours, though for not that many, with no money then the first thing that abandons the human being is one’s soul.
        While I’m no God botherer I can see souls fly off as people go from barely coping to giving up. I used to have a second hand shop as well as working in the film industry so I got to poke my nose into all sorts of dark little crevices and that’s what I saw.
        Desperation leads to poor choices and poor choices leads to ever greater and more poor choices. I’ve seen kids in the front room while mum Hooks out the back. Kid’s would come into the shop as wee kids then they’d get older and ever more sullen as dad would beat them up while mum smoked P after a hard days night.
        There’s only one way alive out of that and that’s to be lavished with luxuries like soap and butter and the complete eradication of fear, stigma and anxiety.
        Norman Kirk.
        This is an interview between Norman Kirk and David Frost.
        I listen to Norman Kirk while mindful of the sociopathic politicians and money fetishists who now own the souls of the lost.
        Any politician who places money before humanity is the enemy.
        I’ve watched this several times now. Each time, I became horrified and enraged.
        Many thanks to @ Malcolm Evans.
        ‘The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire | Documentary Film’
        “Michael Oswald’s film The Spider’s Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.”

  2. I’d almost lost faith in TDB to give credit where credit is due as there has been some vitriolic articles about the PM and Labour in recent times; just a few, admittedly, somewhat deserved.

    But you are almost redeemed by your last two paragraphs. Thank you.

  3. I’d almost lost faith in TDB to give credit where credit is due as there has been some vitriolic articles about the PM and Labour in recent times; just a few, admittedly, somewhat deserved.

    But you are almost redeemed by your last two paragraphs. Thank you.

  4. Well done to the Prime Minister.

    You might want to think, however, on how much more attractive moving to Australia is now that Australian citizenship is easily gained. Along with all their benefits and retirement payments.

    Just a thought.

    • The devil will be in the detail, but this is a very good point. The lack of a path to citizenship kept some people here. If that goes away it may be a flood

    • I find it hard to believe that will a make difference. However if people go and spend their productive years in Aus, they can bloody well stay there rather than being put out to pasture in NZ. I think it’s actually positive

    • Just another sad grumpy old tory right wing misogynists’ moaner lead by the NATZ dirty politics team. Jacinda is a world leader who has saved the lives of at least 15000 kiwis. Now the boarders are open and MIQ closed as the right wing and Tories wanted the death rates are out of control.
      We should have kept the affected covid cases out but they are pouring in by 30 a day. Every one they let in it seems one person dies. The rest of the world are going thru raging covid cases.

  5. ” It doesn’t matter how you voted or your current political persuasion, the PM has made bold strides on the International stage that are good for NZ. If you are still hating on her despite her success, you may be a tribal right wing Troll who probably needs to get out a bit more ”

    Interesting choice of words Bomber.

    Let’s see those tangible benefits and how that is going to really have an effect on the hideous problems in this country that currently exist.

    You run hot and cold with this PM so let’s wait and see.

  6. Last two paragraphs are absolute cringe, do you think struggling kiwis give a fuck about her princess world trip?

    • XstraightXedgeX. It’s quite nice having a presentable sort of PM in the global arena after John Key’s mangling the English language, inventing threesome handshakes, and triggering Aussie women to cover their clowning glory with headscarves whenever he went there. The Queen looks ok wearing a scarf, younger girls, not so much.

  7. Yes Jacinda is one in a billion and we are very lucky to have her.

    I was in Europe about 6 months before covid reared it’s ugly head and everywhere we went, once people found out that we were from N.Z, they would invariably say how lucky we are to have such a caring and prolific Prime Minister. To be fair most of the people appeared to have read widely and had good world political knowledge . A lot of Europeans do, from all walks of life.

    Conversely a reasonable number of New Zealanders rely on Mike Hosking and Facebook .That’s it!!. That’s the extent of their knowledge.
    Therefore the Europeans mystified reaction came as no surprise when i told them that there is a loud and vocal element, predominantly unworldly, uncouth and knowledge challenged who do not share that view.

    The usual response was something like… those people need to get out and see what the rest of the world experiences. They are ignorant!!

  8. Ardern has done well. Her personal connectedness, emotional intelligence, is good in crises and for foreign affairs. Her reliance on focus groups otherwise is a drive over cliffs. Her solution, fire her critics like the children’s commissioner. Not a solution, mate.

    I prefer a bad human personally but with the best ideas for the people at their heart. You know, the people behind the 35 Labour govt and similar around the world in all the people’s movements.

  9. Fuck all that. What’s happening re our bitter competition with AU re exports of our agrarian goods? Or has that been swept under the Kangaroo?
    Remember fuckers. When the belly’s full all else is art.

  10. You can spot the ones you mentioned in your last paragraph on this story Martyn and they are indeed cringe worthy tribal.

  11. As a side note…I’ve just come back from drinks and light refreshments at the local rugby club and heard the sad news that Shinzo Abe died today from what would appear to be gun shot wounds…..As a humble person from New Zealand I would like to pass on my condolences to his family and friends….

  12. Isnt mr nobogy luxon somewhere in the UK on the taxpayers tit. What a disloyal fool talkng poilitics and commenting on our governments success. I suppose he’ll look up his God fearing right wing christian friend gregory sheriden another foolish tory commentator. Luxon is no leader but may be replaced by next election.

  13. So, 501’s who have “actual community and family here have the potential to turn from crime” but why didn’t their actual family in Australia give them the same opportunity?

  14. Moved to Brisbane in 1999, self and family got Australian citizenship. If you were dumb enough to miss out you either had a criminal record or were terminally stupid.
    Now back in NZ and can pick either

  15. It’s was odds on Albanese and Ardern would come to some agreement politically they think it looks good for both of them.

  16. They certainly do need to fix this, as that’s probably where a lot of Kiwis are heading now the borders are open.

  17. Every Kiwi I know has worked or lived in Aussie because the wages are about 50% more and always have been but come back home . Right wing tory tenet is to keep wages low so the ground-feeders can compete to provide cheap labour. Thats what the NATZACT want now – exploit the immigrants. Didnt Brash ask Key to raise NZ wages to match Aussie wages – he borrowed $2bn gave the rich a tax relief and invited property speculators to create his hill billy rock star economy.


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