Budget 2021 Winners and Losers: Exorcising the Ghost of National’s Mother of all Budgets to reanimate the corpse of Muldoon’s Think Big

The 'If-Ruth-Richardson's-Mother-of-All-budgets-had-a-30-year-old-brought-up-in-poverty-and-couldn't-buy-a-house' Budget - Winners and Losers   

For a 2021 Budget, this was all about desperately attempting to repair the 30 year damage of Ruth Richardson’s Mother of All Budgets while waking up the slumbering corpse of Muldoon’s Think Big economic nationalism.

  • There is a miserly upgrade of welfare.
  • Māori Caucus Forced over $973m in extra funding.
  • Climate change gets sweet fuck all.
  • Infrastructure wins huge.

You would look at this budget and say, ‘great first steps’, sadly however this is the Government’s 4th budget, and unless the baby has no actual legs, this is a tad underwhelming.  Here are the 2021 Winners and Losers.


Low expectations – Doesn’t it say how much we love to bash the dirty filthy benny that our expectations for welfare are so low? Despite this still being the largest raise in welfare, the pittance we are giving here is in stark contrast with the $60billion we pumped into the pockets of property speculators.

Māori Caucus, Matt McCarten & Māoridom  – Last budget, Willie Jackson got $900m for Māori, this budget $973m. That’s more money for Māori than anyone has ever managed before. When the Māori Party ask what has the Labour Caucus achieved, – almost 2billion extra in money can be the answer. When Matt McCarten plotted in 2016 to take Willie and the Urban Māori vote away from the Māori Party and join Labour, it was a fundamental reason why Labour won 2017. Jackson has gone onto deliver more for Māoridom from Labour than any other MP.

Infrastructure – $57.3b over 5 years. Where the workers will come from, Christ only knows.  The argument for a Ministry of Works grows stronger with every budget.

- Sponsor Promotion -

Muldoon’s Ghost – Delve into this and we are seeing Labour trying to foster self reliance and manufacturing. Think Big is back.

CTU – Gets more slush funds on top of the $250k for Fair Pay Agreements to look at Unemployment Insurance.

Landlords – With no rent freeze in place, the extra money into Welfare will be stolen by greedy landlords.


Beneficiaries – Some will rejoice at the $50 extra a week, but when you consider that a raise of $200 per week was required, Labour are still tinkering rather than eradicating poverty.

Poto Williams – Attempted with 400 other woke activists to stop Willie Jackson from joining Labour in 2016. He has gone onto deliver more for Māori than any other MP. How are those woke feeling now?

Climate Change – How weak are the Greens? They get bugger all for climate change. If this is our generations nuclear moment, we are failing by every measure.

Sacred Right Wing Neoliberal Cows – Free Trade Uber Allas is over.

Pharmac – Needed $400million a year, got $50million. People will die before they see their medicines funded.

Nurses – Labour will use more money for beneficiaries as the reason they won’t give much in a pay rise for Nurses.

Homeless – Not getting out of that Motel any time soon.



It will keep the Middle Classes happy until the House prices start to tank. Cautious rather than timid.

It doesn’t end the Mother of all Budget nightmares, but it does briefly wake us. In that there is hope.

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  1. Arrrh Nah! Maori have not even got near a win! 0.03% of the entire budget is shit! It wasn’t $2bn!
    It’s less than 42 cents per Maori (per $1 expenditure) for all the social services that Maori need.
    Everyone else gets more than 78 cents per dollar a-head.

    This budget was,is lame as. Its about as good as the last 3 since 2017’s. Still no delivery of anything substantial that changes anything.

    Beneficiaries will get to see the money go into their account and then deducted by WINZ for debt arrears. The Crown gets their money back with a little interest because the benefit gets taxed as well!

    Infrastructure spend? Fuck! I missed it. Again nothing substantive enough to change anything.

    So, where are they going to spend, allocate the $38b leftover from the Covid QE money printing scam? The house flippers got a good hit!

    The Wage Bailout for businesses got free money which was about $13b. And still, the unemployment rate went up. Oh yeah. The “Real” unemployment figure is 12.2% because to get the 4.8% figure, all you need to do is make everyone who gets 1 hour of work, employed.

