Democratic Debate highlights the woke olympics dilemma for progressives


Isn’t it weird?

The Democratic Debates seemed oddly disconnected from reality.

The climate crisis which is an existential threat to our entire species seemed to take a back seat to woke outrage olympics.

It’s strange that sick burns trump actual capability.

Of particular interest was the clash between Biden and Kamala Harris.

Biden had said earlier that he could work with Republicans, even segregationists, in a message that was aimed directly at the voters who had voted Obama but then voted Trump.

You know, the voters that the Democrats need to win back if they are to defeat the madness of Trump.

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Harris held up Biden’s statement as proof positive that Biden was out of touch with the new woke group think that is replacing class for identity politics inside the Democratic Party and she did the millennial thing of personalising the ‘insult’ and held up her bussed in segregation pain as a testimony.

While this self mutilation and martyrfication of militant micro aggression policing is fun to watch, the true issue is the Democrats finding a candidate who can beat this orange fascist who is currently threatening global stability inside the White House.

For the record, I don’t think Biden or Harris can win over Trump voters because they are still promoting the free market economic hegemony that turned so many previous voters against them.

We can scream racist and sexist as much as we like at Trump voters, but when in 2016 Trump wooed Union families, women and the working poor in such huge numbers, something else needs to be examined as the reason this malignant tumour of a human being has been forced upon us all.

The free market globalisation that the Democrats embraced has robbed the domestic working classes of their dignity and economic ability to survive. Bernie Sanders understood this which is why he would have been able to woo those voters Trump needed back to the Democrats and beat Trump, but the vile corruption within the Democrats (who played to the elites within the Party) robbed Sanders of his nomination in a rigged system set up to prevent a populist left winger ever winning the candidacy.

By putting the Identity Politics over the economic needs of the poor, the Democrats handed the election to a snake oil merchant like Trump.

Winning outrage olympics might make you the Democratic Nominee, but it sure as christ won’t beat Trump’s negative populism.


  1. “For the record, I don’t think Biden or Harris can win over Trump voters”

    Debating the progressive merits of Biden and Harris is pretty pointless. They are only there because they are who the Democrat establishment wants to run against Trump, not because they can beat Trump but because they represent corporate interests. If push comes to shove, the establishment will put up with Elizabeth Warren.

    The real representatives of the progressive left are Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. They will most likely be undermined by the Democratic establishment but they, at least, represent the progressive voice.

  2. Nicely said Esoteric.
    Now… Bomber your woke radar is set to over sensitive. This was a primary political tactic by Harris that was not meant for general election consumption. The aim here is to remove Biden from the race not Trump. Like Bill Clinton, Biden is right now the default “black” candidate of choice for African Americans, (He was Obama’s guy right). Harris effectively hit Biden on race deliberately to negate this perception of Biden, and the post debate polls show support for Biden falling noticeably across all demographics.
    Biden must be removed now or else there will be another coronation of a middle of the road democrat that could get beaten again. Then we can talk of who is best to beat Trump, or even just as important who will be the next FDR the USA desperately needs.

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