I hope Madeline Albright discovers there is a special place in hell for women who justify the murder of 500 000 children!


Oh the great and good are all out in force canonising bloody Madeline Albright aren’t they?

Her glass ceiling breaking, her you go girl feminism, her trite tribalism with that “special place in hell for women who don’t help other woman’ quote!

I never liked her!

Hanging over any of her ‘achievements’ was the naked psychopathic truth she represented.

Her infamous 1996 quote when challenged on the half a million children her sanctions had killed said this…

Albright, the first female secretary of state in United States history, made the remarks during a 60 Minutes interview. Correspondent Lesley Stahl discussed with the then-United Nations ambassador how Iraq had been suffering from the sanctions placed on the country following 1991’s Gulf War.

“We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima,” Stahl said. “And, you know, is the price worth it?”

“I think that is a very hard choice,” Albright answered, “but the price, we think, the price is worth it.”

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…half a million children killed via sanctions was a price worth paying was it?

Can you just pause in horror at the cruel logic there, that the American Military Industrial Complex saw the deaths of 500 000 children being a price that was ‘worth it’?

That was the cold logic, that was the true legacy of Albright.

I hope she’s discovering right now that there is a special place in hell for women who justify the murder of 500 000 children!


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    • not the question gonzo…the comment refers to the ‘gyno-discount’ that society applies to certain misdeeds

  1. She is also on film letting her feelings about Serbian out ,,,, “Disgusting Serbs” https://youtu.be/OSkpIq3T-Zc?t=3560

    Mind you Karl du frenzy opined the same sort of thing here in Nz in his newspaper column ,,,, and after a complaint to Nz’s race relations commissionaire it was decided at that time it was ok to be racist against Serbs.

      • Thanks for the link, reason. It’s an ugly story, no doubt about it

        People reading it might reflect on whether they know the truth about what’s been going on over the last 8 years in the Ukraine, under the aegis of its fascist government, necessitating Russia’ military operation.

    • reason: speaking of Serbs, the link below may interest you. It’s from Scott Ritter, who lays bare US and NATO lies over the bombing of Serbia, all those years ago:


      Many years ago, I read about this crime. It was one of a number of stories which contributed to my realisation of the extent to which, over all of my lifetime, our media had propagandised us at best, lied to us at worst. The reportage of the situation in Serbia and Kosovo fell into the “lies” category.

      • it was Croatia and Slovenia that launched the breakup of Yugoslavia ,,
        “the Croatian army, led by the MPRI, a privatized arm of the US military and intelligence, drove the entire Serbian population from the Krajina section of Yugoslavia.”

        They also ethnically cleansed and butchered Muslims,,,,,
        “You remember the KLA, don’t you? They’re the people NATO installed in power in Kosovo in June 1999 after which they dutifully drove out almost all Serbs, ‘Gypsies’, Jews, non-Albanian Muslims (known as ‘Gorani’), and Albanians who opposed the KLA. Or just killed them. ” http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/ceda.htm

  2. Billions of children and adults can go to sleep feeling just a little bit safer tonight.

  3. While I can understand your sentiment you need to be a bit more consistent in your views. Mostly you deny any God exists but here you are wanting to see the nasty people in hell? The scripture is clear
    “For the living know that they will die;
    But the dead know nothing,…”
    Hell is just another pagan myth adopted by the fallen church as a means to raise money.

    • Try telling all those lovely folks in the Deep South of the US there is no hell. That could be financially problematic

    • be a bit more consistent in your views.

      Ummm… They were Albright’s views, – or at least, referencing her quote in the intro para above. Re-read.

      • While I agree with you about the intro paragraph the article headline & last sentence were from Martyn. While I guess he was using them as a figure of speech rather than an actual intention for her future there is some room for doubt about his intentions.

  4. Have they ever declared that they identify as a ‘woman’? And why would her hell be better then that of Clinton who ordered the sanctions that killed all these children? Or is it ok when men do that, and that still leaves the question if Clinton is a man, not sure if they identified as one, and we all know that to know women or men one has to consult a biologist otherwise how can you really know?

    • Is it ok for a man or a woman to point out that these sanctions apparently didn’t kill all these children?

  5. They are in a special place in hell, not because they represent female but because they are/have been an unkind and uncaring person and their president at the time Bill Clinton was and probably still is an unkind and uncaring person.

  6. Fa$ci$t U$A capitali$m certainly can churn them out can’t it? Was she ( it ) the only validated example of a weapon of mass destruction. Is that irony? It’s certainly truly awful.

