MPI hypocrisy over Hell Pizza jaw dropping in its audacity


Let me see if i can get this completely straight?

MPI, possibly the most incompetent and corrupt Government agency in NZ, are demanding to meet Hell Pizza for their stunt of selling vegetarian meat to their customers…

MPI plans meeting with Hell over ‘burger’ Pizza

The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) says it will meet Hell over its “burger” pizza.

Thousands of Kiwis unwittingly sampled Beyond Meat plant-basedimitation meat, after Hell quietly added the product to its menu.

The New Zealand-owned chain launched its burger pizza, with ingredients including “medium-rare burger patty”.

Some customers were outraged at having been duped. Many were concerned about the potential implications of ingesting Beyond Meat ingredients when they thought they were eating beef.

…but this is the same MPI who won’t dare prosecute the fishing industry who lie about their pillaging of fish stocks…

MPI defends not prosecuting over hoki catch

A 2011 report leaked to RNZ shows companies including Sanford and Talley’s were under reporting hundreds of tonnes of the fish and making it vulnerable to being over fished.

Hoki earned the country $230 million last year and was famously used in McDonald’s filet-o-fish burgers.

Operation Bronto, that led to the 2011 report, was significant and took a year to complete, MPI’s head of compliance Gary Orr said.

“We had fisheries officers on naval vessels at sea undertaking boarding and inspection, we had fisheries officers in port that were inspecting product that was landed.”

What it found was under-reporting of the amount of hoki being caught, in one case an estimated 780 tonnes in a single season, and widespread deliberate targeting of the juvenile hoki that boats were supposed to avoid in order to allow fish stocks to replenish.

There was even a suspicion that undersized hoki were being ground up in onboard mealing machines in order to hide evidence of the amount of small fish being caught.

A report was written up along with 45 recommendations asking for further investigation of the offending and the placing of more ministry observers on boats.

“People have said why didn’t you prosecute,” Mr Orr said.

“Well we know from experience that prosecution will achieve behavioural change for maybe four or five years at best. But if you want to achieve sustained behavioural change over a fleet of vessels operating in a fishery, you need to have a different method.”

…it’s as if the rights of carnivores trump all else.

Those poor little meat eaters, who knew they were as snowflake as gun nuts, anti-vaxxers and woke activists.

Hell Pizza pulled a clever marketing stunt, but they should point out the hypocrisy of MPI rushing to defend the rights of bloody meat eaters while they turn a blind eye to the fishing industry raping our oceans.


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  1. NZ petty officials are all about making an example on the trivial because they are too ineffectual to actually do their jobs and don’t have the intelligence or balls to actually bother to regulate the big guys in industry.

    They want an easy scalp to put on their performance pay.

    Also long term sustainability for NZ resources from sand, to fish, to milk, to water, is out the window for short term returns… and those short term returns tend to be to overseas companies not even NZ… but lets talk about the flag… again or Jacinda’s baby. (who probably is going to grow up to a land that is polluted and majority owned by people who have no interest in it, apart from as a banana republic to profit off and or as a strategic defence and propaganda asset in Pacific).

  2. They were probably worried about Hillary’s (the new Mother of the Nation) outrage and thought they better do something about it – 7 Sharpish.
    As for MPI being the most corrupt and incompetent, it has its rivals (several of them). We don’t consider things to be corrupt however, if it remains covert

  3. MPI is a joke who do not look after Kiwi’s interests. Look at the PSA saga where the High Court has backed New Zealand kiwifruit growers’ claims that the government was negligent in allowing PSA, the virus which devastated the industry, into the country.

    MPI is probably worried Shanghai Maling Aquarius Ltd should not have their investment threatened, hence concerns about a local restaurant chain not serving meat in one of it’s burgers!

    It’s like watching someone playing a fiddle while Rome burns (but they are supplying the matches and PPP for the fiddle).

    Apparently the commerce commission is also investigating about the burger claims…

    Gosh, sell a few meat free burgers and have government agencies are in a tizzy!

    Pity they don’t do there job in other areas, aka example above of MPI wiping out kiwi farmers so that their orchards can be bought up cheap by big players.

    Banks making $580k per hour profit here… telecoms that don’t work and take 1 hour to make a phone call to be connected to complain. Power that is a monopoly here and very expensive in relation to wages or costs…supermarkets that are making eyewatering profits, media that is masquerading as news but is really running mostly advertorials and self interested articles…

  4. MPI is now so very badly disfunctional and Government needs to push the “refresh button”.

    While living in Canada back in the 1975 ear they came our with hamburger patties that Canadians complained about tasting like cardboard and Canada health Tested the pattes and found they contained 60% soy and only 25% meat and the rest was bread.

    MPI should have these Hamburbers actually tested for ‘food safety’ to eat as who who’s what it contais, maybe even ‘old stale bread’ like Canada found?

  5. @ savenz, you do see the wood through the trees.
    It’s a shame not every New Zealander has this gift.

  6. Every time i hear about MPI i visualize Nathan Guy and the appalling lack of action on a variety fronts including animal welfare.

    MPI is a front to allow farmers and vested interests like fishing to escape punishment and hide behind the law.

    Just look at the disaster of myco bovis and how it was allowed to spread into the South Island so easily.

    As for Hell Pizza haven’t they broken the law here ? with misleading the public about their ingredients.

    Bomber one of the reasons i began to loose faith in this government early on was the lack of meaningful action by Stuart Nash and Shane Jones who continue to protect big fishing interests to the detriment of the resource.

    This government is just as corrupt as the last one was and i i was a member of the Green party or a MP i would be disturbed and outraged at the approach and lack of action against these companies that seem to be making up and enforcing their own laws rather than the sitting government.

    • From what I can work out Hell never claimed that they were giving the punters meat, but apparently burgers is being claimed by the meat industry as there own word, although my interpretation of the word burger is it is the actual bread of the burger not the meat???

      The filling inside a burger could be anything meat or otherwise vegetarian and still be a burger in my view!

  7. This is a hilariously subtle snipe at people who don’t have any inkling about what evil is. They don’t even know what a burger is. Probably not sausages either, implicitly how could they begin to understand religion or God?

    So is some manifestation of Satan mocking the mindless munchies using his Hell Pizza minions to make this sinister point?

    IMHO, you bet your ass, that’s what’s up


    • Yep, and a lot of hard working people working for MPI that is getting slammed because of the government agencies not getting to all the problems of NZ because of a lack of funding and resources.

  8. Spot on Martyn

    MPI has as much credibility as John Key pontifucating to defend the ANZ

    Its time the CEO of that benighted organisation was sacked and someone halfway competant put in their place

  9. It would not be as funny if somebody died of an allergic reaction because of the nondisclosure of the product. Next time Hell should use dog meat from China and not disclose it as well. But this will outrage everyone and it will be MPI’s fault.

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