    It’s a bit like fools gold….they’re dishing out a lot of it.

    • By agreeing with you there’s really not a whole lot that maori could do. Maori really doesn’t come up much in thus new deal unless some how you can change article 1 of the Treaty that says we’re one people.

      Auckland CBD occupancy is down and they’re not coming back. There’s also a whole bunch of empty realestate so they’ll be converted to residential because there’s no other inventory that can be flipped quickly and maori will lose a lot of population in that as people move closer to work.

      • Here’s one option.

        Why don’t the Maori’s use their collective wealth, $67b and buy Westpac,(for $11b to $15b) or at least partner up with investors? That would create so many options for iwi to Go Big!

  2. Another loser is the small business owner with the employment insurance levy and another week paid sick leave which will soon kick in from the first day of work. A loyal and good worker gets looked after by any sensible employer and many pay for extra time of but this new rule will make employers more weary of taking on new staff especially younger workers

    • Your theories are unsustianable, dumb ass. Who’s going to buy your shit??? Boomers? Dumb ass. If you can’t change your business model the money will dry up.

  3. A wee word on ruthless ruth richardson.
    She’s a scammer.
    Now you know.

    Bank of China (New Zealand)
    Bank of China (New Zealand) – Director

    Opened by the President of China in November 2014, Bank of China’s NZ operation plans to be a banking game changer. Targeted sectors for cross-boarder services between China, NZ and RMB-denominated businesses include agribusiness, forestry, fishing, property, tourism and education.
    Synlait Milk
    Synlait Milk – Director

    Listed on the NZ stock exchange in 2013, Synlait Milk aims to be the world’s most innovative and trusted high value dairy ingredients company. Based in Canterbury, Synlait supplies multiple markets, and has a share register featuring some of the world’s most significant dairy and trading companies.
    New Zealand Merino Company
    New Zealand Merino Company – Chairman

    NZ Merino integrates growers’ wool clip into the premier end of the consumer market. Originally with a focus on fine wool (forging strong links with renowned market partners Icebreaker and Smartwool), the company has now expanded into the coarse wool market following the proven strategy of linking supply from big enterprises to high value market partners.
    The Abraaj Group
    Kula Fund II Advisory Committee – Chairman

    A Pacific-based development equity fund, now into its second round of investment over a ten year horizon with some $USD 18m contributed primarily by the Asian Development Bank, the European Investment Bank and the International Finance Corporation. Investment sectors range from IT to infrastructure, agribusiness and building supplies. The fund has a track record of securing attractive rates of return.
    Mont Pelerin Society
    Mont Pelerin Society – Director

    Established by Friedrich von Hayek in 1947, the Mont Pelerin Society’s annual meetings facilitate an exchange of ideas between like-minded scholars in the hope of strengthening the principles and practice of a free society and to study the workings, virtues, and defects of market-oriented economic systems.
    The Mont Pelerin Society (MPS) is an international neoliberal[2] organization composed of economists, philosophers, historians, intellectuals and business leaders.[3] The members see the MPS as an effort to interpret in modern terms the fundamental principles of economic society as expressed by classical Western economists, political scientists and philosophers. Its founders included Friedrich Hayek, Frank Knight, Karl Popper, Ludwig von Mises, George Stigler and Milton Friedman.[3] The society advocates freedom of expression, free market economic policies and the political values of an open society. Further, the society seeks to discover ways in which free enterprise can replace many functions currently provided by government entities.
    That’s another way of saying ” We’re crooks and we’re doing crooked things to best line our pockets and we’ll use euphemism’s and logical fallacies to blinker you to the truth and if you find us out we’ll blame you for looking because we’re so flash that we know best.
    Jimbo bolger.
    Bolger was born to an Irish immigrant family in Opunake, Taranaki. Before entering politics, he farmed in the Waikato area and was involved in Federated Farmers, a nationwide agricultural association. Bolger won election to Parliament in 1972, and subsequently served in several portfolios in the Third National Government. Following one unsuccessful bid for the party leadership in 1984, Bolger was elected as National Party leader in 1986. He served as Leader of the Opposition from 1986 to 1990.
    These two freaks are not so much imbued with good intentions as infected by a raw hunger to scam, lie, deflect, mislead, obfuscate and profit from your ignorances, which they cultivate.
    Now you know.
    37 years ago those two pricks fucked us all without the kissing.