  7. I am not defending Albright because clearly she said that ( not sure if she attempted to clarify further in interview). These were UN sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council, so not just a US/ Albright thing right? Also weren’t the child mortality figures subsequently disputed ( as in Saddam and his mates had fudged statistics)?

    • Looking in the mirror again, Shona? Albright’s legacy is way more than one out-of-context quote. She knew how to take on tyrants. Her birthplace, Czechoslovakia, was trampled over by Hitler. You clearly know nothing about her.

  8. I find every publication of Hillary Clinton utterly ridiculous, like she doesn’t belong to the same species. Last about women getting on, previously: she has no idea where Sanders is coming from. She shows herself up. Trump was far closer to the disenfranchised than her.

    Strange person. As removed from the people as Trump in his way. Societies aren’t benefits for the rich. Shouldn’t need to say that.

  9. According to wikipedia: “The effects of the sanctions on the civilian population of Iraq have been disputed. Whereas it was widely believed that the sanctions more than doubled the child mortality rate, research following the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq has shown that commonly cited data were doctored by the Saddam Hussein regime and that “there was no major rise in child mortality in Iraq after 1990 and during the period of the sanctions”. ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanctions_against_Iraq

    • Yes Fredonas. The BMJ published something to effect of mortality not actually changing. Then again don’t let that get in the way of the outrage even if the source of the outrage is not correct

      • So, what number of children killed, as in shredded by bombs and other sadistic munitions, or starved, or otherwise left to die – do you consider to be “worth it”, Wheel?

        • Kheala I was referring to the impact of UN sanctions on child mortality rates in Iraq. It seems it has been established that the 500k child mortality figure was not reality at all and that mortality rates had not actually changed. How you get to bombings etc and acceptable death rates is beyond me.

            • I pointed out you had got the wrong end of the stick. The mortality figure was bollocks. That is actually good news. Clearly it’s not ok if children are dying full stop.

          • Sanctions on countries that are facing starvation in the first place do, inevitably, cause loss of life among the poorest children. Right now, Afghanistan is facing such a crisis, after decades of being occupied and bombed by various ruthless, lying, greedy nations.

            Children are dying as a result, right now: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/22/unfreeze-afghan-funds-demanded-after-13000-newborns-die-malnutrition

            And protestations that certain “humanitarian” aid is being allowed through, are not telling the full story: https://theintercept.com/2021/12/28/afghanistan-economy-collapse-us-sanctions/

            But those humanitarian exemptions, overseen by the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, are nowhere near enough, according to experts who spoke to The Intercept. The OFAC licenses, including new licenses released December 22, have not curbed the global chilling effect of the sanctions and are ineffective in preventing a spiraling disaster that could kill more Afghan people than nearly 20 years of U.S.-backed war and occupation.

            Elsewhere we read again about Assange’s imprisonment, also for decades. Why is he being imprisoned? Why is he considered such a danger to the forces of greed and militarism?

            …. If he had not been imprisoned, and if he was able to continue what he was doing, then the one-sided figures that you are presenting, all clean-washed and polished for the dullard masses to ingest, – would be being brought into the light with more of the wider picture being seen and understood.

            • Get off your high horse ffs. We were talking about Iraq in the nineties and I just pointed out that the BMJ had opined the numbers were rubbish. Why is it such sin to rectify comments that were made in an interview, at a point in time, that turned out to be incorrect? I don’t think Julian Assange would have a problem with that.

    • if the iraq sanctions were effective they killed, if sanctions are not effective imposing them on russia is pointless…it’s one of the two..innit?

      • Well sanctions could actually impoverish without killing could they not? Apparently during that time Saddam still spent billions on palaces etc so when does it become the fault of the UN versus the local regime? I don’t actually know the answer. Again I am not defending Albright I just saying she defended something that appears not to be correct anyway

    • Wikipedia is a ok source of non-political information ,,,,

      For anything politialy controversial or disputed it is absolute shit ,,,, and a good way to find out how politicaly disputed and manipulated a Wikipedia article is, is to use the ‘Tools’ menu on the left hand margin ,,, specifically the ‘page information’ link…

      … In it we can see fredonas’s wikipedia link has 1,256 edits https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sanctions_against_Iraq&action=info ,,,, making the information not worth a pinch of shit ,,, imo ,,,, how many of the edits were from people like ‘judith collin press secretary/Can Slater ??? .

