49 cases – another decline – Jacinda has broken the back of the Delta attack


49 cases – another decline – Jacinda has broken the back of the Delta attack – this is what leadership looks like – we all stamped it out!

This is us acting in the collective good!

NZ can hold its head up high while the death cult capitalists sulk & criticise!

The disappointment in the tone of the journalists voices that Jacinda has beaten Delta is palpable!

Where are all the critics who claimed Elimination wasn’t possible?

If National or ACT were in power, they would have capitulated to Covid on the second day!

When history reviews this time, China will declare their brutal authoritarian approach to Covid was the success, but here in NZ we can hold our heads up high that we were able to defeat it not by crushing civil rights, falsehoods and violent police action, but via kindness, empathy and a belief that a well informed citizenship will act in good faith for the collective good.

A liberal progressive democracy can triumph at the height of a pandemic while maintaining our cherished civil liberties when it is led by a leader who puts people before profits.

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  1. Sorry…are you living in another country? All stamped it out? Ok then, back to Level 1 and let’s go party! Fuck the vaccines, it’s stamped out.

    • It’s so demoralising when one is reduced to pointless oversimplification…. isn’t it… your comment is verging on a tantrum.. Diddums…

  2. Public health before private profit is exactly what is happening here with the PM’s COVID approach-despite the 24/7 media campaign of big capital and the sizeable NZ petit bourgeoisie.

  3. Cannot agree.
    We are still last in the OECD for vaccine rollout which is embarrassing and worse puts all New Zealanders at risk.Guarantees more lockdowns to come.
    I see it as yet another failure of the Ardern led Labour Government

  4. Lol. Until the next time. The real test will be tomorrow as these results were based on the weekend where test numbers are lower.

    What should concern us all more is that we still haven’t found case zero therefore there might be hidden strands out there.

    • “based on the weekend where test numbers are lower.” Are you sure about that?
      “we still haven’t found case zero “.. Are you sure about that as well? Lot of nonsense kneejerking going on today it seems…

      • Ok Stef tell me how covid got into the community then? I’m all ears.

        Like St Ash’s frozen chicken wings theory last time the covid walkway has hit a snag.

  5. National would have done the same thing. Indeed, they were the first to call for a stronger border at the start of the pandemic, and (like Act) have been advocating for better response measures.

    • “National would have done the same thing”.. I only have one word to add to your statement….”Bullshit”, or to clarify that Utter bullshit… The tories be getting desperate lately.. I know, it’s not easy accepting that ones political beliefs have turned out to be a delusion, but really?

    • The country would’ve been flooded with covid with Naional/ACT in charge, I have no doubt. Of course ACT advocate for better response measures, do you think they’d advocate for worse?

    • You want to know what Natz would have done?
      Look across the ditch at NSW. That’s how Natz would have handled the pandemic – lockdown lite!

  6. Not there yet – especially with lying non-savant idiots that don,t inform our ambulance staff that they are covid contacts…

  7. Martyn really, really, really wants the headline to be true, and for Jacinda to be the Messiah delivering us from Covid.

  8. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch Martyn, we still have a long way to go, perhaps years before Covid is stamped out, but I do agree with your assessment regarding the National & Act Party’s deadly incompetence? Thank God Labour was in charge when this Pandemic erupted because if Judith Collins or that Weasel David Seymour had’ve been in Govt when Covid broke out, NZ would have been swamped & overwhelmed with COVID infections with hundreds of thousands of NZers infected & perhaps hundreds dead? National & Act would have prioritised Dealthcult Capitalism, Globalisation with it’s Open Borders & cheap Labor immigration over saving Kiwi lives! They would have privatised any Govt assistance to the Private sector & prioritised Business Elites & Farmers over the needs of most NZers & that’s a certain fact! But all Jacinda & Labour get is whinging, whining & complaining comments from utterly fucken thankkess, bitter & hateful Nat Party Losers who bitch & moan about everything like 2 yr old Toddlers & comparing our Vaccine rollouts with other Nations who make these Vaccines? Just shut the fuck up & stop moaning & just thank Jacinda & Labour for keeping you safe & alive & count yourself lucky that the imbeciles of the right, the National & Act Party’s were in Opposition when Covid arrived because it’s a good chance you might be dead or hooked up to a Ventilator by now if they had been in charge! Count your lucky stars!

    • Exactly right, totally agree and well summed up. Jacinda is a world famous leader because she leads with kindness, empathy and compassion. She puts the safety and wellbeing of the NZ citizens first and foremost before the economy. Our economy in NZ bounced back remarkably after all the lockdowns last year and in February this year. You can replace the economy, but you can’t replace people. Thank goodness Jacinda and the Labour Party government were in Government throughout the insidious COVID pandemic, as if the opposition parties were in charge, NZ would be like the UK, USA, India and Europe. NZ citizens are very obedient, apart from the a very small minority of conspirators. We want to enjoy our freedom and we will stamp out the virus and have normality once again.