    • Loser: David Seymour. Lavished praise on Richardson like no other. Seymour described her as the best female politician in his lifetime who presented the greatest budget. Later he arrogantly put down a new Green M.P. by calling him “sunshine”. Fuck, Seymour can’t be any older than 5 surely.
      Well to Seymour, you are pathetic, your politics are pathetic and most importantly you are the poorest judge of character I have seen in my lifetime young boy.

      • Hey Bert,

        Your comments are close to verbatim what I said last night when I saw that inadequate man praising Ruth Richardson while throwing shit and vomit all over yesterday’s budget. No surprise that he and Leo Molloy with his pink shirt are great mates. Both are fine examples of arrogant twerps with small man syndrome.

    • +1 countryboy

      Jenny Shipley also deserves a mention as her director role in the failure of Mainzeal.

  4. Dear Mr Bradbury, whatever trumpet you are spitting down is sounding way out of tune, suggest switching to the maracas.

    • Ooooo,.. I dunno, … sounds like music to my ears. A symphony just warming up before the main show, in fact. A fugue entitled ‘ The death throws of the neo liberal dream’ in D minor.

    • Nice way of expressing.

      Sue Bradford, the great champion of the NZ soul — the poor — has said similar to Martyn. It is 3/5ths of the WEAG’s recommendations at least and I’m inclined to celebrate.

      It makes me cry, the 30 years of neglect of our soul. My local Four Square has a wall of photos of possible shoplifters. All Maori. Most produced between Roge and Ruth. I felt like asking the owner to take them down.

      • Yeah but how do you know they are ‘Maori’? Do they possess a certain ‘look’? More likely they are Aussies or English, or perhaps Irish, part of that feral tourist family, or maybe Americans if they look like they’ve had the plastic surgery

    • You’re wasting your time. Bomber is going to careless. It’s nothing personal, advertisers and patrons pay bomber to be himself. Hes objective enough. You don’t like it then don’t read it 🙂

      You get to read it for free. Arguing about instruments and nice sounds is also useless. The budget has been well defined by bomber multiple times. If you disagree then contact Grant Robertson and don’t flood our comments okay?

      That’s not for everyone this is for those people who feel they need to attack critics of the budget.

      • @Sam
        “dont flood our comments okay?”
        Because you allways refrain from making comments ay bro? NOT! Half your comments are barely understandable. Have you now appointed yourself TDB comment moderator as well?
        Yeah right. Piss off.

        • Well said Control denied . I try and read Sams comment just to see how of target they get
          Occasionally they make sense but really I would change the brand of weed if I was him

  5. Defo a mixed one, however, streamlining immigration ( and not just importing cheap non unionized labour to work for the lowest possible wages) and a type of ‘compulsory unionism’ ( and the award rates and by implication better and safer conditions ) ,… is starting to turn my thoughts back to Labour… for awhile there I was thinking they are a do nothing govt.

    Pretty much have to agree with much of what you have stated, Mr Bradbury. It is still the ‘Tinkerers Budget’.

    HOWEVER !!!, … it was SIGNIFICANT that on our tv screens during news hour that we had the dubious ‘pleasure’ of seeing the odious RUTH RICHARDSON being drawn sharply into focus with old footage ( the ‘Finance Minister’ who when writing up her ‘budget’ employed a small team of home economists to ascertain what a family of 5 would need to survive on a benefit, – then once she had the answer – slashed that amount by 20 % !!! ). The same odious woman who constructed the equally as odious Employment Contracts Act 1991 to destroy the union award rates and usher in a 36 year era of ever increasing poverty wages, worksite deaths ( think Pike River ) and a culture of fear and mistrust among workers.

    What a complete and utterly un-New Zealand odious BITCH !!! Her and Douglas made Piggy Muldoon look like a Ghandi type social visionary by comparison.

