The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday 14th September 2017


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.  


  1. Listening to RNZ this morning Morning report 14/9/17 with Guyon Espiner & Suzie Ferguson was such a totally botched sad show of a very low quality coverage of interviewing Winston Peters as the NZ First leader.

    As Espiner did not give a similar space and time for Winston to talk and explain his policies before Espiner chipped in completely destroying the flow of detailed information we as listeners needed to hear.

    We should not be subjected to Guyon’s own views or Suzie’s dismissive responses but we do not have a ‘fair & balanced’ media any more within our flagship public radio platform.

    I hope when Labour/NZ First begin the new media platform we will see an end of these low quality radio presenters and produce informative quality presenters with core values of presenting fair & balanced media presentations.

    Shameful show from Espiner & Ferguson I would remove them both if I could.

  2. NOT the mainstream media:

    ‘Trump and his generals’

    “Candidate Donald Trump ran on a campaign that not only questioned many foreign policy orthodoxies, but also lashed out against the neoconservative view of the world. Today the president is surrounded by men in uniform. Some are calling this a soft coup.

    CrossTalking with Michael O’Hanlon, Thomas Palley, and Patrick Henningsen.”

    ‘Bombshell Report Catches Pentagon Falsifying Paperwork For Weapons Transfers To Syrian Rebels’

    ‘Inside The Opioid Crisis: What The Mainstream Media Won’t Let You See’

  3. Dos anyone remember the disgusting & insulting signs held up by young Nationals at Helen Clark’s campaign meetings that said ‘NICE TEETH HELEN’ ?

    Couple of right wingers I know have made equally pathetic comments on Jacinda Adern’s appearance, specifically her teeth. (one likening her to a horse and the other calling her ‘Jaws’.
    They go quiet when I say,’ Yes. It’ll be nice to have a PM with teeth instead of the toothless one we have now.” Try it- It works, probably not on them, but on others listening.

    • Yes Rodel,

      I find Garth Morgan with his ‘Pig with lipstck’ as very offessive as ever i have seen too.

      As offensive as calling the Top Party, not ‘The Opportunities Party’ but now it should now be caled ‘The Offensive Person’ party.

      • How Garath meant that was:

        PIG = Labour Party


        Lipstick = Jacinda

        (implication Labour Party =same old PIG (policies) but with a fresh lippy face

        Conclusion: only offensive to the Labour Party…not women like me , who like their lipstick … imo Gareth wouldnt be that sexist or dumb)

          • ? lipstick = feminine PR or “putting your face on” (not woman as “a tradable commodity”)

            …unless you are to the right of Genghis Khan and more righteous than Germaine Greer)

            …attractive Jacinda has a brain and looks nothing like a pig…and nor did Gareth mean this

            …Gareth was taking a crack at the Labour Party having the same old policies…in other words the Labour Party was the same old PIG

              • Well why was the decision to change leaders several weeks out from elections from Andrew Little to Jacinda Ardern?

                Well decisions had to be made to cater to the rich and powerful.

                • Andrew Little was free-failing in the Polls thanks to the McGillicuddy Serious Green cannon ball Metiria

                  …so Labour pulled a new bunny out of the Hat and it did the trick

                  …and it turned out NOT to be a dumb bunny wearing lipstick…but a bunny with brains wearing lipstick

                  (not a case of “tradeable commodity” !)

                  • i dont have Aspergers

                    …but very little of what the Nacts say is truth imo…or at least most of what they say is deliberately meant to deceive

                    …put it another way they are self-serving almost always and dont care how many porkies they tell to look after their wallets

                    hope this helps

                  • Socialising and communicating is essential to any too way conversation so let’s all lean back and treat this like a counselling session. And let your mate Sam help ease some of that tension in your voice.

                    Well I could list any number of beautyfied Labour porkies. Equally I could list any number of bridges National put in there pork barrel. And I have done. Lots. But that’s just a bit of work.

