When the best response to an attack ad savaging the sad joke Kiwibuild has become is ‘you’re mansplaining’ – then you’ve already lost


Oh for the love of christ – it’s ‘mansplaining’ now is it?

Government Ministers are slamming a National Party KiwiBuild attack ad as sexist
Speaking to media this afternoon, Housing Minister Phil Twyford – the man in charge of the KiwiBuild policy – said the ad was “clearly sexist.”

“I think a lot of people find it offensive.”

Some on social media have complained the ad appears as though the man was mansplaining – when a man explains something to a woman in a condescending or patronising way – the KiwiBuild policy to the woman.

Twyford said if he had commissioned that “attack ad” he would be asking for a refund.
He said the barbecue depicted in the ad did not look like much fun.

“I think there would be much more enjoyable barbecues at Judith [Collins’] place.”

…if the best response you have to an attack advert that guts the hopelessness of your failed housing policy to get the children of the middle classes into homes is clutching at tweets and crying ‘mansplaining’, you’ve already lost the bloody argument.

I don’t give two shits that some smarmy  Young Nat Male is knocking over the faux enthusiasm of some smarmy Young Nat female who is pretending to care about Kiwibuild, I care even less that the usual Woke clowns are now running around screaming ‘mansplaining’ – I only care about the homeless, the generations locked out of home ownership, the crippling rents and a stacked system that punishes renters while protecting the untaxed gains of landlords.

Tricking the Woke into giving National free advertising has become too easy.  Can the Woke PLEASE go back to sleep. Has ActionStation started a petition yet?

When the best you’ve got to explain to NZers living in cars why they are still living in cars is some fourth wave feminist jargon about  ‘mansplaining’ you are as ineffectual as you are intellectually braindead.

How this advert should be attacked is using satire. Point out how BBQs in the NZ political metaphor represent a coup – why is Simon Bridges not at this BBQ? Also ask why there are so many sausages – is it because the right wing love meat and cook more than they need so hungry people can suffer?

If you want to deflect against the failure of Kiwibuild, knock the advert in smarter ways than screaming ‘mansplaining’ because that only makes you look weak and petty.

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I want to see a Labour Party version of this sausage sizzle ad at a Vegan Kink Munch where a young Nat boy says, “Kiwibuild is a failure isn’t it” and the Young Labour SJW standing next to her electric bike sarcastically responds, ‘It’s more than National did in 9 years”.

Of course an easy way not to get tripped up by this nonsense is actually build some bloody houses, but go ahead, scream that it’s ‘mansplaining’ when a male politely tell a woman she is wrong about something. That will be a vote winner.



  1. People in New Zealand misuse the phrase “attack ad”. An attack ad is not an advert put out by a political party. It is an ad paid for by someone else to support a political party

    • I believe an attack ad is any ad that negatively criticises an opponent’s policy while offering nothing in the way of any viable alternative, so in that sense it qualifies.

  2. Or, maybe get out of building houses for people who can afford to buy on the open market, and use the money to build houses under a rent to buy scheme, for low incomes? Alongside speeding up social housing projects? Kiwibuild does NOTHING to get homeless off the streets. But in terms of this ad, the reaction to it sets back the women’s movement 100 years. We are not precious little things that need to be protected from overbearing men. Actual violence is a different thing. Otherwise maybe we all just need to get back to laudanum to calm our delicate nerves. Why are all these “woke” feminists trying to turn us all back into victims that need to be protected from men? Really quite Victorian.

    • Kiwibuild is not a homelessness policy, its just 1 part of a much larger building program. There are other polices to address homelessness.The government are building state houses as well and are already looking at a rent to buy scheme for low income earners.

  3. How dare the young male bring some facts to the discussion, crushing the enthusiasm and hope of the young female! How heteronormative!

    I’m outraged, but I only know about this advert because of the outrage it created amongst the Woke. It must be banned – like Jordan Peterson should be.

  4. How dare the young male bring some facts to the discussion, crushing the enthusiasm and hope of the young female! How heteronormative!

    I’m outraged, but I only know about this advert because of the outrage it created amongst the Woke. It must be banned – like Jordan Peterson should be.

  5. Yeah, exactly – they’re not debating on the content of the ad but how it was delivered?! When wokusts swarm on yet another “nontroversy”, you already know it will do nothing but drive those with an iota of common sense into National’s cold embrace. No normal people want anything to do with woke feminists.

  6. They are basically making fun of people who can’t afford their own homes, in a sexist manner, and then Paula Benebasher defended it by slandering another group of humans. Not surprising given that most Nazional MPs would be hit hard by a first home exclusive capital gains tax. Being no doubt amongst the top slumlords in the country. The issue is that we need housing, criticise the government for not achieving self-imposed measures, but don’t laugh your arse off at the less fortunate. Also who is going to be Aotearoa’s OCS? She would sort out these neoliberals.

  7. Anyone do know: before the Woke can be put back to snooze they HAVE to burp.

    And some people like this sort of thing. A bloke being informed and helpful instead of being made to look like a klutz to suit some publicity person’s idea of ‘funny’.

    Seems like the pendulum has reached the middle of its swing…

  8. What I can “Take Away” from this ad is, my sausage needs eating? Or, I’m white & I’m woke? Maybe its too esoteric for me? Maybe I just dont give a fuck?
    As long as they keep on keeping on like this in the National party, I’m good with that.

  9. Woke, woke, woke – you’ve instilled this ridiculous word into the minds of your followers Martyn. I’m only hearing about the ad from this blog, so publicising it makes you woke, in your own terms.

    • Radical feminists, TERFS, trans activist, marginalised groups, and so on unit to crush the patriarchy. In the highest halls of power you have an ad implying the metal health of woman displaying crazy eyes so they can sell there kiwi dream. Well, here’s your opportunity.

      • Actually Sam, this Nat ad was subliminal advertising for sausages.

        It made me hungry so I went out and bought some even tho’ they’re on my doc’s list of banned high cholesterol eats. It woke me.

        I don’t know what woke is but I don’t think I should ask my doctor.

        Who owns the sausage makers anyway ? Key barbecued sausages for Prince William, so those ghastly nouveau riche Nat dolts may think that eating sausages is sophisticated.

        Would it have worked with chops ? Is it ok to eat phallic symbols ?
        Why do the Nats have to bring sex into everything ?

        Was the fat man a hint for gastric bypass surgery ? Were they getting at one of their own who I am too empathetic to name ?

        Thank goodness I am indifferent to all of this.

  10. People are now aware of this ad. Which is what the nats want.

    The nats have no political allies.

    The nats don’t care about housing. A lot of nzer’s do.
    For the last nine years they have been harvesting truckloads of money from nz and overseas companies while ignoring the electorate.

    It is all about them.

    I hope they keep listening to whoever has been advising them

    The nats are desperate (rightly). Oh, an unitentional pun.

  11. the natz are desperate. They only have corporate money to back them, (what fishing company, dairy company, overseas organisations do not pour money into natz coffers?

    Electors come from a different demographic.

    Business people should not be allowed to run the country, they should be told to stand in corner and told to .behave.

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