    SO, – the point being that not only did it take a global virus to slap the neo liberals but that by small steps,… ( tiny ones) ,…it seems at least , that recognition is finally being given to that ( by now huge ) demographic in NZ called the working poor, the homeless, the unemployed.

    Though strangely not so much the sick and those with disability’s.

    It would be nice to think that one sunny day the Reserve Bank Act will be repealed to bring it directly back under govt control and then Labour can do a Mickey Joseph Savage and command the R. Bank to print off the cash for a massive housing build. Who cares about Australian banks, – they’ve had their fun for 36 years.

    I’m not the only soul who’s accused of hit and run,
    Tire tracks all across your back, uh-huh, I can see you had your fun.
    But a darling, can’t you see my signals turn from green to red
    And with you I can see a traffic jam straight up ahead.

    – J. Hendrix.

    Good to see rails getting a look into,- as it should have always been and never sold off at fire sale prices like the rest of our asset utility’s. Assets and Utility’s it took generations of NZ taxpayers and workers to build and maintain. Who gave the slimeball neo liberals the right to think they could help themselves after all the mass demonstrations that went on?- are they dictators?, treasonist’s ? pirates?. I’d really like to find out when those assets were flicked off to Roger n’ Ruths overseas mates if there were inside deals going on, first pickings of shares and what trusts the moneys went into…

    Now,… about those small remaining matters of renationalizing our former state owned assets…Chris Trotter wrote a very nice article on how the Chinese did it. Very clever of them, that little trick about legislating there must be two CCP officials on the board of every capitalist company’s board… then after a few years increased that number and so on ,.. until… they were the majority.

    See?,… you can learn something from everybody,- including the communists. I like social democracy ( with some teeth , preferably ) better, just saying…and while we are at it,…here’s a song for the Aussie banks, Roger n’ Ruth and all the other neo liberal crooks out there.

    Jimi Hendrix – Crosstown Traffic – Vidéo Dailymotion

  6. We also dropped a billion on Big Pharma’s secret sauce, Covid-19 vaccines. Works out at $200 per person excluding the delivery program.

  7. Could have done without the picture of that gnome Richardson. Pity they weren’t more creative, but govt doesn’t do original thinking. I’d have looked at jigging the crushing burden of gst , and abolished it altogether on food stuffs – and on kiddies’ clothing – toiletries- you know, stuff like soap, and exorbitantly priced nappies and period products.

    • I wouldn’t get too agitated about the things you mentioned. They will all disappear forever over the next decade or so, as the entire system collapses, as a consequence of the gross incompetence that has characterised politics and government for decades, along with the total failure to plan for anything in the real world.

      It’s back to the pre-European lifestyle fairly soon but without the benefits of low population and a stable environment.

      Fantasies are still free for now. And LINO have plenty of fantasies. So they are giving them away for nothing.

    • God did she ever not have a snarl on her face. Hey Ruth, repent for your sin of punching down and admit you made generations of families destitute.

  8. The nature of the beast is that you will never see a review of any budget where everyone was happy. The suggestion that benefits should have been raised by $200 a week is totally unrealistic at this time in NZ’s journey. The $50 a week increase is already causing a shitstorm but will no doubt result in the line for those seeking it to increase. Benefits needed to increase and it was very appropriate to exhume Ruth Richardsons diabolical and divisive budget to spot the difference. Grant Robertson loves and cares about people and wants an inclusive society. Richardson was the quintessential bean counter who couldn’t possibly care less about people, especially people she and her fellow latrine rodents viewed as the despised enemy. How ironic to see the despicable Chucky attacking the benefit increases and trotting out the failed and tired old National Party bullshit that they would have created jobs to assist those on benefits. Yea right. We all saw how that sick joke unfolded. More desperation for those on benefits and a low-wage economy designed to create more wealth for the rich and considerably more struggle street for the workforce. Trickle-down was a fraud then and it still is now. Well past time Chucky was sent packing and replaced with a different breed of latrine rodent.

