Trump’s Impeachment defence shows a Party Intellectually held hostage & degraded by an orange fascist


We always knew the Impeachment was hollow and limited to the fact that the Republicans hold power in the Senate.

What we hoped for was that at the very least, Bolton would be allowed to testify and the naked venality of Trump’s greed and abuse of power would be laid bare.

What was revealed was even more troubling.

It wasn’t their tactics to block any real evaluation of Trump’s narcissism that was so frightening, it was the sophistry and Orwellian double think that Republicans used to defend the indefensible that was so bloodcurdling.

Re-defining ‘the National interest’ as whatever can get Trump re-elected and offering up Impeachment as the only check and balance to a President breaking the law WHILE ACTIVELY BLOCKING THAT IMPEACHMENT PROCESS is an audaciousness beyond definition and credibility.
The Republican Party is held hostage by Trump’s egregious corruption and toxic self-aggrandisement. For them to intellectually lower the bar so low is not the philosophy of supporters, it is the mantra of the hostage.

That Trump will now parade this aberration of logic as vindication is enough to make you physically vomit.

This isn’t what a Democracy looks like, this is how a Fascist State is born.

O weep ye Founding Fathers at how molested your blessed Republic has become.

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This shameful failure of process and noxious tribal conclusion exposes a rot whose stench will curse all democracies around the world.



  1. This isn’t what a Democracy looks like, this is how a Fascist State is born.

    Yes. And when we see one of our own political leaders scuttling off to snuggle up with fascists, including some with extreme (“final solution”) policies, it’s time for us here in Aotearoa to wake up and take notice.

    We cannot let that happen here!!

    • Lots of American G.I.s died saving us and Australia from Japanese invasion in WW2 so I remember that and are grateful to our allies for saving our ass’es.

      • Yep. My mum was nursing when they came over here on r. & r. She got to know one very well… (Sorta kinda would have like to have met him myself, in the living years…)

        But from the bits I do know, he’d be pretty damned unhappy about what they’ve done to the country he fought for at Pearl harbour.

  2. Yet the New Zealand government defers to Donald Trump whenever it matters – Huawei, the Soleimani assassination, “the deal of the century”. So don’t just blame the Republicans. Jacinda and Winston are also complicit.

  3. Trump didn’t break the law. There were no grounds for impeachment. The Democrats are crazy and NZ has entertained some of their biggest crooks at taxpayer expense. USA, like NZ, is a corporation, and Trump, like Ardern, is just the CEO, and both of them kowtow to their shareholders.

    • No Trump broke the law it’s that it should have gone to the Supreme Court along with Biden instead of airbrushing Bidens corruption by kicking it up to the Senate where only the President can be tried.

  4. From the Chicago Tribune:
    Trump has forced us into a war against each other. The battle line has clearly been drawn in “us vs. them,” and we are engaged in a bitter fight to the end.

    It is not a contest between Republicans and Democrats, as Trump would have us believe. It has nothing to do with conservative values or liberal ones. He would like nothing more than to make it that simple.

    This is a war over American values. It is a contest to decide whether America will become a ruthless and corrupt society where leaders make up their own rules or whether we will be a nation of people that forces them to look out for our best interests rather than their own. Read more here “Only We the People Can Save Ourselves from Trump”

  5. ” It wasn’t their tactics to block any real evaluation of Trump’s narcissism that was so frightening, it was the sophistry and Orwellian double think that Republicans used to defend the indefensible that was so bloodcurdling ”

    America and its much lauded constitution means nothing too the Republican party or the Democrats if the truth be told.

    Trump has abused his power no doubt but he can’t be held accountable because

    The president can hide behind executive privilege and acting on behalf of the country by explaining everything away as being ” classified. ”

    Unless Republican senators who have the majority in the senate and a death wish will not vote too impeach.
    The whole trial if you can call it that is a total waste of time because the system will not allow his removal as the founding fathers intended.

    He is accountable too no one and his behaviour and that of the Republican party has given the finger too the nations founding document and its principles.

    Political expediency is always the first and last act in this revolting display and the DNC is just as flawed in the way they pocketed the billions of dollars too make sure Hillary got the nomination against Berie in 2016 and are working too deny him the nomination again this time.

    Which just proved what Sanders has been saying for 40 years and the Americans are starting too wake up too that the political system is rotten and corrupt and is a symptom of the tyranny that the 1% and its corporate overlords are poisoning the whole democratic process.

    Ans are about too do it all over again.

  6. The impeachment has meant that now, on the eve of the Iowa Caucuses..American politics had almost no coverage in the NZ media (beyond the impeachment)..infact with the Democratic contest being between Biden and, heaven Forbid..Bernie…rnz has shown a distinct lack of interest in actual American politics and polling.
    Unlike 2016.
    Same with the Guardian.
    Nancy and co must be hoping the Impeachment drags out long enough for people to not notice their plans to deal with Bernie…though even the most obedient citizen must, by now, be wondering what The Democratic Establishment has in the way of a back up plan to do to stop the Orange One.

    Its rather like the coverage of the French worker protests..
    Fake news isn’t just ‘fake stories’..’fake news’ is omission of stories, and context, that don’t suit the narrative.

    • ’fake news’ is omission of stories, and context, that don’t suit the narrative.

      ‘The Bernie Blackout’ is one clear example of this. See “a href=”’”>the-bernie-blackout-is-real-and-these-screenshots-prove-it

      “The Bernie blackout is real; it is not just a figment of our imagination. It almost seems like every morning these networks get a script that says ‘blackout Bernie Sanders,’” said the national campaign co-chair of Sanders’s presidential campaign, Nina Turner, on a December 5, 2019, episode of “The Rising.” Indeed, GDELT, a real-time open data global graph tracker, found that Sanders was covered three to four times less than Joe Biden in 2019 despite being neck and neck in the polls. Similarly, a November 2019 In These Times poll found that MSNBC gave Sanders the least frequent coverage and the most negative of overall coverage. This is especially shocking given that Sanders has been polling in first or second place.

      More at the link, including media photos where those of Bernie have been removed and those of others have been substituted. Bernie has been consciously and deliberately ‘disappeared’ by many in corporate media.

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