Hypocrisy and political cultural resentment: The desperate last stand of Shane Jones  


There are two things you need to know about The Jonesy.

1 – The Jonesy is in it for the Jonesy.

2 – The Jonesy is the laziest bugger in Christendom.

His latest diatribe on Indian students is the desperation of a Party that has slipped below the 5% threshold and is thrashing around for political relevancy and traction.

Shane Jones says Indian students have ‘ruined’ NZ academic institutions

Shane Jones has lashed out at New Zealand’s current immigration policy, saying too many people “from New Delhi” are being allowed to settle in New Zealand.

…Shane is right that the problem is mass immigration, but that’s not the fault of the immigrants! That’s the fault of us, exploitative arsehole New Zealanders!

You can’t blame desperate people for being exploited, and yet that’s what we in NZ are doing.

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It’s impossible to debate this issue because woke left wing activists scream xenophobia when you do and the right wing crony capitalists who exploit that labour are silent and won’t engage in the debate so their exploitation can continue.

Right wing crony capitalists exploit migrants for their own business interests while woke left wing activists exploit criticism of migrants because those same activists have transferable global skills that depend upon their access to migration overseas.

It’s a toxic brew of self interest masquerading as self-righteousness while the migrants themselves are exploited and the working classes and beneficiaries  forced to compete for housing and public service infrastructure ultimately lose out.

If NZers wanted to be angry at anyone over immigration, they should look no further than the mirror to be outraged.

New Zealand is founded on a sin, that sin is the mass theft of indigenous land without any intention of ever paying anything more than a pittance in reparation. We are a nation founded on exploitation and that exploitation continues at pace.

  • The insane over tourism that has the Auckland Airport runway in tatters, queues in our national parks and vast tracks of pristine land used as a collective long drop by freedom campers.
  • The grotesque exploitation of international students studying bullshit courses at junk language schools.
  • The exploitation of migrant workers at wages Kiwis won’t accept across most of our primary and service industries.

These three things all put enormous pressure on the social and public infrastructure from roads to public transport to housing. It is that pressure that the domestic population feels and despises and that fuels anger and bigotry towards anyone who is seen as an outsider.

The Jonesy gets the political cultural resentment these pressures create, but the hypocrisy of his position is the thing most egregious.

Jones and NZ First receive huge donations from regional industry players – the very same regional industries who exploit migrant labour the most!

So on one hand The Jonesy takes that industry money while demanding crack downs on the migrant workers who prop up those industries?

That’s why he’s keeping his criticism on the education side of this migrant worker exploitation, he’s not biting the hand that feeds him or NZ First.

Thankfully The Jonesy is the laziest bugger in Christendom, so beyond garden variety abuse on Political programs, he doesn’t have the constitution for any actual policy to deal with these infrastructure problems caused by too much migration.

If Shane got his shit together he might be able to ride this resentment to 5%+ but that’s a huge IF.

So far he can glide on the social media outrage at his comments to draw support to him, but if all Shane has to offer is his usual Shakespearian word salads from the Great Waa Waa of the North, he’s not going to sate the lust for radical change that a growing segment of the voting population are demanding.

The political, cultural and academic elites of NZ have all agreed on open door migration policies without consulting the great unwashed.

That resentment found voice in Brexit and Trumps win. Don’t doubt it can’t explode here.


  1. There needs to be a clean out of MP’s this coming election and aside from the terminally hopeless, damaging, shaved monkey, Phil Twyford, who needs to be politically euthanized because Cindy can’t bring herself to do it, Jones must go.
    He needn’t worry, he’ll pick up some shit useless but politically expedient well paying job like he had gifted to him by National. But as it stands, he is rust in politics and my skin crawls thinking how much money is being redirected by him in his capacity and the opacity of it.

    • @Hemi, only a matter of time before they work out that 49 list MP positions @ $100k means more $$$$$$

  2. I agree Jonesey is in it for Jones too.

    But seriously do you read the news, many of the exploited are going along with it and know the job is not paid and they are paying for marriage/job/visa/poor degree to get residency in NZ. So the fraud is relying on the migrant to agree to the scam – if you pay $30k for a job before you start and have to pay it back, you know that it is a scam!

    The worst exploitation is NZ encouraging the scam in the first place by allowing the visas to be sold in the countries like India and China for $30,000+ and the government knows it is going on and does nothing to stop it before the people come to NZ and need accomodation, take up cash jobs, and do not cancel the residency/citizenship of migrants in NZ running the scams and making fortune bringing them into NZ.