    The biggest anomaly for me in the budget was the 344 million dollar boost for a Scott Base Antarctic makeover. We are a household that embraces scientific research but a 344 million dollar makeover while a workforce of underpaid nurses is leaving in droves? What happened to prioritizing the people who do such a magnificent job of looking after us and our loved ones at the time of most need? I think many nurses will be scratching their heads and feeling more insulted and disillusioned by this priority at a time they are being told there’s no dosh in the budget. Obviously, the exodus of our most important workforce will continue. I’m sure the flip side to this will be even more essential workers being imported to replace them with all that entails. The demographic of NZ is being even further altered on an epic scale to fit an agenda. Look after those in need for sure, but don’t do that while displaying indifference to our nurses. That’s not what caring kiwis do.

  9. Except from ‘The Collapse Chronicles’, to be written in 2026:

    The price of wheat rose dramatically, as worsening overheating reduced crop yields throughout the world and bankrupt farmers ceased planting. Those still attempting to profit from escalating wheat prices had difficulty obtaining fuel for tractors. The crisis in food production was exacerbated by frequent disruption to the electricity supply, partly due to unprecedented low lake levels and partly due to damage to the distribution network by unprecedented storms; those interruptions severely impacted on the capacity to irrigate. Those same unprecedented storms and droughts devastated newly-emerging seedlings, and the plants failed to produce anticipated yields as they suffered from lack of water during the extensive droughts. All agriculture in the southwestern US had been abandoned by this stage, as the lack of water and increasing temperatures had rendered moat of the region uninhabitable for humans.

    Over the period 2020 to 2022 the price of a standard loaf of bread rose from an average of $3 per loaf to $5 per loaf, and from 2022 to 2024 rose it from $5 per loaf to $12 per loaf., prices adjusted to NAD.

    It was in 2025, following the resignation of all of the ministers of the Adern government, which was unable to cope with the widespread food riots that commenced in late 2023, that the Emergency Government issued New Aotearoa Dollars, the US-dollar-based currency having collapsed.

    Although the issuing of NAD allowed trade within the borders to recommence, many goods had disappeared forever from the few retail outlets that remained open, following the trade wars and the military engagements between the US and Russia in Ukraine and the Middle East, and between the US and China in the China Sea.

  10. What a bunch of f…..n whinges, have any of you been on a benefit or lived in a state house? The benefit will never be enough to live on and nor should it be. The benefit is bad for our Maori people and many of us who have walked in this area know it. The solo parent and the unemployment benefits should be a temporary measure and all of those people on these benefits should be given extensive help and have a plan to get them of welfare. Living on a benefit can destroy peoples self esteem and the longer they are on it the worse it can be for them and their whanau. People can earn double what we were allowed to earn when I was on the benefit, people can now get the TIA and many will soon have access to a nice new insulated state house, something many of us didn’t get either. I know it is harder for some whanau especially those that don’t have parents or whanau raised with a work ethic, but they do have their extended whanau (whakawhanaungatanga) and this is what needs to be tapped into.

    • You have some sound advice covid is pa.

      Half the infrastructure workers in NZ seem to be putting out cones to stop and disrupt traffic or standing around with signs. Maybe the unemployed would be better off being redeployed into infrastructure, it really doesn’t seem to be very skilled (or even work) in NZ!

      It is a very under whelming budget that wastes money while not solving problems.

      As for climate change and the environment, Greens seem more interested in creating more beneficiaries to compete with current beneficiaries, not saving the environment and becoming self sufficient like the Green policy (and Maori) of old.

    • Well said Control denied . I try and read Sams comment just to see how of target they get
      Occasionally they make sense but really I would change the brand of weed if I was him

      • Those are the sorts of noisy beneficiary bashing we hear from unemployed economics professors going vack to the 19th century. I don’t mind being a target because I can give a bit of it back 🙂

        Bashing beneficiaries, particularly maori ones has become the cringiest tactic of Judith Coloniser Collins and her smuck ideological followers coming into TDB bashing the most vulnerable people in New Zealand like the toughest person on the internet.

        Beneficiaries don’t need to worry about the fire works because when they go up and shower sparks everywhere, they fall back to earth with a dead stick. And Judith Collins sparks are running out 🙂

        • Well, I guess Sam, the last laugh is on them. The Mowrees are Coming! Cindy has announced a Republic is heading our way!