      This is how Wikipedia works ,,, “The [Bell Pottinger] executives also discussed what they called the “dark arts” of optimizing Google searches and editing Wikipedia pages in favor of clients. Collins said that Bell Pottinger’s goal would be “to get to the point where, even if they type in ‘Uzbek child labor’ or ‘Uzbek human-rights violation,’ some of the first results that come up are sites talking about what you guys are doing to address and improvethat, not just the critical voices saying how terrible this all is.” [New Yorker Magazine]”

  10. “We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima,” Stahl said. “And, you know, is the price worth it?”

    “I think that is a very hard choice,” Albright answered, “but the price, we think, the price is worth it.”

    The word ‘demonic’ forms in my mind when I read that (again, ..after a few years)

    And yet, by our indifference we are doing something similar each time we switch off to the plight of children in various parts of the world, wherever there is war, famine or a refugee crisis, eg. And, if we are applying sanctions to regions that are already facing starvation then we are a part of the problem.

  11. Maddy was quoted out of context. They forgot , as long as they’re rag heads , but we’ve removed the threat of another generation of suicide bombers, Trump would have had the mostest…

  12. But she’s Jewish, one of the special people, just like Henry fuckin Kissinger & now Antony fuckin Blinken, of course they can do no wrong. The Zionists have had a firm grip on US foreign policy since WW2 & the Jewish guilt tripping industry continues to make sure of this. Liberal western hypocrisy & selective moralism is so bloody sickening it’s driving me into the arms of an oh so brutal Vlad fuckin Putin.

  13. “….there is a special place in hell for women who justify the murder of 500 000 children!”

    Yes indeed. On hearing the news of her death, a family member’s response: “burn in hell”.

  14. Her attitudes were pretty representative of those held by most Merkins towards those outside the USA or towards citizens of hot countries.

  15. Afghanistan is facing a similar, and potentially even worse situation, right now:
    “Sanctions currently imposed on the country are on track to take the lives of more civilians in the coming year than have been killed by 20 years of warfare. There’s no hiding it any more.”

    Projections through the winter estimate that 22.8 million people will face “high levels of acute food insecurity.” This is 55 percent of Afghanistan’s population, the highest ever recorded in the country. An estimated one million children are suffering from “severe acute malnutrition” this year. Children who are malnourished are more likely to die from other diseases, even when they can get enough calories and nutrients to survive. Already, 98 percent of the population is not getting enough food, according to the UN World Food Programme.

    The biggest and most destructive sanction currently facing Afghanistan is the seizure of more than $7 billion of the country’s assets that are held at the US Federal Reserve. This is equivalent to about 40 percent of Afghanistan’s economy, and about 14 months of the country’s imports – which include food, medicine, and infrastructure needs that are vital to public health. Full article at https://cepr.net/us-sanctions-on-afghanistan-could-be-deadlier-than-20-years-of-war/

  16. As thoroughly gorgeous and perfect as I am (since I was made in Godzone’s image and the Image of Man),
    hopefully it’ll be a while whether or not I experience Heaven of Hell.
    I’ve got a reasonable idea where my resting place might be though. It will be somewhere on planet Erf and I’m pretty sure those that care about me will ensure the muppets are not going to surround me. Just in case though, I’m heavily armed for the afterlife, and we’ve all carefully kept records.

    I have the faith though, so I’m sure the transition (spiritual, sexual, familial, and anything otherwise) will not only be really gorgeous, but it will serve as an example for others wanting a ‘soft landing’ on the back of environmental concerns in this space – going forward – or even moving backward.
    Movers and shakers from all quarters of the political and philosophical spectrum are planning my demise (plans under wraps – although I can divulge that Garbak’s New World are doing the catering having deigned to contribute a carrot cake from the bakery section of their Empire)

    Really though, a cardboard coffin. a bit of benzine and a naked flame nearby, dropped by chance in a river somewhere is far more deserving of the political class that surround me. Hopefully they’ll jump the line before me (really good chances so far), and I’ll be interested to see how they’ve taken their economic and material wealth with them. No doubt there’ll be some learnings in that space going forward

  17. There is a video doing the rounds of Albright at a book launch going off at protesters. She ends up snarling “Disgusting Serbs!” as her handler bundles her off. Apparently she had deep seated hatred for Serbs, concerning since she was a major player in that 90s Balkan conflict – because of her own blood lines?

  18. She reminds me of Margaret Thatcher. She gave a similarly amazing comment when praising the virtues of nuclear warfare to President Gorbachev FROM RUSSIA, REMEMBER – they can’t be dismissed as the only baddies by a sanctimonious western crowd. After what Albright had been though in her younger years her values were scrambled it seems.

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