    By Labour and Greens not being prepared to go past identity politics and racial groupthink on solving this problem, is why they have diminished in the polls against National.

    COL got in, on a mandate to reduce immigration. They did not do that because they allowed hundreds of thousands of temp visas to allow more of the world to flood into NZ and now we have multiple crises that we did not used to have.

    Rental shortages for one because a good percentage of the people now coming to NZ are very poor and compete against our own poor and borrow money to come here.

    We used to have a problem with housing affordability in terms of buying a house, in as little as 4 years we now have an issue with affording a rental because we have hundreds of thousands of new demand coming into NZ. The next issue will be affording a place under the bridge if they continue!

    Remember the world’s poor all need to retire in NZ and as things go wrong (already restaurants/tourism are braying about coronavirus disruption) will require social housing the same as everyone else!

    So for every new 100,000 people coming to NZ on work and other scams, there could be 50,000 of them who will require social housing going forward and further issues. Many can’t speak English in terms of their long term care.

    Already migrants are taking up social housing and being shown as an example of ‘good social housing’ tenant tending a garden rather than those bad (probably Maori) ones murdering folks in the main stream! Sarcasm.


    • The biggest loser of the immigration Ponzi scam is the NZ government and country going forward.

      They are going to pay for it unless they have a mayor wake up moment, aka NZ is being asset stripped by the global 1%.

      In the next decade the government is going to run out of money as they struggle to support all the unskilled poor they imported into NZ while not investing in their own people who are becoming less skilled and with more problems.

      The strategy of bankruptcy is also exporting more and more NZ profits to companies like Rymans and Sanlu and Beingmate as a strategy to somehow save money in the short term as we can’t solve our own problems or understand international risks and culture very well….

    • +100 saveNZ…well said!

      These new workers, immigrants and residents are also massively competing with NZers in places like Save Mart…which is where NZers go for secondhand budget clothing donated by New Zealanders

      Also dont forget in China and India males outnumber females by 70 million!…these males are looking for the main chance elsewhere around the world


      ….do we want an male /female imbalance here in NZ in our relatively egalitarian society?…(egalitarian in our NZ traditional past anyway)…do we want a massive cultural change where NZ females are devalued?

      there should be a halt on this immigration and importing of male workers to compete in NZ with NZers

  3. While Jones is desperately trying to cling on in Northland, Winston does a dirty deal in the racing industry that shuts down and confiscates the Dargaville racecourse. This has enraged the local community.

    So why such a foolish move?

    My guess is that Winston knows he’s finished and is grabbing all the money he can while he has chance. So expect more random corrupt acts from NZF.

  4. You are quite right, Martyn,… and its been going on since 1984.

    You know that.

    All too well.

    But it is also earlier immigrant arrivals exploiting their own , – as you well know also. How many times have we seen cases – particularly Indian ex nationals, – involved in visa scams and acting corruptly and bald faced exploiting later arrivals from their own shared homeland ?

    Literally countless times in the news.

    And while doing it?- weakening NZ’s labour and immigration laws.

    And regards the Chinese? ,… they seem more tending towards buying up urban property’s which contribute to the burgeoning housing crises , – and environmental and economic issues by buying up large tracts of industrial and natural resource areas. And many of them don’t live here, would never DREAM of becoming a NZ citizen and are quite happy to continue to suck the resources which belong to New Zealanders dry for a pittance of payment to local authority’s.

    The only place where I can agree with you are regards the disgusting New Zealanders who are quite prepared to shit all over their fellow countrymen and women in their aggressive drive to get rich at their expense. And this is the political failures of any concerted effort or party in this country to challenge THIRTY SIX YEARS of ruthless unbridled, and rarely challenged neo liberal SHIT.

    The solution is simple:

    LIMIT the amount of immigrants to a certain amount from each country per annum. THEN , – get ruthless and CHERRY-PICK those who benefit out economy and nation regards skills sets.

    Have a list , and on that list are ALL nations on the globe.

    Then start with the capping, – and that includes demographics that have been flooding this country the most. Then start closing the doors until equilibrium is reached. And rest assured, – that system will one day come, simply because you cannot keep flooding a nation with immigrants without causing widespread societal and economic chaos and causing the original inhabitants,… to seethe with anger and resentment.

    The choice is yours.

    Racial disharmony or a sensible immigration setting that looks to the betterment of your country. Despite claims of being ‘racist’. And if you care to be reminded,… that was one of the original lines of attack and the claim used by the neo liberals to open the floodgates for cheap, non unionized labour.

    For their benefit.

    Not yours.

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