The Daily Blog Open Mic – 16th February 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. You have to wonder why NZ residents have free MIQ if they leave NZ after 180 days… surely they should only get the first MIQ free to enter NZ, then it is there choice to leave so they can pay for their holidays/business trips MIQ!!!!!

    Also why are travellers only charged after the leave MIQ – they should be charged as they pay for their flights and book, and that would also stop all the frauds and bots booking the places but never turn up.

    Free MIQ if you are a deportee, crime pays in NZ!

    And lastly why was it so hard for them to pay in the first place, by not having a bank account freely available for them to pay into.

    Debt collectors chase cut of $38.7m in MIQ fees

    • Yes MIQ debt needs to be sorted urgently. We all know of NZers who have come home and left and not paid any money towards their MIQ. And all those who have done this need to be treated with the same level of distain as the student loan defaulters possibly use the same policy the did catching them at the airports. Otherwise us NZ tax payers are left with this bill.

  2. People may have noticed that I think everything is open to question, and for gleaning what is good in a mixed

    This piece of journalism du jour, to me is an example of how feminism is so captured by middle class, privileged and self-centred women, who are usually great people; but class- oriented. Which would explain much of the present, and certain brouhaha, without the ‘haha’. What about single mothers and their lives being wrecked by poverty and the withholding of concern and compassion for the female life and burdens felt for aeons. But not now for the wealthy, and their all-important following of style and fashion. style. Then those seeking Maslow’s top of the pyramid – self- actualisation; it takes all one’s perseverance to find it personally so no time for anything else.

    Just an extra – Strange Brew The Cream
    “Strange Brew”
    Strange brew – killin’ what’s inside of you
    She’s a witch of trouble in electric blue
    In her own mad mind she’s in love with you
    With you
    Now what you gonna do?
    Strange brew – killin’ what’s inside of you

    She’s some kind of demon messin’ in the glue
    If you don’t watch out it’ll stick to you
    To you
    What kind of fool are you?
    Strange brew – killin’ what’s inside of you

    On a boat in the middle of a raging sea
    She would make a scene for it all to be
    And wouldn’t you be bored?
    Strange brew – killin’ what’s inside of you

    Hoda Al-Jamaa, 17, was sitting with her friends at Otago Girls’ High School when three other girls asked them how to swear in arabic and started taunting them.
    The situation escalated and Hoda’s hijab ripped off and was hit while others filmed her.
    “Two of the girls held me and one hit me and after I fell on the ground, she … was still hitting my face and my body. I was waiting for the teacher to help me,” Hoda said.
    The girls then took her hijab off and continued filming her and the video has now been shared with boys and girls around the school.

    This is the sort of thing that I really hate. The protesters have their own reasons, some of them daft.

    But this violence is nasty and an indictment on an education system that has forced computers and the internet on pupils because it is ‘modern ‘. Knowledge of the internet and computer use is mandatory today, note that word, mandato9ry. Some schools seemed to have embraced computers with unholy glee. Simple thinking process can get sidelined. I think more communication, discussion in class with opinions aired and looked at in the light of enlightened and balanced viewpoints would be better.

    I would like to hear all about the girls who took part in this outrage. What is their racial background? Their class backgroiund? Their explanation? What can be done to take away their sense of entitlement, return their sense of the importance of being a controlled and fair person to others, and expect it for themselves.

    And the school should take time off for a big discussion that is run on objective grounds as well as humanitarian, without naming or scapegoating the girls concerned. And pointing out how hard we have worked over the years to tame our behaviour and been partly successful. And ask the kids their opinions on why we still have such violence and what we could do to fix whatever breeds it. Confront, confront! LIt would be looking at this behaviour and where it sits within a civilised society, and how controlled in a civilised person’s thinking, and noting that we all can get furious, can feel resentment. It’s human, but gets out of control.


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