The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday – 5th March 2020


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. The other side of the story.
    Oranga Tamirki now seems to be bowing to pressure to return injured children who are being cared for by Whanau back to their parents who injured them in the first place – where in this case post return, “Medical staff told whānau his head injuries were so severe, “it was like he had been in a head-on car crash”.”

    Have first hand experience of a vulnerable teenager who is being forced into a relationship with one of his parents by Oranga Tamirik staff, which he does not want, and against Whanau concerns. The child is supposed to be the main concern not looking after the parents interests.

    Each case is different and there needs to be a call for urgent increases in the way Oranga Tamariki looks after vulnerable children and how going forward, they can attract and train excellent and qualified social workers into the area and be able to make the correct calls on cases with difficult cases being peer reviewed for example before a decision is made.

    • Balance and judgment. Can that be taught and if not how does a person acquire these essential attributes.
      Perhaps some tick box forms would be useful for Oranga Tamariki like – Is the person being considered as new guardian one of the same family? Have they been found guilty of violence or other ‘bold’ crimes like stealing, car theft? Are the rest of the family already under stress from chronic illness, caring for another needy person, mentally ill person etc?

      List the conditions against leaving the child with other possible family members. They might think they should look after the child, be angry at the agency for taking the child, but still not be capable of coping with its difficult behaviours, normal babies have some. Babies that have had gestation difficulties may be chronically unsettled, which is hard to take. If the government could set up some calm, caring, rest-houses for unsettled mothers and get them away from stress and used to a timetable, not as tight as Truby King’s but not leaving everything to chance, then the mother would have a start. Ideally then she would shift into an apartment with four bedrooms, and a sitting room, and large kitchen where four mothers could live and there would be a mature nurse/housekeeper to help them settle into routines and become self-sufficient.

      Positive steps, instead of just complaints and finger-pointing at a system that would have been unsatisfactory in the 1960s.

  2. Overfishing not a problem in NZ… no camera’s needed…

    “A fishing company has been fined $449,500 after a grossly overloaded vessel sank.
    Victory II should have been carrying no more than five tonnes of fish, but when it sank near Kaikoura in 2017 it had at least 28 tonnes on board.”

    (They seemed to be fined for sinking the vessel not the overfishing)

    Not a crime in NZ.

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