The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday – 15th March 2021


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. In the covid information blackout I installed on myself for the last few weeks to help my sanity, I missed the arrival of “Real News” – as seen in today’s caption column on this blog. Looking at the listed stories on the front page, and the thinking demonstrated in the text, I’m happy to say I know about those claims and that I consider them not true. Most of the problem is highlighted by the red banner tag in the top right hand corner: “Evidence based journalism.” It isn’t what it sounds like. It isn’t “Science based journalism”, or even public relations. Anyone can assemble a group of items or ideas and call it evidence, but then you have to exercise discernment as you pick through it all. Sometimes, when you’re dealing with things so new that understanding is shifting while you examine it, the process gets murky. So you have to ask yourself, “What is more likely than something else? How much of an idea do we have to believe, that is unlikely, in order to believe our piece of evidence? How fast do I actually need a conclusive answer?” Organisations like the MOH generally do an excellent job when it comes to releasing information about a covid event or in reducing complex scientific processes into layman’s terms without being condescending. There is one exception to this rule that I haven’t looked to see if they’re corrected, but the problem with that issue is that their approach changed from, “What would be the most likely question a person would ask after reading this short description? Let’s answer that question now” to, “We have the power and the information and probably our funding depends on this so no useful info for anyone.” At no time do I suggest a conspiracy was in action. to my eye, it was clearly an internal communication/personnel issue, but distressing none the less, because it inadvertently created doubt in an environment that had previously created trust and certainty. All I did to silence my concerns was find out the information from the WHO, government health authorities in US, UK etc. Not blog sites, not discussion groups, but sources directly involved in the issue, that did not require I overlook more than was easy to accept. Then I got annoyed that other people could fall into a doubt hole that could have been avoided. If authorities are concerned about people spreading conspiracies, they can’t take a path of distorted, truncated, and withheld information, and think that will combat it. You can’t shout at people, “WE ARE THE SCIENTISTS BELIEVE US OR ELSE.” It would be unscientific. The MOH has proven they can do what needs to be done in disseminating effective scientific information to the general public without swamping or withholding. As long as they continue to do that, publications like The Real News will have no lasting effect, except as an interesting sci-fi publication that illustrates how some people think. In all circumstances I encourage any reader of any website or publication (even of my opinions) to think carefully and exercise discernment. Follow where your ideas take you, examine ideas for limitations, turn your focus back on your ideas and ask what you might be missing. Explore, accept mistakes or change your mind, but keep an eye out on your motives and methods.

  2. Come to 100% fraud NZ. In spite of a huge amount of new rules by government, somehow cracking down on allowing so many convicted fraudsters to be NZ permanent residents has never been addressed.

    NZ never seems to deport those that exploit other people in scams and frauds, Instead we encourage them to become permanent residents. You will not be deported from NZ once convicted – even though our rules allow it – they are enforced the opposite way!

    The idea is that if you come from a country without much social welfare you never need to go back to your country of residence no matter what crimes you do in NZ. So that is about 80% of all countries people then who once coming to NZ, are allowed to stay on here to enjoy our social welfare and housing.

    The guy had a ‘diploma’ in ‘IT’ but clearly not too employable, clearly wasn’t about to go fruit picking etc, as easier to set up fake companies and sell fake jobs and steal camera gear, than work. Don’t worry this behaviour is rewarded in NZ as you get to stay in NZ even with multiple convictions as long as you have some kids here with the woke led Immigration and Protection Tribunal.

    Funny how there does not seem to be such support for all the victims of crime in NZ which is getting worse as more exploiters become Kiwi citizens who now need housing, mental health, justice etc costs on top of the benefits they expect to receive as newly minted (with 2 criminal convictions already) NZ permanent residents within 5 years.

    Keep pouring money into foreign fraudsters on benefits NZ government, as our own people can’t get affordable housing or benefits due to global call for fraudsters now living here!

    Convicted fraudster spared from deportation due to family hardships

    # 100% NZ justice support for convicted fraudsters in NZ.
    # 0% NZ justice support for victims in NZ.
    # 100% more emergency housing needed for importing poverty and convicted criminals here.

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