Why Winston’s desire for a Muldoon civil war makes him the most dangerous politician in NZ


Winston’s extraordinarily stupid desire to throw raw meat out for his new Provincial voters makes his bottom line to do away with the Maori electorate seats extremely dangerous.

Put aside the self mutilating of MMP with a reduction of MPs to make it less democratic, the simple naked tyranny of the majority Winston is trying to inspire with a binding referendum to rob Maori of their electorate seats will do one thing and one thing only.

Start a civil war.

Maori will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever accept the theft of their Maori electorates anymore than they will accept new confiscation of any of their lands.

Winston learned at the elbow of the great NZ Fascist, Sir Robert Muldoon. Muldoon had no problems using rugby with apartheid racists to create a culture war that divided the country and pitted Kiwi against Kiwi in a political dance of spite.

By so recklessly waking the sleeping dogs of provincial racism, Winston has not only proved how very right the Greens were to attack him, he has also revealed that he is prepared to set alight a Muldoon civil war in order to gain power.

The utter unethical corruption he is attempting to sow here should make every educated NZer vomit.

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Maori will not accept having their electorates stolen from them, and we must never allow Winston to


  1. I think you’ll find that foreign voters (permanent residents) are also quite keen on sticking it to the Maori seats, Martyn.

    • I doubt this is even true (citation please?). New immigrants get an education about the history of the colonization of Aotearoa and Te Tiriti o Waitangi that historyblind colonialists either never got, or refuse to accept. New immigrants are more likely to understand why the Māori seats exist, and that the only way they should ever disappear is if Māori decide en masse to register on the general roll instead of the Māori roll. If they come from countries more prone to civil war than sleepy New Zild, they are more likely to understand why it’s important for majorities to impose their will on significant minorities.

      Winston is dog-whistling the Hobson’s Pledge colonialists. Just like he does every election, banging on about supposed “Māori privilege” in a society where Māori suffer worse than tauiwi on almost any social indicator you care to name. This sticks in my craw, for sure, but spitting venom at Winston and NZ First will not help.

      The long term solution to this has two parts. The first is to make sure our rural brethren (and sistren) are cared for as well as those in the cities (sustainable regional development etc), so they have the breathing space to connect with their empathy, and generosity of spirit. The second part is to facilitate regular kōrero between rural Pākeha and the tangata whenua of the areas they live in, about the full history of those areas.

      Rural people are not monsters. They have been fed a lot of bullshit about Māori history (and gender equality, gay rights, the environment etc), by corporate PR mouthpieces who want to use rural people as footsoldiers in their own culture wars (as they do with Fed Farmers). Instead of blaming them for the perceptions that creates, we need to engage with them in good faith, and shift their perceptions through open, honest debate.

      • But also agree with DANYL STRYPE

        “The long term solution to this has two parts. The first is to make sure our rural brethren (and sistren) are cared for as well as those in the cities (sustainable regional development etc), so they have the breathing space to connect with their empathy, and generosity of spirit. The second part is to facilitate regular kōrero between rural Pākeha and the tangata whenua of the areas they live in, about the full history of those areas.

        Rural people are not monsters. They have been fed a lot of bullshit about Māori history (and gender equality, gay rights, the environment etc), by corporate PR mouthpieces who want to use rural people as footsoldiers in their own culture wars (as they do with Fed Farmers). Instead of blaming them for the perceptions that creates, we need to engage with them in good faith, and shift their perceptions through open, honest debate.”

    • I have to agree with Castro on this, most migrants think Maori get a privileged and easy ride in NZ. They don’t understand the treaty at all – they lap up The Herald views thinking that’s reflective of what all of NZ think.

      Many first generation migrants would vote to get rid of Maori electoral seats in a heart beat – and also all ‘positive discrimination’ like places for Maori on courses like Medicine. Saying that can’t see many migrants voting for NZ First, ha ha. The Greens are in denial about what the National parties immigration policy is doing to the country and the type of migrants the 0% tax havens (for example) and fake degrees are attracting. Pointing out financial scams and scandals that have escalated in the last 3 years in particular, is not the same as racism.

      Have to say, I’m very disappointed in NZ First going down that track. All this vitriol seems to co inside with Shane Jones joining, co incidence?

      Anyway will backfire, because NZ First may get a short boost in polls, but long term it will end NZ First, just like what’s happened to ACT looking pathetic (especially after Winston retires).

      Sad, because NZ First could have gone after National voters and (at the very least gone after the 4% conservative vote) and taken over from National. I was fairly supportive of NZ First as one of the lesser conservative evils and also liked some of their common sense policies, but this turns me right off them – identity politics is bad on the left, and equally bad on the right.

      Maori deserve their own electoral role, and migrants already here should be welcomed in if they are here to actually migrate and work and pay real taxes here. The issue for me about The National Party immigration policy is that it is contributing to NZ becoming a low wage economy and government corruption as well as bankrupting locals for infrastructure costs, increasing pollution due to the speed of population growth, and lowering productivity for example through congestion and low wages. Nothing to do with the migrants themselves who are just a way for neoliberalism to hide their negative outcomes for longer.

