The Government that Jacinda will build


I still don’t think that most pundits and mainstream media appreciate or understand the magnitude of generational and cultural change Jacinda represents.

At 37, Jacinda is a product of her educational culture which was all about inclusion, (think Glee where everyone gets to participate), now inclusion culture can be mocked as giving everyone a certificate for participating  by older generations who want to promote winners and losers, but it misses the strength that inclusion brings with it.

I’ve made this point previously, but it needs repeating…

Jacinda is the first political representation of Gen Y. The thing that makes her so unique is her total lack of Ego. She is conscientious to a fault, she’s part of a Generation that was taught empathy and compassion and consideration for others and recycling.

Always with the bloody recycling.

Put bluntly.

Baby Boomers – “Me, me, me”.

Gen Xers – “Why me, why me, why me”.

Gen Y – “Why you, why I, Why us”.

She’s part of a kinder Generation taught and brought up in a culture that was desperate to be inclusive of others and that ignoring inclusivity was the greatest sin.

This is why she is so widely popular. She brings with, she doesn’t talk down to, she is all about getting agreement to move forward because that was how decision making was being taught in our education system.

Jacinda is a product of her generation, and because most of the pundits are older than her, they judge her by their own generations combativeness and cynicism.

…the reason Jacinda has resonated is because when she speaks, she speaks with the emotional intelligence of that diversity. That inclusivity gives her the authenticity and authority and strength to carry a vision that brings with and connects.

Pundits and right wing commentators keep pointing to her tax working group as some sort of ‘secret tax agenda’ when the reality is it shows where Jacinda’s natural instincts lie, to include, to bring together and then champion the result with the authority that inclusion has generated.

I believe that Jacinda will carry this same desire to include and build with any Government she leads after the election.

I see a Labour led Government that includes Green, NZ First, Maori Party and MANA – pretty much the entire political spectrum minus National and ACT.

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I think Jacinda will secure her left flank with the numbers she needs to get to 51% and will still reach over to NZ First.

Inclusion is Jacinda’s strength, that’s how she has shocked an apathetic electorate out of a 4th term National Party sleep walk to victory and I think that is how she intends to govern.





    • How pompous you sound. “Little dear “.

      Says more about you than her.

      I heard her say she agreed neo liberalism had failed.

  1. I’m somewhat weary of the “inclusion” (aka bi- or tri-partisan) style of governance. Often it ends in dead ends, mountains of needless additional legislation, or outright “pork”/”ear marks”/bribes/koha to get each party to agree. Take Obama and his “Obama Care” as just one example of the failure of trying to appease everyone and how it ends up subverting the original vision for the bill.

  2. Martyn;

    Gee… That picture speaks a thousand words.

    “Pundits and right wing commentators keep pointing to her tax working group as some sort of ‘secret tax agenda’ when the reality is it shows where Jacinda’s natural instincts lie, to include, to bring together and then champion the result with the authority that inclusion has generated.”

    All well and good, but I can’t help the feeling The Delphi Technique will be utilized.

    NOTE: To all communities;
    This technique is being used right across the spectrum.


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