          She’ll be off to the UN about then.

          This’ll galvanise the right that’s for sure. Act, Nats, and the Conservatives, Destiny Chumps and the nutty right! That’s about 40% of a poll there!

  11. One of my strongest memories of Richardson’s despicable war on beneficiaries budget of 1991 was the timing of the diabolical announcement. It was just a few days before Christmas despite the cuts not actually commencing until April Fools day 1992. This was obviously going to cause considerable distress to beneficiaries at the very time they were already under the most pressure. The reprehensible Jenny Shipley justified the timing by saying beneficiaries needed as much lead-in time as possible to adjust their expenses and prepare. Yea right, the very people who live day to day hand to mouth now needed 100 days to prepare. Meanwhile, as confidently expected, National Party voters who absolutely despise beneficiaries were celebrating the benefit cuts. It was their Christmas gift from their Gods. The timing was nothing but raw meat from the National Party to their faithful. It was the most damaging and divisive legislation of my lifetime. The epitome of CLASS WARFARE on our most vulnerable. How can anyone gauge the true damage done to NZ by the vile actions of the National Party? I salute Grant Robertson for at least putting that right.

  12. The budget might be bad for nurse, but it is even worse for nurses in rest home care:

    For immediate release 20 May
    Budget a kick in the guts for rest homes
    Yet again, the Budget has ignored rest homes, accelerating already dire nursing shortages,
    putting more pressure on already overworked staff and having flow-on impacts for the
    healthcare system, says the New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA).
    “On top of the immigration announcements on Monday that will threaten the sector’s
    ability to recruit the migrant workers it needs, this Budget is a kick in the guts for the efforts
    our staff have made to protect the most vulnerable New Zealanders during the pandemic,”
    says Simon Wallace, Chief Executive of the NZACA.
    “Not only has it ignored pay disparities that are sucking nurses from rest homes into
    hospitals but has added another layer of bureaucracy with the creation of an Aged Care
    Commissioner, doubling up on already rigorous audit and reporting at the cost of $8.1
    million over four years.”
    Mr Wallace says rest homes are facing increasing loss of registered nurses to District Health
    Boards (DHBs) offering pay packages that rest home providers are not funded to match.
    “Right now, DHBs are actively poaching registered nurses from rest homes to work in public
    hospitals in order to meet their own staffing requirements,” says Mr Wallace.
    “At the same time, critical pipelines of internationally qualified nurses who make up around
    55% of our sector’s 5,000 registered nurses are blocked, with India and the Philippines the
    most significant.
    “Quite frankly, at a time when the need is greater than ever, we are astounded the
    Government has yet again ignored our calls to fund pay parity for nurses in rest homes with
    their counterparts in DHBs.”
    Mr Wallace says shortages are likely to worsen with
    Australia’s aged care sector an increasingly attractive
    option for nurses thanks to a multi-billion-dollar Budget injection last week.
    “Our rest homes are currently short of between 300-500 nurses across the country and it’s
    worse in some areas than others. This is putting huge pressure on rest homes that are
    already struggling with wide funding issues.
    “This month we’ve seen the announced closure of the rurally based Cheviot Rest Home in
    North Canterbury. The loss of a rest home for a community not only means loss of beds for
    frail older people, but has a wider economic hit taking with it jobs and income for local
    service providers.”
    Mr Wallace says aged care is a nursing-led sector and a mainstream part of the healthcare
    system providing 40,000 beds that protect the DHBs’ 13,000 beds from being overwhelmed,
    as well as saving the system $5.5 billion annually.
    “The cost to Government of funding pay parity for aged care nurses is just $85 million, a
    mere fraction of the $5.5 billion in value the sector delivers to our healthcare system.
    “Government has just committed $178 million to fund pay parity for teachers in early
    childhood education with kindergarten teachers, who have a collective contract with
    “Rest homes operate under the same private-public partnership model as early childhood
    education so there is no justification to ignore pay parity for our nurses.”
    Mr Wallace says alongside seeking pay parity for rest home nurses, the sector is already
    working on a broader range of solutions to the nursing workforce shortages, including
    designing and delivering the right training pathways and promoting work in the sector as a
    rewarding career.
    For more information contact:
    Simon Wallace 027 4882850 or Alice Taylor 021 02785648

    • The rest home industry is now big business who make big profits out of government subsidies. They are lazy employers who do not invest in their staff. They would rather employ overseas nurses ( who eventually leave for DHB’s anyway). The main aged care providers are making massive profits on the back of poor wages to their nurses. The answer is in their own hands make it a well paid career pathway for aged care nurses rather than expect them to work in third world conditions for third world pay.

