On a brief history of death threats


Sue Bradford received death threats.

Hone Harawira received death threats (and had his office shot at)

Helen Clark received death threats.

The attempt by some to make the latest threat a unique moment in history is embarrassing.

And then we find out that the ’round the clock Police protection’ is actually just a Security guard while she is on Parliament grounds…

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…both sides of the culture war are grasping to make these events fit their ideological straightjackets.

For the woke it is proof positive that their policing of micro aggressions is justified and hate speech law expansion obligatory.

For the right it’s more proof of the snowflake mentality of the identity politics left when they deserve criticism.

I’m not sure a massive ‘exclusive’ by Newshub on white supremacists by a bored Patrick Gower is really a hell of a lot of evidence of a rising fascism and I say that as someone who originally interviewed Neo-Nazi’s in the 1990s on The Drum.

No one should threaten an MP and no MP should feel gagged in what they say. The Woke are in danger of over egging this and creating a backlash that actually benefits bloody Seymour.




  1. Oh come on. Say ore isn’t a white supremacist. His policies are shit but that doesn’t make him a white supremacist. Have a heart, he really believes in euthanasia but that doesn’t make home a white supremacist. Where euthanasia is a good fit in this phase of New Zealand’s democratic development is another discussion but shot man can the woke gets some better arguments.

  2. I am not “woke” in the modern parlance–I am old school left with a class analysis myself–but like to think I am aware of some things at least.

    I have known a number of people in the public eye that have received death threats; from unionists, anti apartheid leaders, Māori activists, academics particularly, and even “ordinary” people that dare to stick their heads up briefly on an issue that concerns them. Nasty, filthy, threatening letters, messages, vandalism and these days, digital attacks. Files full of them. The dark New Zealanders are dark indeed. Sue Bradford received some of the very worst of them.

    So Golriz is not unique, and the Greens should not overbake her situation.
    But Seymour needs to be slapped down for incitement in my view. The Epsom Twerker as well as being an idiot, is the only MP that was publicly against banning semi autos. He is trying to cultivate support from the worst.

    Golriz Ghaharaman has been personally singled out by the unpleasant brigade including Whale and Penguin, for some reason, for several years now, and should be defended on principle.

      • More like never started to be revolutionaries in the first place, all in their own minds and keyboards!

        • It’s like why call Trump or Seymore or who ever a fascist? Because the woke lack the credibility and policies for change so oops you are a fascist now.

  3. Great post! In particular…

    …both sides of the culture war are grasping to make these events fit their ideological straightjackets.

    soon all the politicians will be demanding round the clock security! sigh…

    It’s a bit like being a police officer, sadly it is a risky job that if they are not willing to take that risk, don’t make them police officers!

    and for MP’s if it is getting too much, then bow out, there is always a tiny amount of risk in that job, but she’s more at risk driving to the office via a road accident or these days being a landlord (3 murders since the wokies) , than being attacked as an MP!

  4. A security detail is not going to cut it if those who wish to do harm are serious about attacking any MP.
    If i was being threatened i would want to be sure i was being protected by the right personal.
    Though James Shaw had no protection his attacker came out of nowhere to assault him and it happened quickly and without warning.
    Jo Cox the Labour MP in the U.K lost her life after being shot stabbed by a lunatic on the 16th June 2016 who associated with whites only groups.
    A 77 year old man tried to help but was attacked while trying to help.


  5. Our NZ police need to find the people that do these so called death threats and sort them out throw them in jail put their names out there so we can see who these bullies and cowards are and as for see more inciting this behaviour he needs to be gone at the next election hes like cling on that need to be detached asap

  6. Our NZ police need to find the people that do these so called death threats and sort them out throw them in jail put their names out there so we can see who these bullies and cowards are and as for see more inciting this behaviour he needs to be gone at the next election hes like cling on that need to be detached asap

  7. +100 agree with this Post

    The thought that has come to mind is “silly cow”…no one deserves death threats….however when a prima donna receives one you are likely to get an opera

    ( and wasn’t she one of the lawyers who worked to exonerate an African mass murderer?

    https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/99305306/green-mp-golriz-ghahraman-pictured-smiling-in-photograph-alongside-rwandan-convicted-for-inciting-genocide )

    …this is the new Green Party Opera… the ‘woke left’ war on New Zealand males…so-called ‘white male supremacists’…the calls of ‘racism’ and ‘sexism’ and opposition of freedom of speech …culminating in victimhood and the need for body guards

    (… this follows on nicely from the ‘Woke Left’ supporters of failed Hillary Clinton and failed Democrat Party …and the neo -McCarthyist anti freedom of speech movement . Incidentally Hillary, of the corrupt Clinton Foundation was never really ‘Left’, she was a supporter of Barry Goldwater in her youth ….and the ‘Woke Left’ is funded by George Soros a multi billionaire who serves the elite hanging on to their wealth…the Clintons were also long time friends of Harvey Weinstein…go figure


