The arrogance and ignorance of Alfred Ngaro is as breathtaking as his misplaced self-assured smugness





National Party MP Alfred Ngaro says number of abortions in New Zealand is a ‘tragedy’

National MP and possible leader of a new breakaway party Alfred Ngaro says no woman has been made to feel like a criminal for seeking an abortion in New Zealand.

…this total misrepresentation of the impact of NZs ludicrous abortion laws is such a needless and cruel slap in the face to every woman who has ever had to jump through the hoops to gain an abortion.

Ngaro knows what he is saying is a falsehood, but he’s playing it up for political gain. His willingness to do this suggests his fanaticism is far more dangerous than first blush had suggested.

Let me state as clearly as I can for the record, I believe that the decision for an abortion is one that is determined between a woman and her dr, no one else.

It is a medical procedure, it needs to be safe, legal and free.

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It requires only the desire by the woman plus any wrap around counselling services she might require post the abortion.

No one else should have a say.

I feel stupid even having to state something so obvious, but post the Alabama decision and the rise of the religious right wanting to control women’s bodies, it’s time for clear cut and serious pushback.

An individual’s autonomy of their own body is the sacrosanct promise of every liberal democracy,  watching attempts by religious fanatics to roll that agency back is medieval.

It is time to progress the abortion legislation and make it legal and safe. This Government should be hell bent on progressing the change through the chamber and into law before the end of the year so that the issue is inoculated before next years election.

If there is a menace to NZ’s freedom, it is from Ngaro, not Golriz.


  1. An obstetrician needs to sit Alfred down and explain a few facts about pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, still birth etc etc. He sounds very ignorant. I heard Lisa Owen on Checkpoint contradict his numbers on abortion statistics tonight, but I haven’t heard anyone really debate him face to face with numbers to show how faulty his rhetoric is.

  2. Like most women, the notion of this creepy jerk seeking control of our bodies, nauseates and repels me.

    Why has someone not explained to Ngaro that women do not self-impregnate ?

    Why is Ngaro not calling on males to exercise more control over their bodies, or does he not think that they can ? Or, does he not want them to ?

    Why does Ngaro not use the word ‘vasectomy’ ? Is it too a big word ?

    Why is he not advocating for vasectomy education for social groups who
    feel they have too many children, and dread having to cope with more ?

    Why is he not advocating for birth control education being made widely available, and stigma free, and private for women who may have compelling reasons for needing and wanting this ? Why isn’t he ?

    Why is he waiting until women find themselves in what may be a nightmare situation and then demonising them ?

    Why has he not addressed the predicament of what happens to babies born unwanted ?

    Why do none of these males trying to force women to bear children, ever express one iota of interest in the fate and well-being of those children post-delivery ? Why ?

    • Yes but what about the babiez rights. Murder on demand! Babies are disposable
      When i first became pregnant, a doctot i saw to confirm my pregnancy,straight away , asked, ” Do you want an abortion?” . This was without knowing my personal story or me. Ive worked in the medical profession for over 20 yesrs. The first few years you had to jump through hoops. Now they dont even ask if you want to see a counsellor. Ive worked an been involved in operating theatre, where bone crushers are used so the baby can be broken up to be sucked out via vacuum extraction
      So what about the babies right?

      • For practical purposes, Robyn, abortion may be defined as interruption of gestation before viability of the child.

        This may be a more humane option to the killing of unwanted or unwelcome infants in the horrific sorts of ways in which we are now world leaders.

        In an ideal world all children would be wanted children.

  3. “An individual’s autonomy over their own body ” sacrosanct?
    Not in Martyn’s world when it comes to voluntary euthanasia.
    A curious disconnect.

    • I’d been wondering David, what sort of human being could be determined to boot people out of social housing ‘to stop them becoming dependent’, while at the same time trying to force them to produce children who they felt unable to care for. This partially answers that, thank you.

      How lonely Alfred Ngaro’s brain cell must be.

      Did he perhaps become an electrician hoping to deflect the thunder bolts and lightening which may rain down on him for his seeming cavalier attitude to the Golden Rule ?

  4. Israel and its Zionists supporters in the Neocon Whitehouse and in Washington are guilty of the 9/11 attacks which took the lives of some 3000 persons plus thousands more due to toxic inhalation of the dust and smoke. These attacks were the excuse for the “War on terror” which has destroyed and attempted to destroy Moslem civilisation in the Mid East, for the sake of greater israel and access to oil reserves and minerals.

    Christopher Bollyn – Solving 9 11 Audiobook – Narrated by Christopher Bollyn

    The Jewish owner of the twin Towers made a packet on the terrorist insurance he took out prior to the controlled demo of these towers.The Planes were drones.

    Zionists, not Jewish people, are POISON. Long live the Jewish Faith but Zionism has death stranglehold on Washington. Of course Israel is the U$’$ Aircraft carrier in the mid east.

  5. I suspect that those commenting here about abortion believe that the debate is over. I suspect that they also believe that Christian views are outdated and hold no relevance.

    I agree with the pro abortion post religious view, but I reckon the expression of it by our comments is patronising and equally sanctimonious. The bit I find most disturbing is the way we insist on not only our rectitude but also the other viewpoints calumny, demonizing it’s proponents as beneath our need to debate with in a considered manner. We have become what we see in them, a mirror. It’s ugly.

  6. I suspect that those commenting here about abortion believe that the debate is over. I suspect that they also believe that Christian views are outdated and hold no relevance.

    I agree with the pro abortion post religious view, but I reckon the expression of it by our comments is patronising and equally sanctimonious. The bit I find most disturbing is the way we insist on not only our rectitude but also the other viewpoints calumny, demonizing it’s proponents as beneath our need to debate with in a considered manner. We have become what we see in them, a mirror. It’s ugly.

  7. I find it interesting that when this guy made his disgusting comments about abortion he was flanked by two senior members of Bridges’ cabinet, one having leadership aspirations (Mitchell). What right do these male individuals have to dictate how women deal with their bodies? What are their qualifications to make such comments which they all too often do in an arrogant, patronising, sneering and smug manner.

    Some people claim they are qualified to talk about the rights of the unborn child, using emotive words like murder, but the same people do not talk about the rights of women which include making decisions about their own bodies.

    I know two women whose pregnancies were terminated otherwise they could have potentially died. There was no off-hand question from a doctor about whether they wanted an abortion. They were very carefully guided through the process and were properly looked after both physically and emotionally by men and women medical professionals. They also received follow-up counselling.

    • Abortions have been around since accent times with techniques used such as elixirs and sharp objects. So it’s not new, It should be safe, legal and rare.

    • I didn’t see Ngaro’s statement, Youngsuffrajet, but I agree with you about this little jerk Ngaro being bolstered by two male MP’s when he said his words. It is an obscene and totally pathetic picture.

      I don’t much like abortion, but I support choice 100%. The women I know who have aborted have done so in situations I am grateful to have not been in,and I will always support them, and all women who have to make this decision.

      That these so-called men are not concerned about the welfare and well-being of unwanted children is both irresponsible and disgraceful, and they should be horse-whipped for it – metaphorically speaking. Shame on them.

  8. The abortion debate will never be over but when we have so many other pressing issues and problems like no house to live in, no food or not much food, no job or poor job security people are living day to day not week to week. This means we have to prioritise and at the moment abortion is not a priority and it shouldn’t be. We have come along way trying to be more inclusive why do we need to keep regurgitating old stuff that has been turned over and over. Do we want to see women going back to having to back street abortions far better to invest in education in order to reduce abortion rates.

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