MEDIAWATCH: Woke Gatekeeper media already shifting the Amber Heard goalposts


What’s fascinating to watch is how the gatekeeper media are already shifting the Amber Heard goalposts.

Since 2016, the #MeToo movement went from a righteous stand against harassment and sexual assault into a quasi religious belief system.

Severe 5th wave feminist dogma mixed with non binary activist dogma with Queer Dogma alongside Critical Race Theory and Critical Gender Theory to create an intellectual blancmange of intersectionist identity politics that stated all white people were irredeemable racists, every male was a rapist and anyone supporting free speech was a uniform wearing Nazi who hate the Trans community.

We went from taking accusations seriously to ‘B-E-L-I-E-V-E Women’, because all men are rapists and their toxic masculinity makes them lie, where as women never would lie.


And if you said otherwise and disagreed with an evidential threshold being whatever someone said on Twitter, then you were a rapist as well.

Sure some innocent men might be destroyed in the process, but it’s far better 10 innocent heteronormative cis white males are punished than one walks free.

Woke Lynch mobs went lynching, social media currency to expose your wounds was rewarded and a movement with all the nuance of Māo’s cultural revolution raged around social media cancelling and deplatforming with all the glee of Trump at an all you can eat McDonald’s buffet.

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Until the Amber Heard case.

Here we had someone who epitomised the #MeToo movement, and after promising the ACLU $3.5m to be their new ambassador, the ACLU pitched the op-ed to The Post and ghostwrote it for her while she made herself the face for domestic violence while destroying Depp’s reputation.

For many who had spent the last 6 years watching the woke scream ‘B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL WOMEN ALWAYS’ and their intersectionist stance that due process was a heteronormative white cis male privilege that could just be ignored, the backlash has been all encompassing and as unforgiving as the woke were.

The level of animosity isn’t just about Heard, it’s the entire Woke Salem Witch Trial level of evidence required to destroy someone’s reputation these days and everyone who participates in social media understands and knows that fear of being attacked publicly on social media by a woke crusade that maliciously smears you.

This is a cultural backlash against the excess of ‘B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL WOMEN ALWAYS’, apparently even those who shit in your bed, however the woke gatekeeper media refuse to accept that and instead are running around trying to avoid the ‘B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL WOMEN ALWAYS’ extremes of woke middle class identity politics by offering up a thousand explanations as to why everyone else is too stupid to support Amber Heard.

They refuse to accept their own woke extremes have driven a backlash.

They refuse to accept that a woman would ever lie because women are morally superior to men.

They refuse to accept any narrative where the man might be the victim.

Instead they explain why we are all so stupid and sexist…

Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial: Why so many victim-survivors are supporting Depp

Over the past month and a half, Johnny Depp’s defamation trial against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, has metastasised into a cultural phenomenon.

Dominating Twitter, TikTok and our real life interactions, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t have an opinion on the trial – which, now at its pointy (and welcome) end, has painted a harrowing picture of the actors’ four-year entanglement; the intimate details in both of their testimonies becoming increasingly fraught, gruesome and violent as it’s progressed.

Not everyone, though, has taken the side you might expect.

Among the overwhelming majority of people demanding “justice” for the Pirates of the Carribean star is a demographic that has become some of his most outspoken supporters: women who have survived domestic violence themselves.

…O-R-R-R-R-R-R-R maybe Amber Heard is the girl who cried wolf and exploited a new faith based social movement to ‘B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL WOMEN ALWAYS’ and she was abusive?

Is it so impossible for the current Salem Witch Trial mentality of the gatekeeper media to accept that maybe, just maybe, a man was the victim here?

Apparently so.

Amber Heard looks like she’s the girl who cried wolf and used the culture of victim virtue signalling as a publicity move, and that’s the true cost of this awful trial.

For every Amber Heard who is dramatically catastrophising every micro aggression as emotional genocide there are a 100 actual victims of domestic violence suffering in pain.

This case can not and must not be allowed to eclipse the true scourge that is real domestic violence.

This case reeks of privilege, it doesn’t smell of one sided domestic abuse at all, but that might just be the stench of the shit she apparently took in his bed, which is totally justified because you know, ‘patriarchy’.


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  1. There are two competing meta-narratives in play, and the Depp V Heard trial is just the current battleground.

    One meta-narrative is that all women are fundamentally, good, honest, and empathetic people victimised by men. So they should always get the benefit of the doubt. Stuff’s Verity Johnson is one promoter of this meta-narrative.

    The other meta-narrative is that women are just ordinary people the same as men – mostly good, but sometimes very bad. This narrative doesn’t sell as many newspapers or clicks because it doesn’t have victims and a good v evil storyline, and it doesn’t earn academic attention in the gender studies department.

