Dear National – I beg you, dare you, DOUBLE DARE you to rule NZ First out


There is a belief on the Right that Simon Bridges should simply rule Winston out and by denying him his Kingmaker role, blunt NZ First into irrelevance.

Dear National – I beg you, dare you, DOUBLE DARE you to rule NZ First out.

One of the problems for progressives is the power NZ First has to stop policy that is dear to our heart from getting passed, if National ruled NZ First out altogether, NZ First would be dependent on the Left in a way that gives Jacinda more power than the current arrangement allows for.

If National ruled NZ First out and Labour cut an electorate deal with Winston in the North, NZ First would have to be far more acquiescent to policy important to progressives. An electorate deal would mean NZ First didn’t need to care about crossing the 5% threshold and could build a provincial stronghold.

By being able to play both sides, NZ First holds all the cards, but if National ruled Winston out, NZ First would have to cut a deal with Jacinda far more agreeable than the current one.

So please National, cut NZ First out.


  1. Why rule NZF out? So your successful Labour MP’s like Twyford and Claire Curran types can make more dumb decisions without a pressure relief valve of NZ First?

    Labour is killing themselves with some hopeless MP’s. They need NZ First to save themselves from themselves.

    • @ Jezza Boy?
      Ask yourself? What was winston peters talking to don brash about when they were photographed doing tea. Or coffee? together outside that cafe?

  2. Bridges only wants one thing at any price. That of course is to be the PM. With that being the case he would do a deal with Charles Manson etc etc etc if it was good for him. Pure slime.

    I don’t believe any Government ministers worse than the average ex National Party Ministers. The Nats are just a better opposition than Labour were and are very good at highlighting and undermining any Labour Minister that is vulnerable to attack. It matters not one jot of the target is guilty or innocent. It’s the appearance of guilt that amounts to a “hit”. The Nats were even strongly advocating Ardern should resign as PM over an alleged cover up of an alleged sexual assault despite there being absolutely no evidence whatsoever that she was guilty of anything.

    I can think of several ex National Party Ministers that were horrendous yet were basically given a free pass by an inadequate opposition at the time that was being led by inadequate leaders.

    Very easy to stand on the sideline and throw shit especially when vested interest is involved. The internet is conclusive proof of that. Different ballgame to come up with answers and solutions. The Nats proved they are indifferent and diabolically inept at looking after Kiwis across the board….but magnificent at looking after themselves and those who support personal wealth over the good of a country and it’s people.

    • bridges is only one thing. A hapless decoy while yankee doodle psycho jonky-stien and the double dipping Dipton Dribbler make a run for it.

  3. Since when were Labour on the left? As for NZ First I doubt they will make the magic mark to get back into office…

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