Mainly hippies and drug addicts: The selective morality of Matthew Hooton


Cough, cough – Matthew Hooton said what?

Remaining Green Party voters ‘mainly hippies and drug addicts’ – Matthew Hooton

The Green Party’s woeful result in a new poll could spell the end of the road for the party, according to one political commentator.

The party’s support fell by 11 points to 4 per cent in the latest One News-Colmar Brunton poll, which came a week after Metiria Turei resigned as co-leader over a historic welfare controversy.

A result of less than 5 per cent would mean the Greens would not return to Parliament unless they won an electorate seat – something they have achieved only once in their history.

Right-leaning political commentator Matthew Hooton told NewstalkZB today that most parties had a core level of support which they did not fall below.

“But it is possible for parties to completely disappear and we may be seeing that with the Greens,” he said.

He predicted that the party had lost votes to Labour in urban areas like Auckland Central, Wellington Central and Epsom. “This remaining 4 per cent I would expect are mainly hippies and drug addicts in the West Coast and Coromandel, and they are exactly the sort of people who are unlikely to show up.

“I think it might be the end of the road for the Greens, and in practice a vote for the Greens is now a vote for National because Winston Peters will not form a government with Labour if it depends on the Greens.”

Let’s not forget, that when Cathy Odgers asked for  Hager’s address in Dirty Politics so that wealthy clients of her’s could assassinate Hager for drawing attention to the clandestine trusts they were using to launder cash, Hooton immediately gave Cathy Hager’s address.

Chop, chop for Nicky?

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I’m just not sure that a man who hands over the address of a Journalist in the hope that Journalist becomes a target for Chinese mafia assassination has any high ground left to lecture any political party on anything.



  1. Yes, I read this piece in the NZH today. Although not a surprising statement to dribble out of Hooton’s rabid mouth, I felt offended by what he said.

    I am a 71 year old Green party supporter and although I might have been somewhat hippy back in the day, I am by no means a drug abuser, never have been and many Green supporters I know of, aren’t either!

    Hooton’s comments are typical of the filthy arrogant mindset of Natz supporters! A sure sign Natz getting desperate!

    • Naztional are getting very worried as Labour look bloody good with Jacinda, I have taken to her ways, she reminds me of Helen Clark and just as intelligent too!

      Helen was our best PM for many years and she personally wrote tome three times about Napier 24/7 truck gridlock back in 2013 with virtually no rail services,- and she did send Michael Cullen (minister of finance) to help us!!!!!

      So we hope Jacinda will do the same thing by working with the local communities who have issues of concern; – enough to write to our PM for help.

      In Napier we will never forget the warm assistance Helen showed for our community, but this National Government have made our environment a pure hell again with no rail at all and twice the trucks at a measured 2400 trucks every day to ruin our residential communities again.

      • Hi CLEANGREEN … Jacinda will be NZ’s next PM. No doubt about that.

        Already she seems to be coming across as one of the people, to listen to the people. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Helen Clark was mentoring her. Not such a bad thing either.

        However that said, I believe we must have the Greens in the next Labour government, to give balance and to continue to be strong advocates for society’s less fortunate. Every Kiwi deserves fair representation in government through the MMP electoral system.

        I’m looking forward to a Labour/Green coalition government coming up very soon 🙂 As Jacinda says, “Let’s do this.”

    • That’s the thing with Hooton, though. Nothing just dribbles out of his mouth. There are no accidents. His job is to say things carefully calculated to achieve a desired result. PR, like advertising, is all about control, framing and persuasion, for good or ill. “If you don’t buy this cereal, you’re a dreadful parent who cares not a jot for your children.” “Driving this particular late model European car *cue stirring snippet of classical music* will make you appear affluent, sophisticated, elegant and successful, even if you’re none of these things and it takes you the next 10 years to pay off.” Don’t tell outright lies if you can at all help it, but by all means be enthusiastically spartan with the facts. Or at the very least, comprehensively selective.

      Hooton might be a greased weasel but he’s not a dullard, and I think the only person who really knows if Hooton genuinely believes what he says, is Hooton. Everyone else would be well advised to take his utterances with a wheelbarrow load of salt.

  2. Hootens another nasty slob like the slug.

    I’m a bit of a heavy mettaller hippy / bogon and I’m 54 years of age.

    So what.

    I’ll be out there voting on September the 23rd,… and guess what , – I’ve rapidly changed my party vote to the Greens PRECISELY to keep National out. And there will be many more who do to make sure the Greens chug on. And they will.

    A vote for the Left is never a wasted vote.

    • If you vote for the Greens and they get over 5 percent you are more likely to assure a National government.

      • There’s a fair bit of concern trolling going on in regard to voting for the Greens all of a sudden. A cynical person might suspect the Right desperately don’t want people to vote for them, which seems somewhat counter-productive when you consider not mentioning it at all and quietly allowing National to cruise to victory (although it’s more of an arthritic shuffle right now), would appear to be the more expeditious route. But no… they seem to be parroting the “Vote Green; get National!” line with boundless enthusiasm. If people are going to be disingenuous, they should at least make some fleeting effort to hide the fact.

  3. Why do the political right hate the Greens so much?
    Because they are DIFFERENT, and being different is very scary for a political ideology that worships humdrum conformity.
    The political right is directed primarily by wealthy middle-aged suits and country squires who hate the idea of anyone being different.
    And since the Greens habitually challenge the status quo on many different issues they are a threat, therefore to be feared.
    That is why the Greens get so much more abuse when they do something “wrong” compared to other parties, it is fear, pure and simple.

    • You can determine the threat-level of any individual and/or organisation by the response from the Right. The more shrill the response, the greater the challenge (ie, threat) to the Eastablishment.

      Hence Metiria’s political take-down.

  4. Oh, look, the poles are all Wonky!! Gee what a surprise! Better wake Matthew up so he can make some adjustments on his server… *eyeroll…

  5. You imply likе afteг we sing praise songs in Churсh?? Larry requested ɑnd
    daddy nodded. ?Properly I cаn make up а worsһip ѕong.?
    So Larrʏ jϳumped to his feet and commencеd to make up a music to a
    really bad tune. ?Jesus is so cߋol. Its enjoyable being with God.
    Hes tһe funnest God anybodу might have.? Larry sang very badly so Lee had put his arms over his ears.

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