    • You’re a wise old owl eh @ Ada.
      And you couple all that with the imperfection of whatever your god’s children (e.g. males having their mid-life crisis aka possibly the male menopause) and wimmin with their various imperfections, and the you shovel all that needless shit into the political and media agendas …….. whaddya get (aside from another day older and deeper in debt according to the ideology in vogue – at this point in time, going forward) .

      Let’s hope there isn’t a hot war!!!!!!! (Little do we acknowledge there already is as Mumsy Earth burns). The rose petals won’t cope.
      Pfffft. next

  2. Human pair bonding remains a mysterious phenomenon–and I am no incel–having had partners for most of my life by choice.

    The existential loneliness of our one way journey to the dark end that awaits us all drives the need for companionship perhaps. But Jeezus effing Christ, who on TDB would want to go through what Depp and Heard are at the moment?

  3. The “believe the ..,[women/children/patient etc] ” slogans as an inviolate imperative have been a phenomenon for decades, my entire adult life. They’ve been thrown around since the late seventies, amplified in eighties and onwards.
    They’re not a new “woke” phenomenon.
    Peter Ellis and others fell victim to the hounds of righteous dogma in the early nineties.
    Our laws of evidence and the presumption of innocence in criminal law have also been mauled in the area of sexual politics.
    Miscarriages of Justice will continue to result.

    • Peter Ellis case wasn’t so much about “me too” as about destroying someones life because they were gay

      Or maybe I got the wrong end of the stick

  4. If the Heard v. Depp case shows us anything, it is the toxic nature of celebrity culture and the Hollyweird system. These are two deeply broken people with serious problems. I might prefer Depp to win because I find him actually entertaining, and prefer Heard to lose because she portrayed a two-way s**tshow as akin to the kind of abuse that I’m sure she actually did suffer in her early career on the casting couch, but it doesn’t make him a hero to worship or her a wicked succubus- he’s as screwed up by his involvement in the system as she is.

  5. Pass the fucking popcorn!
    Meanwhile …….. the Planet burns; the homeless have even less chance of being housed and fed; povvidy statistics worsen: NuZull’s own Salem witch trials gain pace; politicians and Peter Principled bureaucrats call for reports while they wonder why people ditch the faith and opt for other religious and cult options ,,,,

    Sorry, but I see a bit of a bit of humour in it all

  6. Poor Johnny! having to put up with a nutjob who is soooo unco that she can’t even catch a phone!

    This reminds me of that Maori MP Mega Meka Whaitiri. She had a staff member too who couldn’t catch a phone.
    What’s up with these unco’s!?

    • “Poor Johnny” is due in court next month for punching somebody else Denny. The anti-metoo movement, while bound to happen, picked the wrong poster child.

  7. Did this case not start out with more than one of Depp’s exes accusing this guy of battering them, or was it merely Amber all along?

    Regardless of that, both people involved in this case appear to have entitlement and anger issues.

    Furthermore, I don’t feel that the media should have been allowed basically to roam free throughout the case. Intimate details have been leaked, privacy safeguards ought to have been put into place, and Amber Heard probably has a very good claim to take legal action against the media as they have reported details which aren’t in the public interest to know.

    Moreover, what have Amber Heard’s previous relationships been like? I do not recall a bevy of males attesting to being victims of domestic violence at the hands of this woman. That she is also being categorized as a socially savvy manipulative actress is beyond believable.

    What I remember most about the lead up to the trial is the tear stained face of Amber Heard and that is was due to emotional distress. It didn’t convince me of her innocence, however, as I’ve always seen both of them as protagonists.

  8. The reality is they are both as bad as each other.

    None look like they smell of roses!

    The problem with criminalising stupidity (throwing a phone in anger) is that this is something quite a lot of the population has probably done to someone else and while stupid and bad and thoughtless, should not be criminalised. Likewise pooping in bed, (hopefully less of the population but nether the less not criminal).

    Trivial cases, then minimalises the criteria and message for domestic violence and increases police call outs and paper work, when the worried well ring the police every domestic disagreement or use it to get child custody. (I know a professional who rang the police because their spouse refused to get out of their jointly owned bed). Police refused to come, but maybe now they do!

    Public Funds need to go the medium and worst abuses and encourage people with minor disagreements to sort their differences out without a decade long battle in court against each other – without much evidence anything real happened apart from growing to hate each other. (Also not a crime).

  9. I think many people are missing the big picture here. Even if people believe Depp/Heard abused each other, (I don’t agree but it’s beside the point), Amber had every right to publish an article about her own experiences from her perspective. She didn’t even mention Depp and mainly wrote about different periods of her life.

    That article was what she was sued over. Imagine if you Martyn, or any commenter here for that matter, got sued for calling out a politician or speaking out about your bad experiences with someone without even naming them. That’s essentially what happened and it’s a bloody slippery slope when rich white guys use their wealth to shut down freedom of speech and launch a misinformation smear campaign.


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