Bill English is running out of places to hide his Government’s war crimes…
Govt taken to court over lack of Hit & Run inquiry
Lawyers acting for the Afghan villagers in the area the SAS allegedly targeted in Operation Burnham are taking the Government to court over its refusal to hold an independent inquiry.
“This morning, we filed proceedings in the Wellington High Court on behalf of the villagers,” human rights lawyer Debra Manning told media on Friday.
In their book Hit & Run, Nicky Hager and Jon Stephenson claim a New Zealand-led “revenge raid” in 2010 involving Afghan troops and US helicopter gunships killed six villagers and injured 15.
Rodney Harrison, QC, said they wanted a judicial review of the “decision by the Government to decline to hold an independent inquiry into the Operation Burnham events and subsequent cover-up”.
They also want a review of the Government’s decision to refer calls for an inquiry to the Chief of the Defence Force “who had already taken a position in relation to the overall issue, and was biased”.
“What we’re seeking is a decision from the court that the refusal of the inquiry was wrong and should be revisited.”
…the NZ SAS have been accused of serious war crime allegations wit a US Apache Helicopter the main culprit for those civilian deaths. The NZDF has lied and manipulated the easy to confuse NZ Media and think they have managed to sweep this all under  the carpet.
The lawyers for those killed however refuse to allow the National Government to get away with that, and with the possibility of a change of Government, the NZDF won’t have any protection from an incoming Labour Government.
It is disgusting that Key is knighted in the same month as legal proceedings against his Government for the war crime he personally ordered  is lodged.
Let’s just do one thing for the civilians and children butchered by John Key’s war crime, if the ruling comes down and finds us guilty. Key must be stripped of his knighthood.
If Sir Ngatata Love can face calls to have his knighthood stripped for fraud, then surely the Prime Minister who personally signed off on a war crime should lose his.
I hope they have done their homework, but going by the lawyers, they must have. English rubbishes it, as if this is the usual stuff coming from Hager. But Hager is not laying the claim be fore the courts, I note.
English and his government, on the out, have lots to be worried about.
Bury this toxic National Government in the muck they have caused us all for future generations, as they are evil despots all.
I agree whole heartedly except for one line. “The NZDF has lied and manipulated the easy to confuse NZ Media”
The NZ media is totally complicit in supporting the military adventures of the USA and in this case NZ’s support for the same.
Here are some links to articles that you will never see or hear on the NZ news media. Without fail RadioNZ, TV1, and TV3 report news from a US perspective. I look forward to the day when they are rejected wholesale by the public for their participation in this disgusting propaganda campaign
Key must be impeached and yes loose the knighthood he never deserved in the first place.
He and English and the rest have blood on their hands no doubt.
Justice must be done for the villagers and our reputation restored if that possible.
Let not be selfish and conditional about this.
It is the villages that need justice first and\s foremost.
Restoration of our reputation is not a significant matter.
We have earned any shit that comes our way by taking part in this Middle East debacle where nearly two million have died while we supported heinous crimes for private profit. We are the bad guys who either vote for these fiends running this country or are too lazy to get off our backsides and stop them..
Key was given a knighthood PRECISELY BECAUSE of Operation Burnham , Pike River , and , – the Panama Papers.
This is how the big boys like to role.
It wasn’t given because of services to humanity , – it was given because it makes it harder in the court of public opinion to press charges and take these matters to court.
As Winston Peters said many , many months ago just after Key inexplicably ‘ left office ‘ :
‘ It was on account of administrative and accountability issues that we will be hearing more and more of in the coming weeks and months’ …
@i kiddle – MSM already rejected here and yes, may many more follow.
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