Wow, the Labour deal is way worse for the Greens than I had warned


I warned you that Labour were going to give the Greens sweet FA.

It’s a couple of baubles for James and Marama in return for gagging the Greens.

Apparently the Greens negotiation process was throwing themselves on the mercy of Labour.


The Greens should have threatened civil war if they didn’t get a list of real changes, instead they went begging and Labour have judged they are too weak to do anything else.

How desperate are the Greens membership for baubles?

The ‘representatives’ who will vote are all Party appointees but the wider membership will go nuclear if the Greens sign up to this pittance.

The Greens should reject this nothingness and immediately launch into a critical opposition approach.

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    • Obviously you give bugger all damn about the 30 odd % of the population that is being fucked over for meds , healthcare , health welfare for long term illness sufferers and those beneficaries that the greens policies would have had and made a major change to their lives . While labour and it’s new found national supporters would rather piss all over them while they live in domestic middle class bliss. So people like you with your attitude need a damn reality check..

    • James and Marama got very few votes in their Electorates…so much for their personal popularity…there are other Greens who deserve their places

  1. Just think there is a real danger here of a lot of splitting. Really unfair to spit the dummy about what labour has or hasn’t offered the Greens. This is the situation both parties are facing.

    The Greens either trust labour are genuine about wanting to work with them or not.

    • An expect Dr Hibbard and get Nick Riviera scenario?
      Sorry I followed the Simpsons more than that blonde chick and the dragons one.

    • If anyone can solve the enigma that is domestic violence, then solving climate change should be effortless in comparison. I do not envy any Minister in those roles but if Davidson makes good, give her anything she wants.

    • Billy TK’s electioneering is over – isn’t it.

      No! No one home .

      What a magnificent production for the feeble minded to take in.

      Words fail me as to where to start.
      That 5G must be awesome stuff with electromagnetic waves bein just so intelligent.
      Of course it is all absolutely true in spite of the contradictions because you saw it on Utube. Evidence is not needed as hearsay is just fine.

  2. Look, simple fact. The Election results meant Labour doesn’t need to hold hands with anyone to govern.
    I couldn’t understand the whooping an’ hollering by the Greens on Election night. Weren’t they looking at the results?? Complete lack of self awareness. Were they actually trying to bluff their way into a Coalition??

    They’re lucky to be offered anything frankly. There ain’t no right or wrong about this….it’s simply political reality. It ain’t about policies – that was decided by the election process as to what was popular and what wasn’t – this is just about the results the voters delivered.

    Some of the ridiculous stuff they’ve uttered/tweeted lately simply reinforced the view in Labour that political distance was needed from these undisciplined idiots.
    Handing questions to the Nats in the previous Parliament, granting water bottling rights to Chinese interests and funding a dubious “Green school” were spectacular own goals that have not taught them any lessons about optics it would seem.
    Politics is brutal, and you need buy-in to keep voters in the waka. Shouting at people à la Twitter is a modus operandi that doesn’t work in the real world. It just alienates and creates resentment.
    Jacinda understands this – that’s why she’s Prime Minister. And it’s why incidentally, Chucky and the Nats are wallowing in a vat of seething denial. Perhaps the Nats and Greens can have a korero about brushing up on their engagement with the electorate. Even if there are “too many white male” voters “lacking the courage of their convictions” or whatever.

  3. Green Party wanted to much it seems so thewy were given minimal.

    They will accept it because they are wanting to be “in Government” so they can show their poosition was sitting atround the table.

    Just a poliitical move that they will play for all it’s worth. Dont expect massive Climate change policy from them exept for clamping down on using plastic bags by industry as a hollow signal.

  4. Political Flagellation of the Greens.
    “Typically, flogging is imposed on an unwilling subject as a punishment; however, it can also be submitted to willingly, or performed on oneself, in religious or sadomasochistic contexts.” (wikipedia)

  5. Notwithstanding The less than charitable assessment of those who probably aren’t happy not to have the exploitation start all over again for the winners picked by the nationalist cabal, the fact that nearly 10% of voters did vote for the greens, whilst delivering an electorate seat by their own efforts does give them the right to be involved in governance… Or are we to assume that a party that owes it’s existence to an inside deal with the colonial party has a legitimate claim to be part of government more than one that got there under it’s own steam? We should remember that special votes will most likely tip the balance further in favor of the greens, and labour party, resulting in an even smaller opposition than it is now… Or is it just that some people just don’t get what selfless behavior looks like? We know that the nationalists(colonial party) wouldn’t share any power unless they absolutely had to, but that is just a reflection on their lack of maturity as a party, and reminds us that one of that party’s founding principles amounts to class bigotry. To them, having dictatorial powers is a wet dream… Which is why they shouldn’t be allowed near power, ever….

