Nazi Hunter Michael ‘rivers of filth’ Wood now targeting Maori!

Nazi Hunter Michael Woods will save the day!

Fresh from hunting Nazis, Michael ‘rivers of filth’ Wood is now targeting Maori???

The new drug driving powers are coming into force and they are so insanely counter productive it’s painful to think about…

Government introducing roadside drug testing from 2023

Random roadside drug testing will come into force from next year as part of an effort to deter drug-impaired driving.

Drivers who test positive will be fined and stopped from driving for a minimum of 12 hours.

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It comes after Parliament passed the Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment legislation on Tuesday.

…let me be clear, I don’t drive, so my following criticism is not in any way shape or form self interested!

The problem as it was always going to be, is that the drug tests pick up the presence of the drug, not impairment.

So, if you are a stoner, you will get caught by this without actually being impaired.

Schedule 5 of the new law lists the substances and their levels for
“tolerance” (fine) or criminal conviction:

1ng for the saliva test – this results in a fine, no record

3ng for the blood test (taken if a driver disputes the saliva test, or
chooses to do the ‘walk the line’ field sobriety test and is failed by
the cop) – this results in a court charge, criminal record, bigger fine,
potential jail.

Based on the experience in Colorado which brought in a similar law in
2010, a regular user will test over 1ng every day even after a day of
non-use. A heavy user (like most med patients) would test over 3ng even
after a day of non-use.  (Colorado set their level at 5ng)

…so what will this new law do? With cannabis the most used illegal drug, it will catch a whole bunch stoners who aren’t actually impaired to drive.

Seeing as Police have a special hard on for Maori, it will be used against them at far greater numbers than anyone else.



Police will target the usual suspects they always do.

Young brown men will be over represented in that targeting.

Because weed is the largest illegal drug used in NZ, of course the Police will test and find everyone has cannabis in their system, but many won’t in fact be impaired.


More brown young men will be punished for simply consuming cannabis, not actually being impaired by it.

We will jump and clap and claim this is great social policy.

I’m so over this bullshit.


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  1. If you asked him who pushed him for this. He’d say his wife Julie did it.
    Julie has a thing for Mowrees. She doesn’t like them. She’s not a racist but….

    • Denny P. Hands off his wife you jerk. It’s one thing for all you big brave men to line up against the government for enacting laws which will impact most upon those who break them the most – that’s the way things tend to work.

      When this wee Wood wanker called protestors ‘ rivers of filth’, you big strong men again blamed his missus for that too, in the good old Adam and Eve tradition, “ It was the woman, made me do it, Lord.” And now you’re at it again. Let him stand on his own two feet, he doesn’t or shouldn’t need you to be his apologists.

      • From personal experience Annie. She’s a c…t. She may not remember but I do.

      • I’m sorry Annie you’re so easily triggered but I have to inform you this is from personal experience with Julie. She is a bigot. She may not remember? But I do. My feelings were hurt.
        She was being a typical pakeha who knows everything but knows nothing.

        • Denny P. But she is not the public figure making these statements, she’s just the wife, assumed to be telling him what to say. If or when Mrs Wood should publicly say these sorts of things herself, then by all means critique what she says.

          Wood referring to the protestors as he did, was disgraceful. Even if every protestor was deranged, which I do not for one moment believe, it maliciously and dangerously stigmatises people who differ from officialdom and he should have to justify what comes out of his own careless mouth. If he was just show boating to his electorate, then that is also unacceptable behaviour – even if Key and English were just as bad. The corollary of all this was govt turning the hoses on people and blasting them with noise- while hiding from them. They all need to grow up.

        • Denny. Correction. I should have said turned the sprinklers on, not the hoses, the hoses came much later, after Mallard’s abyssal failed initiatives.

  2. Michael Wood is rated by Labour as one of their leading lights. Haha. I rate him as being disconnected from Kiwi’s and extremely arrogant. He’s the same man that routinely dismissed any and all objections to his Harbour Bridge Cycle Lane fantasy exactly like he knew best and anyone who didn’t agree with him was ignorant. Context is always important. This was unfolding at exactly the same time our Nurses were striking for better pay and conditions and the Government adamantly stated there was nothing in the kitty for them.

    Then reality arrived for Wood and the Government. They had been wrong all along. Apart from the lycra brigade, almost everyone in Auckland was against the cycle lane on the harbour bridge. Had Wood got off his high horse and talked with Kiwi’s, he would have seen the reality.

    Nek minute, after already spending many millions of tax payer dollars on it, the plug was pulled on the very badly timed hair brained concept and Wood admitted to being very surprised by the public reaction. Hello!

    Same situation with drug testing. Maori will not be targeted. We live in a different time for that. It’s more likely to be the complete opposite especially when Maori voices speak to the arrogant and disconnected Woods.

    On a personal note, I’ve driven thousands of times over several decades after consuming cannabis. Despite what the fearmongers spouted off in the lead up to the 2020 referendum, I always drove slower and more cautious than usual. This was exactly the same situation for the hundreds of like minded people I spoke with over the years. I’m not concerned by the prospect of a cannabis user driving on the same roads my loved ones travel. I would however be very concerned by drivers mixing any drug including cannabis or paracetamol with Alcohol. I would also be very concerned by harder drug user driving on our road when impaired and potentially sleep deprived. I welcome a test being conducted on a driver that’s come to the attention of the Police via their driving display rather than skin colour. Regardless of who these drivers are, we need them off our roads.

    • Michael Wod has consistently come across as a dud, kind of in the Poto image.

      Worse still, when I learnt his partner is one of those anti car pro bicycle types, it could easily mean any decision he makes risks being tainted with their feral anti car agendas!

      • Oh I get it now the cycle lane was for his wife, understand the picture now, I get it !!!

        Julian Genter got all her cycleways in around Mt Albert however all the vertival sticks have been broken off and removed, Mt Albert Town Centre is still a f*** up. Wasn’t cheap either for no improvements.

    • MW is a sharp guy comes across well when speaking in Public, quite well educated I think, MA from Auckland University. Hopefully it will pick up the Meth P users and they can be fined or banned from driving, however just offer warnings for marijuana smokers.

      Not supporting his new $28 Billion Tram Set to Auckland Airport.

    • I wonder if these gangs which were harassing motorists between Taupo and Otara were any way impaired by either alcohol or drugs ?

  3. if only we had a left government in parliament that could create sane drug laws. Oh, wait……yeah, we supposedly have that in government.

  4. I don’t do drugs, so I shouldn’t be bothered. But I object to random state surveillance and this measure will not prevent the harm it attempts to address. No doubt the Police will also misuse these powers on occasion. Another reason why I will not vote for this government.

  5. I think Michael Woods “river of filth” comments were outrageous and disgusting.

    The cost of the abandoned bike bridge is yet another example of labour wasting our money. So too the wretched parliament playground and all the reports we payed for that were filed away, no action taken

  6. if we legalised all drugs, and I think there’s an argument for that..driving impaired by any of them is still dangerous and needs to be treated as a crime….zero is the only acceptable test…yes people will be restricted in their car use by their habit….awww diddums, get used to it.

  7. Woods is one of the top 6 MPs in parliament. He knows how to handle media and shock jocks and runs rings around any right wing tory do-nothing fools. The tories and Act are the racists and always have been from at least Muldoon’s time. The right wing are falling over themselves after a dodgy poll showing the Natz gathering momentum. Finally the hate Jacinda grumpy old men brigade can now replace their John Key photograph on their mantlepiece with their great white hope Luxon.

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