    A little premature to claim complete victory , but certainly moving in the right direction.

    I hope Mike Hoskings reads your blog ,prints it off and shoves it up his rectum so far it gives him a stomach ulcer.

    1.The graph shown by Jacinda yesterday shows where we would have been now if we had gone down the Mike Hosking/ NSW road of ” soft lockdown “or” no lockdown” and putting” the economy first “.Holy Moly, we are all so fortunate for this real leadership .

    2.If we can defeat the Delta Dragon till Christmas and complete our vaccination program , it will give enormous political rewards to Labour and rightfully so. Much gratitude and literally a world class effort .

    3.It is also vitally important to achieve elimination rather than suppression , as we have the second lowest provision of intensive care beds in the OECD. I believe only around 400 beds nationwide . Like 2 in Invercargill .Only Mexico has less .Oh shit .
    An uncontrolled outbreak would mean significant mortality, our health system overun , with our capacity only half that of Australia’s . Jacinda and Grant Robertson have known this for a very long time , so strategically they are VERY committed to continuing elimination . NSW has 2/3 capacity full now with 800 covid cases a day, due to peak at 6000 cases a day in 2 months.It looks very bleak indeed .

    For NZ , elimination is a must win both medically and politically .
    Germany 38 beds /OZ 8 beds /UK 6/NZ only 4 Beds per 100,000 people .RNZ SUN MORN 29/8/21

  10. Absolutely agree and probably most of New Zealand does Martyn. The go hard, go early strategy is on target despite dog whistling from the opposition, however it could all unravel as On Watch points out due to lying to our ambo staff. Labour on target with having all 10 million vaccines here by October as stated back in February.

  11. Interesting interpretation.

    How come Singapore with over 65000 cases, 55 deaths, 80% vaccinated
    NEVER resorted to Level 3 or 4 type lockdowns yet have open borders for many countries(including NZ & Germany)?

    Maybe they didnt get the memo.
    Jacinda is a saint and walks on water.

    Meanwhile they just go on with doing the doing without photo opps

    • Well said!

      Actually, its not that hard for New Zealand as a sparsely populated island country to keep the thing out or at least keep the numbers down.

      Pretty easy to implement a lockdown. Does not take any real skill or leadership.

      Singapore has the top Cambridge Mathematics student for his year as leader.

      We have a former fish and chip wrapper.

      • “Actually, its not that hard for New Zealand as a sparsely populated island country to keep the thing out or at least keep the numbers down.”

        Where have you been over the past three weeks or are you just plain stupid?

  12. Maybe, and I think we’ll beat it this time. But next time could be next month at this rate. Then what, shut down Auckland, again?

    They don’t know how it got out and to be blunt, we have dodged so many bullets from the laissez-faire border management in the last few months, it worries me a lot.

    Our quarantine facilities are merely hotels, miles from the airport mostly and not purpose built quarantine facilities with lots of van rides and lots transferences in between. And 18 months later, watching the squirming at the press conferences it would be a lot of easier on Jacinda if she could at least say we’ve been working hard on doing this better, rather than having nothing.

    This city is about out of gas with lockdowns but this disease is going this be around for years to come. The investment in quarantine facilities in a small centre rather than a cobbled together sort of okay, will go a long way this mitigating future problems.

    Think ahead Labour. Just once, please, give it a go. It will lessen those uncomfortable press conferences.

  13. If these numbers are accurate (and we don’t get further outbreaks), than Jacinda’s policy truly can’t (and shouldn’t) be faulted. That said, if we get this outbreak under control (against all odds), I’m still not sure where we go from there. The vaccine doesn’t sterilise, so CoVID will persevere regardless of how many are vaccinated as soon as the borders are opened. I’m not sure how to spin that to make it seem positive. The “everything will be fine when enough people are vaxxed” narrative isn’t working great for Israel right now.

      • Man you don’t do logic well, do you?
        …..’Sydney woman Amanda Gulasi was a proud anti-vaxxer who didn’t believe in the Covid-19 pandemic’……
        For your point to be even remotely valid, all antivaxxers MUST ALSO deny C-19 is real.

        Like Martyn I was VERY early on warning people about C-19. About mid Jan 2020. Thanks to the GREAT work by Chris Martenson, who is almost banned off YouTube for daring to be correct. he also told people to wear a mask etc etc. So he’s been right WAY way more times than the politicians, but he is now assumed to be wrong, UNLESS he can prove his case, but is censored from doing so on too many sites. ….’sound familiar’?

        I warned all that would listen, I bought masks, made doubly sure the pantry was restocked (it usually has three months supply of basics). And NO I didn’t stock up on toilet paper.
        Everyone looked side-ways at me, until the panic, then they needed a mask. Good job I had plenty of spare to give away.

