Cuban visitor to speak about U.S. moves against Cuba and strengthen ties with New Zealand.

Leima Martinez Freire, the Asia Pacific Director of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) is visiting New Zealand, April 1 to 3. Martinez wants to bring to people’s attention the ongoing US economic embargo against Cuba.
The US government tightened sanctions against Cuba on Monday, March 4. The measure takes effect March 9 and allows lawsuits against some Cuban companies using properties confiscated after its 1959 revolution.
ICAP is a non-government organisation which organises activities to build ties between the Cuban people and others around the world. 
The Washington Post explains, “Every president since Bill Clinton has suspended a section of the 1996 Helms-Burton Act that would allow such lawsuits.”
The US government is initially only allowing limited actions but is threatening to extend that further as the current suspension will expire after 30 days while most previous suspensions have lasted six months.
The Cuban government called that an “unacceptable threat against the world.”
Leima Martinez explains how the sanctions impact on the daily lives of people in Cuba. In New Zealand those wanting to help victims of a tornado that devastated parts of Havana at the end of January face obstacles with the largest bank, ANZ, refusing to handle any transactions for Cuba.
Public meeting: 7pm, Monday April 1 at the Auckland Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd.



  1. It’s about time some one did something about this. No one was planning on ever actually doing anything to Cuba, so all this pissant passive aggressive nonsense to appease the exile community never made any sense.

    I’d be making jokes about the US literally needing divine intervention for this to actually happen, but…,

    Also, that artifact of the Cold War is over and done with.

  2. The USA took Cuba from the Spanish at the turn of the 19th Century, Castro & Guevera legitimately took Cuba back in 1959 from the USA and the USA Mafia.

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