Clare Curran & NZ on Air – feeding the echo chambers


NZ on Air has been given a large chunk of money for ‘independent current affairs’.

It should be called ‘feeding the echo chambers’.

Spinoff has a deal with RNZ, RNZ has a deal with Stuff, Newsroom has a deal with Herald, Herald has a deal with NZ on Air – it’s all a cosy club of corporate media and ‘public’ media sharing the same funding and content around and around and around so that the neoliberal myths that underpin the culture are endlessly regurgitated and never actually challenged.

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This is a NZ on Air funded ‘news’ story on NZ Herald supporting Lotto, another state agency – NZ Media is like Game of Thrones, but with less dragons and more incest.

Clare Curran promised public broadcasting, all she’s done is fed the echo chambers and nothing resembling ‘independence’ will emerge.

That cup of coffee with Carol Hirschfeld was really expensive and all Clare’s come back with is 3 magic beans.


  1. Clare (cunning) Curran is jumping into bed with the National Party and should be fired.

    Jacinda “Lets do this”

    • Lies here from Clare Curran FROM 2017 TO 2018.

      Labour promises free-to-air RNZ TV channel

      Last updated 10:52, September 12 2017

      Labour has announced plans to expand Radio NZ.
      Labour has announced plans to expand Radio NZ.

      ”Labour is promising a new multi-platform version of RNZ called RNZ+, built off the model of the ABC in Australia.

      The service would be “device agnostic” but would include a free-to-air television channel.

      It’s part of a wider $38m in additional annual funding Labour is promising if elected.”

      Labour’s policy promised $38m of contestable funding to be used to expand RNZ’s multimedia services, including providing a free-to-air TV channel.


      Government’s $38m public broadcasting boost still on the table
      11:30 am on 20 May 2018
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      The government still expects to deliver the entire $38 million boost in funding for public broadcasting promised by Labour prior to the election, the Broadcasting Minister says.

      Minister for Broadcasting, Clare Curran answers questions from journalistsMinister for Broadcasting, Clare Curran answers questions from journalists

      This week’s Budget announced just $15m and it has not yet been decided how the money will be spent.

      Labour’s policy promised $38m of contestable funding to be used to expand RNZ’s multimedia services, including providing a free-to-air TV channel.

      Broadcasting Minister Clare Curran told Mediawatch all ministers had to cut back on their spending given financial constraints.

      The full policy would still be implemented, she said.

      “There is a very strong expectation on me to come back with the right level of funding that is required, and I will have the resources to do that,” she said.

      “We didn’t have the resources to do everything at once, but we have given a commitment to deliver on our promises.”

      People will see improved public broadcasting by the end the year, Ms Curran said.

      RNZ’s chief executive Paul Thompson told Mediawatch he was not disappointed.

      “I am a realist. There are other pressures on government money. The $15m allocation is still a significant investment for this sector and if we get a good share of that it will be significant for RNZ,” he said.

      An advisory group set up by Ms Curran has yet to make recommendations as to how the additional $15m will be split between RNZ and New Zealand On Air, which allocates public money to a range of media platforms on a contestable basis.

      RNZ and NZ On Air pitched proposals for the funding to an advisory group on 3 April.


  2. ” In the public interest ” free of political bias mainly right wing opinion needs to be confronted and Curran is a soft appointment which means this coalition is not about to confront the enemy in the room any time soon.
    I just want to see an informative news platform that is totally unbiased and uncorrupted by big corporate money so that the truth is always sacrosanct.

  3. As I look at all of these complaints of right wing Bias at RNZ I am left wondering if these people actual listen to RNZ.
    Just the story of a couple of days ago re freedom of speech. RNZ completely fitted up Don Brash. He spoke about freedom of speech, RNZ spoke of racism. Over and over.
    They RNZ, then used the interview to continue this racism theme by ending the piece on the “news” by claiming – Don Brash said “the pair should be allowed to express their racist views”.
    Don Brash did not say that.

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