        I am an anti THIS lot of vaccines, and I’m lumped in to the ‘band’ of (what I consider also to be suspect) antivaxxers (to ALL vaccines) by others illogic on this site.

        People will wonder why they got this so wrong one day soon, and this type of illogic/irationale, being allowed to NOT be corrected, will be a major reason why, IMHO.

        Your, a Physics graduate.

  14. In brief

    Migrant MP with foreign property investments Verrall assures Kiwi Pasifika that they do not need their passports to get the vaccine

    Stark raving Mallard orders a 5 metre exclusion zone around every human in the Debating Chamber

    Man responsible for the dystopian Covid tracer software says he wanted to give back to New Zealand, and this is his koha

  15. Funny watching the brainwashed fawn over the fool believing she can hold back water using a sieve. NZ will get COVID eventually. Your naive smugness is your weakness.

  16. ” cherished civil liberties when it is led by a leader who puts people before profits ”
    Really !!! No Bomber its political expediency and safeguarding ” ones ” legacy.
    Jacinda is a politician safeguarding her National parties woman’s vote for 2023 or delayed 2024 general election.
    Hiding behind a pandemic as an excuse not to offend her new support base is why there will be NO help or assistance for those with NO voice.
    Its time for a new centre left alternative that will speak for the many economic refugees that have no hope or future in our evil neo liberal plutocracy.

  17. Some here are arguing that Judith would have done better or different or worse. I suspect she would have tried to do the same but no one else in this time would have attracted the wholehearted co operation that Jacinda has drawn. That is what would have made the difference. We believed in her that she believed in us.
    Where talk of careful steps starting with allowing special business people to self Quarantine and leading by some magical path to opening the borders without MIQ and without covid must by now be a huge embarrassment to the proponents . Clearly opening up to a bubble with Australia was courting disaster.
    But I do fear the respite is temporary. Someone somewhere will blow it. Or a new gov’t will come in and change the rules.
    The best hope is that the virus is becoming more benign all the time in terms of mortality while more contagious; and by the time it gets away here it will really not be worse than a flu .
    D J S

    • I will not argue. Collins is a disaster, so it’s fair to assume she would have not done a better job. Why is she still here? We’re bored in L4 and need fresh entertainment! A coup within National would give us energy for another week of blogging…getting to know Luxon would provide a great platform for the slaggers. instead, we have to listen to the JA worshipper celebrate the ‘stamping out’ of the virus. Let’s see the numbers today and I may well join the party.

    • David Stone: “Some here are arguing that Judith would have done better or different or worse. I suspect she would have tried to do the same but no one else in this time would have attracted the wholehearted co operation that Jacinda has drawn.”

      I don’t think that anyone can be certain of that counterfactual. From talking to people hereabouts, I’ve got the impression that they’ve taken their cue as to lockdowns and the like from msm reports of what’s happening overseas, rather then from the PM. Who has been guilty of infantilising the whole scenario, to the great irritation of the young people in our family. I must say, it has been like being lectured at by one’s least favourite teacher. One young family member dislikes her because she puts them in mind of a particular high school teacher, who considered herself down with the teens, even though she was at the time closer to 50 than 40. Heh!

      “The best hope is that the virus is becoming more benign all the time in terms of mortality while more contagious; and by the time it gets away here it will really not be worse than a flu .”

      I suspect that we’re seeing the beginning of this already, at least in NZ. There have been many cases, but no deaths thus far.

      • “I suspect that we’re seeing the beginning of this already, at least in NZ. There have been many cases, but no deaths thus far.”

        Man. That’s such a stupid conclusion it’s difficult to know where to start.

        • Richard Christie: “That’s such a stupid conclusion it’s difficult to know where to start.”

          OK: let’s be hearing a different conclusion from you that doesn’t involve name-calling.

          I’ve just checked the stats up to yesterday: no deaths thus far. Deaths still listed by MoH as being 26. This is an infectious strain: thus far in NZ, it hasn’t been deadly. If you have countervailing evidence, how about you adduce it?

  18. Jacinda is now a leftists God. Religious people get caught in a Cyclone (caused by their god), just about survive and then say god saved them. Ignoring the fact that their God killed many other people and nearly killed them? Their god gets credit for the good things but never the bad? Not many good things coming from this new fake empathetic god thats for sure. Ask all the poor homeless kids.

  19. Labour is doing a good job with Covid. Very few deaths. Too much moaning which is becoming a national pastime. If you don’t like NZ’s Covid strategy, leave and go to Singapore etc….

    • SaveNZ, I’m afraid the naysayers don’t have the courage of their bigoted opinions; they would rather throw political insults at the very people who have protected us from the gruesome effects of the virus.

  20. U no at the end of the day she is trying her best she is as human as any of us she has done more than any other government cause she cares about people stop putting her down Judith Collins is about herself we have to be great full for what we have luv all serve all

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