National goes full water polluter


This is pure political malice…

National’s ‘gone by lunchtime’ comments on scrapping freshwater rules ‘stupid, ‘reckless’ – Govt

National has come under fire from the Government’s agriculture and environmental Ministers for “stupid” and “reckless” comments about its freshwater policies.

This comes after National committed to scrapping some of the new “draconian rules” within the Government’s freshwater regulations if it’s elected to Government.

“They’re gone by lunchtime,” the party’s agriculture spokesman David Bennett said in a Facebook Live last night, talking about the water policy.

…David Parker has moved heaven and bloody earth to inch us towards a fresh water policy that has managed tepid progress and here is National promising to throw the baby out with the bathwater just to rally the ruddy necked rump base.

This is petty and utterly reprehensible open toadying to their own tribe while damning everyone else.

This is why National can not be trusted with power, they rule for the few, not the many.

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  1. National are ‘anti-environmentally aware’ and the National Party policy appears to embrace “profit before a ‘clean environment’ – that’s very clear now as it always was.

  2. The latest Horizen Poll on political assuteness of our main Paties says it all here;

    “Ardern seen as best to manage pandemic, economic recovery”
    27 Aug 20

    Credit: NewstalkZB

    Ardern seen as better pandemic and economic recovery leader
    Jacinda Ardern continues to be seen as the best leader to manage the COVID-19 pandemic response.

    64% rate her as the best leader on the response, compared with 18% for Judith Collins.

    The next highest of six leaders surveyed was David Seymour of ACT, with 5%, followed by 3% for Winston Peters, 2% for James Shaw and 1% for Marama Davidson. 8% said none of these leaders were best to manage the response.

    Judith Collins is seen as more effective at managing the pandemic response than previous National leader Todd Muller, gaining 6% over Muller’s 12% rating in June 2020.

    However, Ms Collins has not won over all of those who voted for her party at the 2017 general election, 36% of whom see Jacinda Ardern as best to manage the pandemic response (down from 40% in June 2020).

  3. What always gets me about the water clean up debate is how we ignore the place where we actually swim you know the sea. You see (no pun intended) who would you blame for the fact that most beaches in Auckland are unswimable after a brief shower. There is no nasty right wing aligned group to blame for our polluted Hauraki Gulf – just us as ratepayers and the council themselves. Oh can’t do that can we.

    Until someone actually addresses the elephant in the room then there is no place to be righteous about streams, lakes and rivers. This needs a whole of problem solution not a partisan pissing contest.

    • Well one things a guarantee, National certainly aren’t helping and farmers will have to work through their meal breaks to tidy things up.

      • Never been on a working farm have you Bertie

        Most farmers eat on the job – like a lot of people.

    • Quite right Frank, although most of Aucklands “sea” is actually Harbour water and Harbour water is yuk. I lived at the Mount and as a surfer new the Ocean Beach was clean, (before Rina) and the Harbour was often polluted, probably due to all the shipping emptying bilge water and throwing stuff over the side. Some would flush out with tides but much remained.
      Our lakes and rivers are disgusting, something we can fix as New Zealanders.
      The sea is a whole different ball game and it’s mainly other countries doing most of the polluting IMO.

  4. “Strong Team” is a National Party euphemism.

    Translated it means the following:

    1) Divided
    2) Divisive.
    3) Desperate.
    4) Arrogant.
    5) Temporary.
    6) Outdated.
    7) Toxic.
    8) Entitled.
    9) Untrustworthy.
    10) Gone.

  5. Oh yes, … think Collins, Orivida, swamp Kauri and sundry other Nats who lived the high life at the expense of New Zealanders during their hero John Keys tenure.

    If your’e a New Zealander that’s concerned about toadying, business rackets, exceptionalism , pollution , elitism, and Chinese influence in our parliament, – then VOTE THEM OUT!!!

  6. Ardern seen as best to manage pandemic, economic recovery
    27 Aug 20

    Credit: NewstalkZB

    Ardern seen as better pandemic and economic recovery leader
    Jacinda Ardern continues to be seen as the best leader to manage the COVID-19 pandemic response.

    64% rate her as the best leader on the response, compared with 18% for Judith Collins.

    The next highest of six leaders surveyed was David Seymour of ACT, with 5%, followed by 3% for Winston Peters, 2% for James Shaw and 1% for Marama Davidson. 8% said none of these leaders were best to manage the response.

    Judith Collins is seen as more effective at managing the pandemic response than previous National leader Todd Muller, gaining 6% over Muller’s 12% rating in June 2020.

    However, Ms Collins has not won over all of those who voted for her party at the 2017 general election, 36% of whom see Jacinda Ardern as best to manage the pandemic response (down from 40% in June 2020).

  7. Pierre maybe we should all do that as Jacinda is rising in the polls again while the nasty Nats are sinking again. read and weep if you need to.

    Ardern seen as best to manage pandemic, economic recovery
    27 Aug 20

    Credit: NewstalkZB

    Ardern seen as better pandemic and economic recovery leader
    Jacinda Ardern continues to be seen as the best leader to manage the COVID-19 pandemic response.

    64% rate her as the best leader on the response, compared with 18% for Judith Collins.

    The next highest of six leaders surveyed was David Seymour of ACT, with 5%, followed by 3% for Winston Peters, 2% for James Shaw and 1% for Marama Davidson. 8% said none of these leaders were best to manage the response.

    Judith Collins is seen as more effective at managing the pandemic response than previous National leader Todd Muller, gaining 6% over Muller’s 12% rating in June 2020.

    However, Ms Collins has not won over all of those who voted for her party at the 2017 general election, 36% of whom see Jacinda Ardern as best to manage the pandemic response (down from 40% in June 2020).

  8. Yes we need to look at the rest of the world to see how we have dodged the bullet so far, and now that Government is testing the sewers in Auckland to find traces of the virus they are on the right track so far to find the residual remains of this insidious virus that appears to like to hide for a while and return when we let our guard down so National wanting to open us up to the world again they are sending a dangerous message not to vote for them as they are totally reckless at best and toxic at their worse.

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