SHOCK DEPRESSION STUDY: No wonder people don’t trust big Pharma


The deafening silence to this extraordinary research says so many things about where we fear to tread as a capitalist culture…

Little evidence that chemical imbalance causes depression, UCL scientists find

Scientists have called into question the widespread use of antidepressants after a major review found “no clear evidence” that low serotonin levels are responsible for depression.

Prescriptions for antidepressants have risen dramatically since the 1990s, with one in six adults and 2% of teenagers in England now being prescribed them. Millions more people around the world regularly use antidepressants.

“Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression has a biochemical cause, but this new research suggests this belief is not grounded in evidence,” said the study’s lead author, Joanna Moncrieff, a professor of psychiatry at University College London and consultant psychiatrist at North East London NHS foundation trust.

…research shows the theory of replacing serotonin doesn’t work.

The ramifications of this are enormous.

The hollow in our emotional psyches caused by being moulded into a work unit for the hive mind so capitalism can rule was promised relief from the Pharmaceutical Industry.

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Swallow this pill and feel the love was the mantra, as if the existential angst of our lived experience shackled under the weight of Capitalism could simply be solved with a pill.

Well, the pills don’t work.

The truth is that pain and agony and self loathing and fear and anger is a totally appropriate psychological response to the terror of our fragile lives.

You were right to hurt.

We are a medically numbed culture reliant on pharmaceutical crutches to cope with the pain of our corrupted experiences in the never ending journey that is the human experience.

Stoners of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your pains.


Smoke weed everyday.

Legalise now and we will all pretend to forgive you for allowing the Pharmaceutical  Corporations to harness our grief into multi billion dollar profit margins for a numbing that didn’t even fucking work.

No wonder people don’t trust big Pharma.

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  1. Umm. Hold on a moment. There are countless studies showing anti depressants are effective and if you go to NICE (National Center for Clinical Excellence). A clearing house which determines the quality of all the research studies done, you will find a significant body of evidence that supports the efficacy of anti depressants (like any medical intervention they don’t help everyone).

    As suicide can be a consequence of untreated depression, it’s not a good idea to cheer on the idea of abandoning AD. Life events do precipitate depression. There are likely more chemicals involved in depression than serotonin. We also need to know more about the study and what it has found

    • Regarding your “larger body of literature”, I agree it’s large, but it’s also horribly done. None of which would supersede a follow-up conclusion.

      They involve cross sectional studies, cohorts, overwhelmingly they have these inappropriate adjustments… ect

  2. martyn how about a companion piece about smokefrees ridiculous lies around vaping nicotine…not dope bi products but ordinary nic vaping… there’s some shonkey science right there.

  3. We all get depressed at some stage, often multiple times a year. Chronic depression is probably when people don’t have the mental tools/understanding to pull up from a depressive spiral.

    IMO: ALL depressed people, whether chronic or transitory are inwardly obsessed; focusing predominantly (if not inclusively) on their failures, breakups, mean-words-spoken, appearance, lack of economic standing.. you get the idea.

    In the spiritual tradition to alleviate depression it’s recommended to:
    1. Actively be grateful for what you’ve got, even if it’s just being able to walk.
    3. Compare yourself to yesterday, not others.
    2. Help other people, and studies have concluded this to be most effective! When helping and genuinely doing good deeds, the depressed person stops their self-obsession and can once again be outward focused.

    Sometimes it really is better to give than receive.

    Regarding Legalizing Cannabis:
    Yeah I’m for it, it’s probably called dope because molecules from cannabis supposedly lock into the brain’s dopamine receptors pretty well and induce levity.

    People do need to be careful with excessive-cannabis-use as it can be demotivating. Usually endorphin/dopamine is released after an achievement; completing a project, essay, CV, run, whatever. You see it in small children after they’ve achieved something for the first time – they often get terribly excited.

    But yeah, I’m definitely in camp legalize.

    • Thanks for single handedly finding a cure for depression. Just as I thought, one just needs to get a grip of one’s self and remember we’re British!

  4. Weed doesn’t help everyone, in fact for some people it can make all those symptoms a lot worse! Good food, exercise and a healthy social life are the only sure-fire cure for depression

  5. No wonder people don’t trust big Pharma.

    This once was the standard, Leftist take and your post would have a more powerful now had it not been for the last eighteen months of almost the entire Left joining in with our society-wide demonisation of people who refused to take these particular vaccines (I’m being generous in still describing them as such when they’re like a therapeutic treatment) and even leading the way on such demonisation.

    “FreeDUMB” and “Dumb Lives Matter” being two of the more clever takes, ammirite?

  6. Right on Martyn!
    I really appreciate your clear insights on our weird complex society.
    Much respect to you brother.

  7. The placebo effect has been known for years and many people do not think they are being looked after if the Doctor suggests a good walk will be better than a pill . Many anti depression tablets help sleep which is very important when fighting the black dog which effect 1 in 10 of adults. Big pharmac help give people what they want .Hopefully they do it safely which is all I ask as I am on a cocktail of 12 different tablets thathelp keeping me alive.

  8. This is the chemical century – we never recovered from the boost to business after the wide use of chemicals by Nazis in WW2. We are in a careless society that makes on the one hand a big thing about being and keeping safe, and on the other is satisfied in causing problems often from some cause from a profitable business activity; then making money from supplying a remedy or supposed one which in turn can cause different damage. A nice little ring-a-rosie circle.

    It mirrors A Brave New World, and only a few people will realise this and need to find others for a community of like-minded people if they want to carry on being in this wonderful world living full lives in enjoyment of our magic circumstances. But there is madness and despair that pills can keep under control, and it’s quite a task to make one’s way through the woods like trusting little Red Riding Hood. will we know enough to recognise the wolf and know when we are being misled?

  9. Lol… better late than never but dont worry theyve been completely honest when it comes to mrna vaccines… promise

  10. Roll on the days when we can grow and harvest our own relaxing and medical “lettuce “….I can’t wait.

  11. Adern and the pharmaceutical industry and their kindness.

    Human life has no value unless you can pay for your life.

    Capitalism and its very best.

    ” It becomes very tricky with a profit-driven pharmaceutical industry,” Laking said ”

    “It’s this horrible thing where the price of holding the illness for a few months might be mortgaging your house.”

  12. Martyn they did not say that anti depressants didn’t work they said that serotonin levels were not impacted. Bit early to say they don’t work.

    That said they should legalise weed but I think is a completely separate issues

    The same scientific community/researchers that have raised the serotonin issues are the same commuity that prove other drugs are effective for whatever. Where do you think all these clinical trials take place. The simple truth is we have way less answers than questions when it comes to treating certain conditions.

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