                    But that’s not my concern. My concern right now is how much BS have you been feed. Just look back over your replies to me here.

                    Your own original reply says “Lipstick = Jacinda.” Well lipstick is a tradable commodity. Now I like woman very much, but personally I don’t choose them on that bases alone. And I suspect others don’t as well unless it’s just for a bit of fun, boredom, inactivity. It’s not the best way to form lasting relationships. And that’s generalised in politics as well.

                    And I hope this helps make a lot of sense.

                    • you sound like the Taliban

                      [One more like that, Red Buzzard and you’ll be sitting out the next week on the sidelines. – Scarletmod]

      • Better I think..TOP=The Orifice Party.What orifice would that be?
        Is it just another rich a.h. like Colin Craig purporting to empathize with the gullible average kiwi?

  4. Labour have ‘tied up’ their tax policy’

    Guess that answers Winston’s, English’s and Morgan’s call for clarity
    Labour tidies up tax policy, will delay new changes until 2020
    14 Sep, 2017 10:20am

    “Labour has decided to delay any implementation of changes from its tax working group until after the 2020 election in a bid to stop any further political damage from its tax policy.
    Finance spokesman Grant Robertson has just made the announcement, which is a reversal of the previous position of leader Jacinda Ardern.
    She had reserved the right to implement any changes without an electoral mandate at the 2020 election.
    But Robertson said Labour had “heard the call for New Zealanders’ voices to be heard”.
    “We will involve the public at every stage of the Working Group, as well as Cabinet and Parliament’s consideration of any changes that arise from it.
    “We know it is important to get this right, so we will balance the need for certainty and urgency by ensuring that any potential changes will not come into effect until the 2021 tax year.
    “This gives multiple opportunities for public input, and a general election before any new tax would come into effect.
    “To avoid any doubt, no one will be affected by any tax changes arising from the outcomes of the Working Group until 2021.
    “There will be no new taxes or levies introduced in our first term of government beyond those we have already announced.”
    The move comes in the wake of the latest Newshub-Reid Research poll, showing National on the rise and Labour on the decline.
    Labour has gone into the past two elections with detailed policy on introducing a capital gains tax.
    Former leader Andrew Little changed that and said the party in government would set up a tax working group – but that policy derived from it would be put to a mandate at the 2020 election.
    Today’s announcement effectively takes Labour back to Little’s position.”

    I guess this was Nationals way of muffling the other parties from getting their policies out there ahead of the election?

    Labour have conceeded it was better to get this issue off the table so their other policies could see the light of day now?

  5. This comment made yesterday needs to be followed up on by the Labour Party or the Greens or NZF

    “Why doesn’t anyone ask Auckland City how many empty houses there are? It is a very easy number to provide. Watercare know, they can just look at water use per household in a year. Have been told by a close associate of a senior Ateed employee that there are about 30,000 houses in Auckland where no water consumption is recorded.”

  6. Remember this?

    ‘Landcorp a ‘poor investment’ – but not for sale ‘

    (, 18 May 2016)

    “The Government has no plans to sell Landcorp despite it being labelled by Deputy Prime Minister Bill English as a “poor investment”.

    The government-owned farming company was grappling with a significant drop in its revenue against increasing debt levels caused by the fall in milk price, English told farmers at the DairyNZ Farmers’ Forum at Mystery Creek.

    “It’s a very low returning asset, so you have $1 billion tied up in that organisation and it pays taxpayers very little, in some years nothing so it’s a poor investment. However, we’re committed to keeping it.”

    ‘National to offer young farmers to buy Landcorp farms’

    (14 Sept. 2017)


    On one hand the Nats hammer Labour for being unclear about their tax policy intentions, and the MSM picks it up, and keeps asking Labour for answers. On the other hand, the Nats have just announced a partial asset sale, which only a year and a half they indicated would not take place, and we have the MSM keep rather silent on this topic.

    Has anybody noticed anything???

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