Political Caption Competition

Hi, I'm Todd Muller, I can't get a Māori Sovereignty flag put up right because my front bench is 50 shades of white.

The Māori flag is upside down you clown. You would know this if you didn’t have an all white front bench.


  1. “We would have taken the same approach to Covid-19 as we did with Mycoplasma bovis. That’s why I’m voting Labour”. ~ Todd Muppet, National Party Placeholder v.2.0

  2. “Someone else once said ‘Let’s do this’.

    I say, sure.

    But you need a National Government to fuck it up.”

    Toddy Muddler
    National Party leader (until after the next election anyway)

    • Because if everyone is pivoting, they’re not so sure if they’re “going forward” or going backwards. Unless of course they’re independent of the apparatus of the pivot itself. If that’s the case, its possible they’re moving in any direction with the perception they’re making progress towards their goal.
      And all that. e.
      ven though we’re in the Southern Hemisphere where the water goes down the plughole backwards (as does the Chardonnay down the throat it seems).
      Never mind though eh? there’ll be a talkback radio shock jock (or his missus) to set us all straight soon

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