How many acronyms does it take to catch a white supremacist?


So how many acronyms does it take to catch a white supremacist?

Why there’s the SIS (Secret Intelligence Services), the GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau), the NSG (National Security Group), the CNSN (Cabinet National Security Committee), the ODESC (Officials’ Committee for Domestic and External Security Coordination), the SIB (Security and Intelligence Board), the CTCC (Counter-Terrorism Coordinating Committee), the NICC ( National Intelligence Coordination Committee) the IAD (Intelligence and Assessments Directorate), the NRU (National Risk Unit) and the NSPD (National Security Policy Directorate).

Yet not one of them saw an atrocity like this coming.

When these acronyms view Greenpeace, the Greens, the MANA Party, Maori Iwi, Earthquake survivors, social justice activists and investigative journalists as the threat, it’s easy to see how a white supremacist managed to plan a terrorist act for two years without appearing on anyones radar.

That is the insult to our national injury.

The solution here is not more vast surveillance powers, it’s the intelligence agencies using the existing powers they already have against real threats, not the reds under the bed who they’ve focused on so far.


  1. They’r all doing their job Martyn . But it is to protect the global political and economic establishment not the public.
    D J S

  2. To be honest, if a person would really be determined and set his or (less likely) her mind to it, to conduct a terror or some form of sabotage act in this country (or most other countries), it is not necessarily likely that any expert security service will be able to detect and stop the planning and execution of such an act.

    Any potential attacker, if smart enough, and informed enough, will avoid the normal (open) internet, mobile phone communications (unless successfully encrypted) and other forms of communication, so to not reveal any planned actions.

    Thus you may have the best services in the world, unless you penetrate society as perhaps the East German STASI did, in Orwellian style, they are simply bloated, overfunded, self important ‘experts’ that will in the end not serve the people much.

    As it is going now, they rather destroy democracy, feelings of trust and security, and the human social fabric, chilling ordinary people, who may simply have different views.

    A rethink of the purpose, usefulness and way of operating of SIS, GCSB and so forth may be needed, not ever more funding, law changes and so forth.

    Also should governments perhaps act in ways to generate trust and good relationships with their citizens, so that people see no need to get angry, hateful and even determined to attack institutions of the state, or ordinary, perhaps different people.

    As it is now, we get more and more alienation, mistrust, and a rule from the top, by those who claim they know best. It is a mixture of nanny and big brother state approach, and it will end badly if this carries on as it has for years now.

  3. What the F are the security people doing? As well as not noticing the OZ visitor collecting up automatic weapons before gunning down 50 people, while visiting here, it sounds like criminals are welcome even when it is clear they have committed offences.

    Look at the debacle over Karel Sroubek – he should have been deported years ago because they knew he and his buddy were using the same passport.

    Instead screw up over screw up in this case, including he was allowed to sponsor other people aka his former wife from Russia to get citizenship into NZ and be granted permanent residency/citizenship as a convicted criminal in jail here!

    Lawyers field day, when if officials had acted promptly to deport him, and the security services were doing their job in the first place by noticing he was wanted in his home country, NZ would have been a less drug free place as well as not diverting NZ tax money on these criminals and their legal battles to live here and sponsoring more and more people into this country while not even being a citizen themselves or being a new citizen keen to get more like themselves in! (note his migrant wife was also involved in the company that imported in the drugs but was not convicted).

    The mind boggles what sort of society the government wants NZ to become and where the security funding is going because it is not on deporting people who are from overseas breaking NZ laws.

    Our officials have so much ‘compassion’ for the criminals and so much money for their legal rights but not a shred of compassion for the current and future victims of the criminals coming to live in NZ or even current citizen’s right like Bradbury’s case against the police which is a farce when they should apologise and pay damages because it is clear they were in the wrong! Nope more wasted tax dollars on greedy lawyers for the crown and the police not taking responsibility!

    Something is wrong with justice in NZ! Because there is a lot less justice for people who were born in NZ against those from overseas seeking to do damages to the NZ people with criminal acts!

  4. Look at what the 9/11 Terrorists from the Middle East did without the US Authorities knowing anything about their plans, they managed to hijack 4 planes and commit mayhem ?

    • Yeah that the myth Bush used to attack Iraq, Afghanistan and bring in draconian laws to rob the US people of a few more vestiges or “freedom”

      The problem with the bush myth is there is no credible evidence to back it up and loads of science backed evidence to show how it happened.

    • Using box cutters and all.
      The chch shooter was all over the internet with his racist crap by all accounts though, not some sneaky encrypted terror cell.
      Why did we give up our privacy “for our own security” when security services and police failed utterly to prevent this?
      Paid anti gun advocates like Alpers use the outrage immediately after to turn the focus on gun owners.
      What fools we would be to feel safe with just guns under lock and key. The police also are very quick to demonstrate how fast a semi auto magazine can be changed – in a class of weapon about to banned anyway, but strangely lacking in exact details of firearms licensing and public warnings about the shooters suitability to hold license.
      How very convenient to make it all about the guns (and Ms Arden recently signing softening of gun purchase legislation unbeknown to anyone is simply not mentioned) and not about the agencies we pay to keep us safe.
      I want answers.

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