    In other words we need a lot more examination of the actors involved …and the framing of the dramas…and not just accept what they say at face value…and be led along like sheep

    Sadly if the blame game in the aftermath of the lone terrorist Australian’s attack on a Christchurch mosque and his mass killing of 51 innocent Christchurch Muslims and the injuring of many others …is accusations and blame on equally innocent New Zealanders…. there will be a political backlash and the Act Party and National Party will benefit

    …and if enough ordinary New Zealanders are made out to be ‘white male supremacists’ and ‘racists’ because they are concerned about and oppose unrestricted immigration ( Metira Turei called Winston Peters a racist for no less)and are harassed by police for speaking out or if they legitimately own guns…the only winners will be Act and National



  8. correction….she worked to exonerate NOT a mass murderer but an African who INCITED genocide or mass murder

  9. Common Red Buzzard you can do better than throw around fake news that lacking context to your links!! Defending nasty individuals is just a part of what international human rights lawyers do.

    The point of the international human rights project is to create global institutions that can implement the rule-of-law practices we expect in nice, rights respecting places like New Zealand. So, when you’ve got someone accused of genocide in Rwanda, you don’t just summarily execute him or leave him to rot in a hole. You determine whether or not he actually did what he’s accused of, then punish him accordingly.

    Being pro-human rights can sometimes mean having to stand in the corner of allegedly very evil individuals is hard to do in a simple good-guys-versus-bad-guys narrative. It’s much easier to just say “I’m on the side of human rights, which means I back the good guys in every fight”.

    Again, we need to keep this in context. I’m sure that the various other lawyers sitting in parliament may have done work for past clients that they probably would rather wasn’t waved in front of the public. That which is legal, and indeed completely ethical, can still be politically troublesome. And political parties aren’t exactly in the business of highlighting the politically troublesome aspects of their candidate’s past.

    She also worked for the prosecution in Hague it what Lawyers do. Do some proper research will yah!! https://www.vice.com/en_nz/article/a3kpja/we-cant-rely-on-majority-rule-meet-nzs-first-refugee-mp

  10. Agree that the Green Party have lost their way of late but if white supremacists threaten death and are enabled by an extreme neo-liberal MP then right now they require our absolute and unequivocal support and solidarity.

  11. Remember this when the Left again promises “action” or “protest” (dog whistles for violence) against the legitimate gatherings of its many targets.

    Remember this when you say it’s funny to spit or throw objects at public figures you dislike.

    • Andrew, throwing an egg or milkshake at a fascist is pretty damned harmless

      The christchurch shooter used far more lethal weaponry

      If its a choice between a bullet or a chook’s egg to the head, i know which one i’d pick

      Get your fucking priorities straight. The left aren’t killing anyone. But you righties are racking up one hell of a body count

  12. It’s true that Golriz Ghahraman is not the first politician to receive death threats and death threat are abhorrent in all cases.

    However, that said, it is only a couple of months since Green Party Co-Leader James Shaw was physically assaulted by a conspiracy theorist. Also the Greens are targeted by conspiracy theorists than any other party by a long shot. They are also bearing the brunt of Taliban 1080 opponents even though all the parties in Parliament support its use. Eugenie Sage is another Green MP who needs round the clock protection. Potentially even more than Golriz as the people targeting her have an actual history of violence including an armed hijacking of a helicopter. Sue Bradford was a Green MP and Helen Clark, while receiving death threats, had round the clock security

  13. This is disgusting and we need to find these mongrels and sort them now we can’t have this nonsense in our country. Our coalition government needs to give these death threats the same amount of attention as they did to the chch attack on our Muslims. We cannot and should not bring people into our country if we cannot ensure them and their whanau are safe. The last government let so many people come here many don’t even speak english all to feed businesses with cheap labour. Now are the business people standing up for these people, no they aren’t cause all they care about is themselves and money. Are they actively helping to stop this nasty white supremacist disease that permeates our country. Some how i doubt it cause it is all about them not us and yet we are the ones that poor immigration practises impact on the most. No wonder we live in a divided country with people being treating like chattels.

  14. David Seymour may not be calling for an assassination on Golriz Gharahman, but he’s doing everything but. Its “wink eink nudge nudge” stuff

    If anything happens to her, responsibility lies, in part, on his sloping forehead

  15. David Seymour’ comments on Ghahraman are inexcusable. I hope the voters of Epsom do to him as voters did for Fraser Anning at the last election.

    He is being dangerously provocative.

    • I really need you to state what David Seymore said that would have been so offensive it is an crimanl hate speech case. So please, educate me because this is tuning into another Russia did moment.

  16. agree 100% with you Samwise he needs to go he is a nasty piece of work and he doesn’t even care about Gharahraman her treatment and her being unsafe and in fear its not right and we need to put this right.

    • For fucks sake. Being an MP dosnt absolve anyone of critisms in fact it increases the amount of critisms you’ll receive. You’re just throwing shade on police VIP protection because you’re implying that they can’t prevent an assassination attempt. Are you muppets even listening to yourselves?

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