The new Fonterra advert has to be seen to be believed


The Dairy propaganda adverts on TV are hilarious. So terrified are Fonterra that the rest of the country is getting sick to death of them stealing and polluting our water, they are desperately pumping these farcical adverts out to try and distract Kiwis from the wholesale abuse of their industry.

Richie McCaw wanders around a Farm in the early morning and marvels at the pristine goodness of these human beings as if Jesus himself had personally popped down to the milking shed to milk a herd before feeding 5000 with a block of cheese.

Indeed the most recent advert actually goes as incredibly far as suggesting ilk is some kind of miracle drug that can help paralysed teenagers walk again.

You have to see it to believe it…

…that’s right folks, Dairy doesn’t shit into our rivers or steal our water! They didn’t get National to privatise 49% of our state owned energy assets to create an irrigation slush fund worth $400million to convert as many square inches of NZ into intensified dairy farms! They create a miracle juice that helps the  sick and needy!

It is a signal just how desperate Fonterra are to keep the status quo when they resort to nonsense like this.


  1. So Richie’s another sellout as Nick Smith is and happy to see our water quality to descend to sewer water quality?



    • FJK is personally responsible for a lot of people turning their backs on the All Blacks, when he politicised them during his reign. Both McCaw and Carter have investments in retirement homes. I’ve never watched them since, they may have gone but the stench remains.

      • I agree Anne, ever since I heard that Richie had shares in retirement villages that was it for me – they are the biggest rort going for the elderly and it shames me that so many enter these villages and are just used financially. The staff are paid slave rates and if it wasn’t for the long-suffering immigrants who staff these homes and residential care facilities the villages would not survive.

        Plus I remember when the coach of the AB’s Hansen once said that Richie was a lot of things and one of them was boring. Haley Holt who dated him also stated that he was nice but boring – enough said. He is a hollow man who was good at rugby – as if that was anything to crow about.

  2. The advertisement vividly demonstrates how utterly unsustainable the current economic-political system is, and how it only manages to survive in the short term via incessant propaganda.

    I see that Brent oil has risen in price by $10 a barrel over the past 3 months:

    Brent oil (or its equivalent) is vital to the continuation of current economic-political arrangements. And continuing to use oil destroys the next generation’s future via overheating.

    Either way we’re fucked in the medium term (by 2030). And people who are highly dependent on dairying and oil are especially fucked, since the oil economy is projected to go into terminal decline around 2020.

    By the way, cow’s milk is not a natural food for humans.

    • Yes AFEWKNOWTHETRUTH; You are comensurate at what is going on in our environment.

      How is the CO2 increase going, last time you looked it was heading a little over 402 ppm about six months ago?

      We know that atmospheric CO2 has ranged between 172 and 300 part per million (ppm) for the past 1 million years. The earth cycled through cold glacial and warm inter-glacial periods without atmospheric CO2 exceeding 300 ppm. The first time in human history that atmospheric CO2 exceeded 300 ppm was about the time the Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean. Now, the crossover to concentrations that stay above 400 ppm CO2 is nearly complete.

      What are the latest levels at now?

      • I found the latest on CO2 AFEWKNOWTHETRUTH

        We are now in deep shit as CO2 levels have now stubbornly stayed above the critical 400ppm level now for over the last four years.

        Increased CO2 levels now are scientifically confirmed as reducing our plant growth and their nutrient uptake levels causing our loss of minerals/vitamins avalable to us all during consumption. – Here are the facts;

        “protein concentrations in grains of wheat, rice and barley, and in potato tubers, are decreased by 5–14% under elevated CO2 (Taub et al. 2008). Crop concentrations of nutritionally important minerals including calcium, magnesium and phosphorus may also be decreased under elevated CO2 (Loladze 2002; Taub & Wang 2008).”

        Earth’s CO2 Home Page
        Atmospheric CO2
        2014 July 401.61ppm.
        2015 july 404.50ppm.
        2016 July 407.25ppm.
        2017 Aug’405.07ppm.

        August 2017
        parts per million (ppm)

        Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (NOAA-ESRL)

        Preliminary data released September 11, 2017

        We know that atmospheric CO2 has ranged between 172 and 300 part per million (ppm) for the past 1 million years. The earth cycled through cold glacial and warm inter-glacial periods without atmospheric CO2 exceeding 300 ppm.

