Golriz steps up for Assange in progressive thought Olympics



Golriz is participating in one of the most important civil rights events on Earth.

The Assange trial has inspirited a global event which lists the who’s who of left wing thinkers and Golriz is there!

Now, I have certainly been sarcastic and critical towards Golriz in the past, but this is an honour that cuts through any of that & she deserves nothing but praise!

The Belmarsh Tribunal NYC: Shut down Guantanamo. Free Assange — February 25

Inspired by the Russell-Sartre Tribunals of the late 1960s, which put the US government on trial for its war crimes in Vietnam, the Belmarsh Tribunal will expose the crimes of the so-called War on Terror 20 years after the first prisoners were brought to Guantánamo Bay — and call for Assange’s freedom.

The event — convened in partnership with DiEM25, the Courage Foundation, The People’s Forum, DSA International Committee, The Intercept, People’s Dispatch and the International People’s Assembly — will be chaired by philosopher Srećko Horvat and civil rights attorney Margaret Kunstler. Witnesses will include: Alice Walker, Angela Richter, Austin González, Balthesar Garzón, Chip Gibbons, Chris Hedges, Clare Daly, Claudia De la Cruz, Cornel West, Deborah Hrbek, Golriz Ghahraman, Guillaume Long, Jeremy Scahill, Jodi Dean, Milo Rau, Nancy Hollander, Nathan Fuller, Nick Estes, Noam Chomsky, Renata Avila, Roger Waters, Sevim Dagdalen, Srećko Horvat, Steven Donziger, Vijay Prashad, and Yanis Varoufakis.

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Jesus wept! Alice Walker! Cornel West! Jeremy Scahill, Noam fucking Chomsky? Vijay Preshad AND Yanis Varoufakis!!!!

This will be an incredible moment and Golriz honour’s NZ by her inclusion!

This is the Olympics for progressive thought and to argue for Assange’s freedom is an extraordinary event in the most important journalism trial in the modern era.

All people of good faith and basic human decency should salute Golriz for her inclusion and participation of this incredibly powerful event.

Standing ovation here at TDB!

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  1. At last, some positive news for the Greens. I hope all goes well and that Golriz gets to shine. More importantly I hope Julian gets released from his torturous confinement.

  2. Sure I can understand the Yanks being bitter & twisted about Julian Assange making absolute fools of them and I can also understand that the exposure of a lot of their intel online might have compromised some of their operations but:

    > He only published it. He did what journalists are supposed to do: Expose the truth.

    > He’s a foreign national and therefore has no loyalty to the USA so a charge of treason is therefore baseless.

    So what are they going to charge him with, or will be just face summary execution when the CCTV cameras are turned off, like Epstein?

    • Yeah but that’s the thing at the heart of this persecution Andrew. None of the U.S. defence operations( making war on the world)were compromised. As verified by that globally recognized expert on warfare our own Nicky Hager at Assange’s trial. The U. S. government have been proven to have broken an almost countless number of laws of both the U.K. and Ecuador by spying on Assange illegally and committing the crime of ordering Assange’s assassination. BUT somehow that seems to have slipped by the lamestream media’s notice!And that of our spineless government!

  3. Assange needs all the help he can get and let’s face it the Green party was the only one who was going to do any meaningful its just taken a long time to get here.

    I hope this is a sign that we are very slowly getting back to the real life and confronting the disaster of neo liberal austerity and making even America answer for its crimes all done in the name of American freedom and democracy such as it is while it pretends to take the moral high ground in chastising other countries human rights abuses but staying silent on Israel and its horrific treatment of the Palestinian people.

    We need more like Golriz.

  4. This is a great result for Golriz and it really shows up the whole Labour movement, the NZ MSM in general, and home-grown Kiwis, that it has taken an immigrant to NZ to step up to the plate over Julian Assange, in this highly visible way. It is also rather gross that some on this site still feel the need to denigrate her. Shame on you.

    • Don’t know where you are from Liminal and it doesn’t matter but you seem to dislike home grown Kiwis which not very nice.

    • Ummmm Nicky Hager was an expert witness at Assange’s trial so no you are veyr much mistaken about immigrant’s stepping up etc etc. Guess you missed that!

  5. He is an Australian, so his best chance of getting anything remotely resembling justice will be after a change of government there.. The current tory stain in Canberra will happily sacrifice Assange to please their heros in Washington.. They are every bit as corrupted and self interested as the national party in NZ, which amounts to them being the enemy of their own people, just like the nats here are…
    The yanks are determined to kill Assange as painfully as possible, and to drag iy out to make sure the rest of us are fully aware of what happens to people with actual principles who think they should let us know what the yanks are really up to.. They have world domination to get on with after all, and if it means most of us are sacrificed for that cause, then them’s the breaks…

  6. One of the highest-paid beneficiaries in the Country! Cant do much because I’m sick note on her door!

  7. Well fantastic post, Martyn, and thank you for reporting what no one else has.
    My take on the video released by Wikileaks, for what it’s worth, is that the drone operators who were shooting the paramedics and journalists and laughing like drains were online, playing a shoot em up game.
    Losing face is always met with rancour, no less for being one of the world’s biggest money generators, the gaming industry.

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