National’s magical 4th term


Tax Havens and budget holes – the only things National can build

Jami-Lee Ross: Labour’s new roads a ‘re-announcement’ of National’s plans
National’s transport spokesman Jami-Lee Ross is slamming the Government’s Auckland new roads revelation as just a “re-announcement” National’s plans.

“In the continuing saga of Labour re-announcing National policies, [Transport Minister Phil] Twyford’s comments simply reaffirms what we said would happen in the August 2017,” Ross said on Twitter.

To date, the National Party have behaved like a spoilt child convinced that somehow they were tricked and robbed into losing the election.

As more and more evidence is released of the shear scale of the hollowing out of every public service imaginable so they could get their budget surpluses and tax cuts, National keep braying that somehow they would have all tied these loose ends together in the 4th term and funded everything they had promised to fund but didn’t.

When Steven Joyce claimed there was an $11.7b hole in Labour’s budget, what he was really meaning was that there was an $11.7b hole in National’s budget that they hadn’t even conceived of how to fund.

There’s $20b in the NZDF budget they never fixed!

If we are to believe the rhetoric of the National Party, their fourth term would have…

  • eradicated all poverty
  • built 1million homes in 12 months
  • 6 lane motorways connecting every house
  • solve all climate change
  • cure cancer
  • all drivers never paying any petrol taxes ever again

National still don’t understand why they lost the election. They lost the election because they only looked after property speculators and those who want to be property speculators with a property bubble propped up by mass immigration. By leaving everyone else behind, there was enough of a democratic majority to over trow them.

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National  governed for the banks, the farmers and the property speculators, that’s why they lost broad appeal and were replaced. Refusing to acknowledge the fecklessness and divisiveness of their 9 years in power means they will make the exact same mistakes again if ever allowed near power.


  1. @ MB
    How did/do national govern for farmers exactly?

    Here’s some space for you to explain that.

    Or do you base your bland assumption on the animal-exploitive, paddock-factory based industry watched over by a city bound chairman with a salary of more than $8 million dollars a year? You’ve heard of fonterra right? The ones who fucked Christchurch’s water?
    If the dairy industry were to suddenly vanish from the face of the earth? No milk or cheese. So what?
    If NZ farmers suddenly vanished from the face of the earth, you and you’re whiskery little millennial-city suave’s would be fucking dead inside a few months.
    You want to see a whole knew thing mate? Close your eyes and imagine this.
    An NZ/AO wide agrarian strike that also took out the rural heavy transport industry, the railway workers, shearers, the food processing companies, shipping, rail, fishing, forestry. And no agrarian exports and you know what that will mean right?
    No money comrade. If the NZ/AO farmer went on strike and took out all their down stream service industry providers? We’d.Be.Fucked.
    Would that be better than trying to tell me that national governed for farmers?
    National are the very worst representatives of agriculture but you’re far too busy with your head jammed up your own arse to bother to try and figure that one out while taking cheap shots like snarky little bullies.
    You and your mates are the worst kind of bludgers. You scoff down food, wear beautiful clothes made from wools then shit on the hands that feed and cloth you.
    I’ve just been to New World super market and saw free range chicken at $28.99 a kilo.
    You can go to my neighbour and buy an entire weaned, fattened, living and trendily free-range-dahlings lamb off him for $30.00. Not a kilo! The whole fucking thing! It begs the question? How much then is a free to roam chicken down on the farm Ha Yuk! Where’s ma banjo Martha? I’m a headin for a porch”

    Your head? Up your arse comrade. But don’t be too upset. You’re certainly not the only one.

    What do you actual farmers think of that? Are you out there? Or are you still listening to Local Yokel radio/tv then swallowing the cock the Natzo wankers poke at you?
    Wake the fuck up!

    • I’m not really an actual farmer, but right now I’m living on the family farm to help out my parents (who are both in their late 70’s) with the heavier jobs. It’s a sheep and beef (i.e. drystock) farm. I got both of them vote Labour (first time ever) this election after showing them how National has been shafting farmers for many years; Muldoon was actually probably the last National government that did anything pro-farmer (by way of agricultural subsidies).

    • You make good points CB.
      My take on this is that National stand very much for large corporate enterprises, be they industrial or agricultural.
      When National start trumpeting about how they stand for small businesses they are too deaf to hear the howls of derisive laughter.
      It is an interesting point: why in New Zealand do consumers pay so much for fresh meat when we constantly hear media releases from meat producers saying that the prices they get are barely enough to stay even? Someone or some people are obviously making a heck of a lot of money here but we never know who.

  2. It would be easier to get a Protestant turn Catholic than a dyed in the wool Kiwi farmer voting Labour. Maybe next century.

  3. Farmers have always been looked after by national I remember when we had subsidized mutton and milk. And they ( the farmers ) always use trade/gdp to justify the help they have received. This is what happens when we put all our eggs in one basket and this is what happens when we don’t diversify and rely on one source to provide our food source they end up with a monopoly. The same has happen in other industries like building/construction like Fletchers.
    When it comes to our farmers if there is a drought or disease outbreak in jumps the government to bail them out but do they help other private businesses, no not really not to the same extent. The farmers have had it pretty good in our country despite them polluting our waterways. Its no surprise they are now a very strong lobby group and we saw this with the Morrinsville protest.

  4. Perhaps NZ could borrow a bit more money from overseas to dig the holes [that National were digging] a bit deeper. Things are surely not looking at all good at the moment:


    There was an unwelcome surprise in our goods trade balance today. Markets were expecting a surplus in March of +NZ$275 mln, but in fact got a deficit of -NZ$86 mln which is a swing of more than one third of a billion dollars.’

  5. Maybe if National showed a little humility and contrition they might find the general populace more prepared to forgive their trespasses. But no… it’s hubris and arrogance all the way. It’s nice to know they’re so consistently obnoxious.

    And Jami-Lee Ross is an obsequious toad whose natural habitat is John Key’s colon. Nobody deprive him of his play-lunch. You know how upset he gets, the poor wee mite.

  6. No, I think National has moved on from the “we were robbed” sulking.
    It has moved onto the bizarre spectacle that it believes it is actually still the government.
    In interviews Bridges announces what National wants to do and wouldn’t you know it – it is almost exactly what Labour are doing. His conclusion: National is the REAL force behind the Labour-led coalition.
    You can literally hear the journalists and reporters scratching their heads in puzzled disbelief as Bridges claims Labour’s 28 billion dollar plan for Auckland transport is actually National’s plan and that Labour stole it.
    And now they are claiming that National is the party that takes climate change seriously! Excuse me for a few minutes whilst I roll around the floor laughing.
    it must be wonderful to be in the National Party and have the sun shining out of the arseholes all around you.

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