        The first time in human history that atmospheric CO2 exceeded 300 ppm was about the time the Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912.

        Now, the crossover to concentrations that stay above 400 ppm CO2 is nearly complete.

  3. Watching additional snack food ads, ads for appliances that don’t actually work, insurance ads (for when eating too much of the advertised junk food makes you need health insurance), ads for specific healthcare providers (for where to spend that health insurance), ads for law practices (for when you want to sue the snack food companies), ads for religious organizations that are acting awfully mercantile for their nonprofit status, ads for feminine hygiene products.

    In case of advertising prescription medicine, what’s the point really? Other than initiate an unpleasant conversation with the doctor explaining reasons why he won’t prescribe that new awesome advertised medicine which many people won’t be able to tell if they are bullshit or not anyway?

    Horrible, horrible idea that can only lead to misdiagnosis, wasted money, and problematic side-effects with no actual main effect to make it worth it. I wouldn’t recommend advertising IV treatment directly to consumers any more than I’d recommend construction-grade acetylene torches to office drones that happen to be in a high rise. Sure, the torch might help with repairs to the building they rely on, but that doesn’t mean they should be trusted with identifying where and how the torches should be used.

  4. Agree, I have to be quite incredulous when seeing these licentious ads. Milk is bad for the liver, it is adulterated and the best nutritional particles are taken out and sold for thousands of dollars per kilo and we are ripped off buying the reconstituted dregs.
    This I had to withhold from a naive friend who thought cows milk was bottled straight from the cow when it got to fonterra. But I did inform her I thought milk was poisonous, the penny didn’t drop of course.

  5. There’s another ad where they put forward the bottom that milk might “enhance” brain function, without any evidence. Wtf.

    I’ve laid a complaint about the ad already, as it’s misleading

  6. Ha !
    richie mccaw. Aw… the big dumb rich lug.

    All ‘that’ simply means that national and their greedy, burn-the-planet-down-for-a-dollar minions have found a more lucrative vein to stick their fangs in to other than their usual, more traditional, more holistic, farming practises. You’ve seen ‘ dairy factories’ rise, like alien space ships from green fields in the middle of nowhere right? They’re nothing more than money printing machines for the 1%ers.
    And into whom’s pocket does that money go in to?
    That, dear @ Martyn Bradbury, is the multi billion dollar question.
    The only way to fix the problem is to encourage farmers over to unite with their down stream service industry and as far away from national as practicable. That’d give everybody clout and power against Banker tyranny. Then? Choke off those Banks.

  7. This ad should have National Party HQ authorisation because it is clearly an election ad for National.
    I wonder if the Electoral Commission are looking at this.
    Nah, they would have to grown some balls first.

  8. Didn’t Canada insist that dairy products be left out of the TPPA to protect its dairy industry? That’s what Grosser said but he wanted to sign it anyway.

  9. I can’t find the video right now, but Adam Ruins Everything did a great segment on how dairy milk is not a health food, and almost all the health benefits we attribute to dairy products are a) bullshit and b) PR propaganda spread by the dairy industry. Milk is a luxury junk food, like burgers, not a health food, and its minimal nutritional value is compromised even more by being dehydrated and then re-hydrated for bottling.

    Drinking milk from other mammals is a clever hack if you want to live a nomadic existence in extreme climates where it’s hard work to grow plant-based food edible by humans (eg Mongolia or very dry parts of Africa). But bottling milk and carting it to settled people living in cities in *insane*, when there are far better ways to supply city people with protein and calcium, many of which they can grow in their own backyards or neighbourhoods.

    All plant foods contain at least some proteins, and eating a diverse range of them can supply all of the protein humans need. Calcium can be found in seeds (eg sesame), and nuts (eg almonds have heaps), and the calcium in leafy greens like kale and spinach has been shown to be more easily absorbed by the body than the calcium in dairy milk:

  10. We saw that ad in the tea room at work while on break, and collectively howled with laughter. I mean, just how stupid do Fonterra think people are? You’re pouring liquified cow turds into the rivers, and you expect us to believe you’re really all about helping the lame to walk again… a bit like Jesus?

    Fuck off.

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