The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday – 3rd September 2020


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Government insist Maori are sick as well as mad, sad and bad

    The NZ Ministry of Health website (Ministry of Health, n.d.) states that brown people (“Maori, Pacific and some other ethnic minorities”) are one of the Covid risk groups and more prone to serious illness from this disease. There is no evidence in this country for this, even trying to determine just exactly what ‘Maori’ means in this context (maybe being a thousandth Maori by ancestry, or living in a certain part of town, or perhaps ‘looking’ Maori?), or trying to declare (imply?) that a racial group is this or that without clinical data and research, or trying to determine how any demographic can be higher risk from Coronavirus in NZ when hardly anyone has gotten sick from it let alone died, and also the fact that Covid is ‘novel’ and there isn’t a precedent for such claims. In actual fact from current data, the highest risk groups in terms of deaths from Covid per capita (a dubious claim in itself) are countries such as America and the United Kingdom, predominantly white populations. If we rely on this data then we must conclude that those with European ancestry are the high risk groups, not brown people.

    Ministry of Health. (n.d.). Covid-19: Advice for higher risk people. Retrieved from

    • Why can five times more people attend a tangi funeral than any other gathering? This must be a political decision, not a medical one. Is worshipping death more important than having a life in this government’s opinion? And as for isolating oneself in paranoid home detention from now on, how can staying home and not exercising (causing illness) be better for anyone than getting outdoors for some fresh air (preventing illness).

      • Ethan W. Please try to understand the role of culture in forming people’s lives, and deaths. You may be an original but others are firmly enmeshed in their families and deaths of Maori have certain rites that are special to them.

      • Nobody stops you from getting fresh air by walking in a park or so, and by exercising. The Tangi and Funeral rules are a concession to those who have a need to share emotions and thoughts at the passing of loved ones. Much grief was expressed before, so the government made an exemption for that, as long as distancing rules and hygiene rules are followed.

        Parties and other gatherings must be limited, as they easily get out of hand, so the 10 person rule appears to be the best solution the government can offer. Please get it, this is not ‘political’, although I am critical of the government re other aspects of their Corona management.

  2. Australia now an authoritarian regime

    Australia has surpassed America now as the world’s most dangerous police state as news today emerges of an arrest of a pregnant mother for using Facebook. As well as possibly sharing recipes and household tips on the platform, police swooped in on the woman and young family after she also expressed support for Covid protests online. Correct, the heat has finally got to our Aussie cousins and the power of the thin blue line has gone to their heads. They couldn’t surveil and stop that twisted mass murderer Tarrant using social media to share his hate (and eventually livestream his murders on Facebook), but they can bust into the home of a young mum protesting online against this aussie dystopian nightmare? These psychos have lost the plot. If there was ever a country using a ‘pandemic’ as an excuse to rule the population by force, this is it.

  3. So I went to Countdown on Wednesday, to do some shopping, and they refused to take my bag full with soft plastics, saying they no longer take this for recycling. It seems the soft plastics scheme is cutting back again, as they would not have the capacity to recycle all the plastic bags and packaging that customers collect and want to hand in.

    Months ago I learned that NZ had reached capacity for recycling paper and cardboard, so any excess would go into landfill.

    Under this present Covid 19 obsessed government so many things are falling apart, and we are moving backwards, while the fight against the virus takes centre stage now. How long can this continue. We are already one of the worst polluters per capita, talk about clean and green and sustainability, we make NO progress at all, also not on climate change. A laughing stock for the rest of the world, if only they knew the truth about this country:
    ” The coronavirus has claimed another victim – Auckland’s mountain of paper waste.

    Auckland Council today announced all of the city’s mixed paper and cardboard waste from households will be temporarily dumped at landfills after the virus shut down international markets for processing paper recyclables.

    Aucklanders will still be able to put out paper and cardboard in recycling bins, which will be separated from other products at Visy’s sorting facility in Onehunga before being dumped at landfills.” (1 April 2020)

  4. Re: Indigenous New Zealanders as caricature

    Seemed to have hit a nerve with this comment (research or enterprise funding involved perhaps) or maybe coincidence. Like the Goldie painting “The arrival of the Maoris to New Zealand” which depicts our country’s first settlers as decrepit and desperate, MSM reports today abound with this very Maori pandemic with dire indigenous consequences. I reiterate what I said, America and the UK went hard and went early when it came to being the world leader in Covid infection and death rates. They were almost proud of their status as the countries with the most sick and dead (bodies piling up in the carpark they were), the media was absolutely saturated with their misery. The statistics speak for themselves: America and the UK have the highest death rates from Covid-19 per capita and these countries are predominantly ethnically white (don’t take my word for it, these facts are a web search away). Deductive reasoning means white people are at the highest risk of both infection (and carriers) and death from this virus, not Maori (our cuzzy genes possibly protect us). Sure those with Maori ancestry have it worse on average than their fellow garden centre owners (plantation massa), but from this modelling we should really be locking down old pakeha like Donny Trump and Borrie Johnson, and the fifteen other white health experts who have stood at TVNZ daily Covid press conference podium every day for the past 6 months, coz geez they’re a risk.

    • Postscript: The death of an eighty-something year old Pacific Islander supposedly from Covid was MSM top story today, presented as proof that a.) I as a Maori are at imminent risk of dying and b.) the Health Ministry was vindicated in placing brown people in the risk category (whatever the hell “Maori, Pacific Islanders and some other ethnicities” actually means). Presenting a single example to prove your case is not science but ideological opinion (or lazy journalism), especially an example such as this which lacks any evidence.

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