    • Rest homes nurses get paid less than hospital nurses, that is why the can’t attract or retain NZ nurses.

      Ryman CEO to stand down, annual profit jumps 60 per cent

      I guess the overseas shareholders are happy underpaying their staff and not employing NZ staff!

      So 60% increase in profits, any chance of a pay rise for their staff?

      Comments include….
      “The aged healthcare model is broken – having recently dealt with my mother’s estate, the entire financial model of retention of capital gain by the provider is obscene… ”

      Many of the retirement village options are pretty much government sanctioned, unregulated, corporate theft.

  13. There will always be people unhappy no matter what and Robertson did say all our problems cannot be solved in one or two budgets I tend to agree given many of our problems came from how many budgets. In the mean time all those moaning need to offer some solutions.

    • I think you will find many offer solutions but are not listened to. Yet those in a position to effect change by and large do not want any ‘change’. It seems those oligarchs only ‘agree’ to ‘change’ when there is a a large war ( World War One) coupled with a major pandemic ( Spanish Influenza) and a global economic crash ( 1929 stock market collapse/ Great Depression ).

      Sound familiar?

  14. Twenty dollars a week increase for benny’s is peanuts .Having to wait another 12 months for the next $ 30 is a bloody long time when you are already stressed to the max .
    Should have been $ 50 straight off to give some real hope .

    Labour won’t do that because it is alienating to the 430,000 ex national voters who won’t like giving money to ” useless ” people .

    Breaking it in to 2 smaller payment increases, keeps middle NZ happy , but at the expense of those who really need it now , not in 12 months time .

    Middle NZ will get a financial boost in 2 years time , when they have forgotten about the benefit rises at the next election .

    Labour appear to be well on top of good timing but could and should have done better on raising benefits in one hit .

  15. Listening, to this mornings, National radio show. What, a front not show, yet a Union, word mention. Helen Kelly, new her as a child, not as a adult, yet talked over the years through lines like these. Her, father,and Mother, no mistake our Socialist knowing we fought, as, Socialists. I, distanced,not them, their Labour Party,affiliation to the treacherous, old new Labour, now the Douglas Prebble act they call themselves now, capitalist Vaudville, exploit ACT. Helen, like her DAD,BETTER TO FIGHT,WITH VOLUNTEERS RATHER THAN CONSCRIPTS. No, compulsory Unionism, is why its compulsory, cause, cant, don!t dare, talk union, get ridiculed, and sacked. Fear, why union fear, get sacked, joining and black listed all my working life. Helen Kelly, like her parents, thought that people like I, and others, would see through, capitalism!s, exploitation, and our present government, like Helen, her, parents, and I, AND OTHERS, also thought too.But no,THIS well being budget, should have for-warned, if no change, Compulsory Unionism,is our next Tranch.

  16. That man Laxon,or is it Luxton.What a look, almost, Tamiki Tusker. They, have been waiting, and what, a show to come.

  17. ” Climate Change – How weak are the Greens? They get bugger all for climate change. If this is our generations nuclear moment, we are failing by every measure ”

    How weak are the Greens Bomber ? weak as water which is why we need a new progressive movement that can hold firm and not back down when the Social Democrats need the numbers to form a centre left government.

    An historic MMP majority will whittle away like the trickle down economics which has been proved to be an utter failure except for the very few.

    I remember July 30th 1991 like it was yesterday and the historic capitulation of the unions and all those who protested against a very real Kiwi coup being undertaken without one bullet being fired.

    The bullet of course was neo liberal propaganda that continues today.

    Not all coup de tat are left wing but are undertaken under the guise of freedom and ballot box democracy.

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