    • Nearly 10%? The greens got 7% up 1% from 2017 where they got 6%.

      Labour went up 12% from their 2017 results.

      It’s really weird that the left and center right are attacking the center left with the exact same attack lines that “Labour got a majority because of Nat voters” it’s like the left wants to reinforce this meme that Labour should govern for “Nat voters” and alienate themselves from any dialogue with Labour , if people voted labour this election then they were Labour voters, Nat voters voted for National, otherwise we could just as easily say that everyone who voted Green was a Labour voter and the Greens should do whatever Labour tells them, hell the greens did say over and over again a vote for the green is a vote for Labour so by proxy if Green voters are Labour voters and Labour voters are Nat voters then Green voters are Nats voters.

      Make it make sense.

  6. Wow. Just wow.. the Greens didn’t just hand Labour a scapel and say “please neuter me” – they actually made all the incisions themselves, in a perverse act of home self-surgery.
    This is gonna be such a disappointing term.

  7. C”mon at 8%- same as ACT what do you expect? They got what they earned.
    Good luck to them and my congratulations.I hope they work with Labour and show the Tories what a real elected government and partners can do without NZ 1st. Roll on 2023.

  8. “The ‘representatives’ who will vote are all Party appointees ”
    This is rubbish. The vast majority of delegates who voted in the meeting today were elected by their branch. I was at such a meeting.

    • Begging your pardon Ric but how will it work now? Do the delegates say yah or nah and that’s it or can they go back, like a union does at negotiation time and go back to the bosses and say give us more to satisfy the members or is that it?
      Sorry I work and not really following it.

  9. Nowhere in the text of the Labour Green Cooperation Agreement is there any mention of the ongoing pandemic.
    The publicly released parts of the document contains no joint agreement or commitment by either side to continue the policy of elimination of the virus within our borders, whatsoever.

    Agreement on policy to how to address Covid-19 is missing from this document. 

    What’s the deal?

    How could this be an oversight?

    Is there some secret addendum agreement between the parties to allow the government to water down our border protections?

    It was called the covid election. The covid-19 pandemic is the biggest political issue of the day, globally.

    How could the issue of the ongoing pandemic, and how to deal with it, have been ignored in this agreement?

    February 1, 2018
    NZ fisheries called out on unsustainable practices
    Over sixty global organisations are calling on the Marine Stewardship Council to tighten its sustainability certification process, and have singled out two New Zealand fisheries as examples of where sustainability certification has “deceived the public”.

    ” data-mce-href=””>

    An arguably rogue industry flying in hundreds of foreign ‘guest workers’, a fair number infected with Covid-19, all with the government’s approval. And the Green Party are silent.

    Government sucking up to big fishing corporates, in opposition to Green, or even Left policy and at risk of containing the viral pandemic.

    Is the Green Party opposed to this policy?

    Have the Green MPs been discussing this issue with the government behind closed doors?

    Do the 10 elected Green MPs have equal lobbying power with the government than the unelected autocrats at Sealords?

    There is a place for conciliation and diplomacy toward the ruling government by the Greens, but non-government parties make their chops by pointing out the government’s failings and how they would do a better job if people voted for them.

    It seems that the Green Party have agreed to be the government’s silent satrap.

    Silence over the burning controversial issues of the day, equals public invisibility, public invisibility equals political oblivion.

    Goodbye Greens 2023

  10. Did you hear Ardern leading with ‘governing for all NZers’? She doesn’t realise that’s already an indictment for anyone who knows. Unless she realises most don’t know and is going with that i.e. this election. ‘Be kind’ and leaving out the neediest would suggest she’s a cynic of the bleakist kind.

    I think she’s just an idiot, in her defence. Grant is certainly above all scared to his marrow. By the rich. As per Helen Clark.

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