Political Caption Competition

I like to beat a sack of puppies with a cricket bat. Would you like a cucumber sandwich?

I like to beat a sack of puppies with a cricket bat.

Would you like a cucumber sandwich?


  1. Aren’t parliamentary services wonderful and this is only a starter before Gerry’s morning tea bless him.

  2. I’m feeling sooo relaxed and know all you good people who vote National will be too. We must stick together against the lesser people with no sense and no style though we don’t demand that you lift your little finger when drinking tea. To tell the truth we privately ‘give the finger’ to all lefties but must behave with decorum in public or we’ll all sink to their deplorable level.

  3. “Just waiting on the “Child Catcher” from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! He’s going to give me some tips of how to ‘trigger’ this Millennial Leader!”

  4. You can have your lunch break before you come to work, or after you finish work, what ever you boss prefers

  5. ” The lovely ladies of Epsom have made these wonderful cakes and had to SHOOT through, hurry up Seymour your tea’s going cold, normal tea, not that green herbal tea, it’s to die for”.

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