Judith teaming up with NZ First would be the least expected thing


I don’t think reactionary right wing politics is fading, it’s simply trying to find new political expression.

Out on the fringes the mutterings are disconnected from reality.

The economic pressure and stress fractures are rupturing in real time and many NZers are simply bunkering down in survival mode.

Double digit inflation is on its way, the global economy is splintering. Geopolitical fault lines are raw and exposed.

Imagine Judith Collins giving an Orewa Speech where she denounces Luxon for compromising National on race relations and announces she will stand for NZ First.

Imagine a by-election and she becomes the NZ First MP with Winston as leader and they barn storm the 2023 election for a provincial working class electorate who are full of rage and economic hurt.

Imagine a NZ First with Winston as leader and Judith as Deputy.

A conservative isolationist NZ political movement in a world of constant external global shocks.

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That would be a Kingmaker, not a Queenmaker.

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    • When is the average emotional maturity of the readership going to reach past adolescence? Hopefully, some time soon, before it’s too late to reverse some of the more irresponsible, and self defeating idiocy that far too many “intelligent” kiwis have just rolled over and accepted as “normal”… My feeling is that I will have escaped back to the real world long before that ever happens here.. You fools voted for the abuse brought on to the majority of the population, and the tepid attempts to fix the mountain of long term damage done to NZ, and it’s ability to look after itself properly… But then, I doubt that more than a few of you even get that it’s actually in our hands to make the changes required, but then, that would take the possession of a spine.. Oh well, another British offshoot withers…

        • Ben – did you find Mrs Luxon?
          OMG! What if they were discovered to have been in a motel together??
          Is that the sort of insidious crap you are hinting at, Ben?
          Come clean, Ben. Tell us why you are asking dumb questions about Clarke.

          • In Vino – Clarke was bringing in the laundry before heading for the dairy. Mrs Luxon could be out buying hubby a decent pair of shoes so that he doesn’t have to get a black Mercedes just to go a few metres up the street and wear dangerous flip flops when using power tools. All ok.

            • You are so far down the rabbithole Ben, you’ll never see Clarke, or sanity, or your other brain cell ever again.

              You don’t deserve our derision sonny boy, you deserve our pity.

              Have you named your lost brain cell Clarke? An unusual name for a lost brain cell, but we understand it must be difficult to make ends meet on the pitiful shill payments you get from your dirty politics script writers.

              Good luck finding your lost brain cell.

        • And is Chris Luxon in his office counting the capital gains from his 8 rentals daily?
          And is Todd Muller in his office polishing his MAGA hat?
          Is Judith Collins on her knees in church praying for an insurrection?
          And are Harete Hipango and Maureen Pugh out looking for another hate protest to support?
          And the rest of National and ACT?
          Coaching Ben on his Tory shill work for the Daily Blog

  1. Jesus Christ ! What has been seen cannot be unseen.
    Seeing those two side by side albeit enabled by photo-stitch is as unsettling as an experience I had once where by I woke up in a witchy woman’s bed in an old state house finding I needed to pee desperately. I got out of bed, as one should before peeing, especially on a first date, and headed off down the hall to the bathroom and toilet. I remember passing a deep, dark doorway into what was once a small bedroom and got a powerful sense of being watched.
    I turned into the bathroom and twisted around so my back was to the wall and pee’d sideways while keeping an eye on that room. After I finished, I sprinted back to bed on the balls of my feet then went back to sleep to have the weirdest and scariest dream I’d ever had.
    The image above of Winnie and The Big Judy re ignited that memory.
    My friend listened with interest at my story and said ” Oh yea, no one goes into that room. I normally keep the door closed.”

  2. Doubt it could work- Judith “Oravida” Collins has a Chinese remote controlled ownership problem.

    Peters on the other hand is theoretically diametrically opposed to being a Chinese sell out, although what he really does is always determined by who has the wooden box containing his beating heart.
    At last count it was aboard a commercial fishing boat somewhere.

    Could Collins procure the box?

  3. This is fucking awesome stuff. You must watch.
    Russell Brand is climbing ever higher in my estimation.
    While the subject matter is different, i.e. arms sales to Ukraine = massive profits for American politicians buying shares etc in arms manufacturers PRIOR to the Russian invasion, the mechanism of legitimised corruption IS THE SAME MECHANISM we’re suffering from here. High costs of living, absurd house prices, a demonised primary industry in step with its exploitation etc.
    Trust me, trust Russell Brand. I have zero interest in making money from what I, frankly tirelessly, write about just how fucked we’re getting in a rich country by the same kinds/types of people Russell Brand and his crew are drawing attention to in this most excellent YouTube clip.
    “With calls for a no-fly zone in Ukraine as well as a massive increase in arms by the U.S. and NATO to Ukraine, are we sure military escalation is the quickest way to achieve an end to this war, and if not, is anyone profiting from it? ”

  4. Rural people will not vote for an ex Auckland tax lawyer (Collins) Bomber! FFS don’t you know ANY country folks???
    Why do think so many rural electorates were lost by National in the last election?
    Or did you not bother to count them cause you know banjos, in breeding and country dumbfucks?
    Snowball chance in hell of Collins EVER being part of NZ First.
    She has always been about ME first!

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