      NZ First fighting over crumbs in the left sphere (maybe to boost Shane Jones ego?) is a turn off, and voters who were 75% wanting NZ First to go with Labour might decide after to just voter Labour at the last minute.

      Labour now seems like the innocent underdog, and in spite of all the MSM vitriol against them, it might back fire, and voters turn back to Labour.

      Or they will turn back to National at the last minute or not vote. It’s any ones game this election.

      If Labour do a clever campaign, on local interests, anti privatisation, strong environmentalism (take the well padded Green voters who are not keen on the increased taxes), more democracy and a unified NZ for all, they might turn it around. The secret is to link it back to peoples real lives. i.e. climate change to drought and natural disasters like floods. People paying for water in Auckland, being poisoned by water in Havlock North under National while they give bottle water away for literally nothing to companies to be exported. Privatising power companies and then showing that the dividends would be worth more than the sale price. Locals including NZ business don’t want NZ to be a banana republic under The National Party.

      Saw the first add from Labour, it’s ok, but needs to be stepped up onto real issues not just soundbites that just don’t seem very compelling or get an emotional response. Being lied to and poisoned under National gets people to the voting booth. How are Labour going to be different from National? They need to be crystal clear what the differences are from National, to win.

      Loved the Labour billboard for Auckland where the rail link is taking longer than the Mars landing under National. More of that please, Labour.

      • Some good points, there.

        I still like a lot of the common sense policy’s of NZ First , though the latest two I don’t think are so wise…

        It may be far too early for NZ to be thinking about abolishing the Maori seats and the second one , cutting parliament numbers back would definitely have some negative consequences for smaller party’s and representation of a greater cross section of society.

        But then , do we throw the baby out with the bathwater and jettison the whole idea of a change of government?

        I’m more inclined to be a bit more accommodating, – and even if the latest two issues come to being in a referendum, – even that will take time and it doesn’t necessarily mean it will pass anyway.

  2. NZ First’s conservative nationalism is something the left needs to resist. Unfortunately Labour have fostered this dead-end approach by talking too much about immigration.

    Labour could have said they’ll reduce immigration, but it should never have been a major policy of theirs., They should’ve followed Corbyn’s example where immigration reduction was a policy, but it was a policy that they rarely spoke about (because it’s not a solution).

    The Greens have thankfully come through for the left in the past few weeks. They’ve backtracked on immigration reductions and put forward a policy that will restructure welfare in a way that will substantially reduce poverty.

    Everyone I know is talking about the Greens (admittedly I live in a left-wing bubble).

    • …” NZ First’s conservative nationalism is something the left needs to resist. Unfortunately Labour have fostered this dead-end approach by talking too much about immigration ” …

      Nah. Not unless you want the Left to really take a dive. Its numbers , mate. And its not a dead end approach to talk immigration or any other issue that needs looking at. And just because a party isn’t currently waving a certain policy in front of the crowds doesn’t mean they haven’t retained it. If anything – all three party’s are quite agreeable on that one issue alone – just by various degrees and how much they want to identified by it.

  3. Winston = fascism and Muldoonism and that is a fact, he has a clear desire to take centre stage, always has and always will, yet each time he has achieved this self-centered position he has stuffed it up. Various governments have given him the boot. He has been a failure personified.
    He is a dangerous out of control wreaking machine being paid for by the State.
    The Greens have shown him to be a cardboard replica of a long dead Muldoon. The Radio New Zealand interview with him on morning report simply proves the point.
    He is just lucky that some elderly still vote for him. His party is not democratic nor open to debate. His party didn’t want Shane Jones but Winston did so they ended up with Jones the neoliberist and blue movie man [paid for by the state] he is even lining him up to be deputy leader, so much for Ron Mark.

    • Ron Mark has principles and is not a political opportunist, not much use to Winston.
      It’s a pity as Mark, Martin and Tabuteau are good people.

    • If anything the National party is a dangerous out of control wreaking machine being paid for by the State.

      And again. Its numbers . And without NZ First , – Labour and the Greens alone will not be able to form a government.

      And that’s where we find ourselves in the year 2017.

  4. I think you are allowing another wrecking ball by National for another three years with this constant attack on the opposition parties!!!!

    What are you doing Martyn????

    This is not balanced Journalism mate i am disturbed here.

    • Apparently in the NZ Herald this morning it had several ways Peters could become PM. One path involved diminishing the Labour votes , and putting in for the top job that way. The other of course, involved putting in for the top job by going into coalition with a weakened National ( with all probability that Nationals current polling’s will fall as they usually do in an election ).

      However you yourself struck upon something yesterday that was interesting…

      That there is the very slight possibility that the Greens had been in dialogue with the Maori party… if so , that could explain both the acceptance of working with Peters with a Labour / Greens win , but also … a very slight chance the Maori party forms a bloc with the Greens. And therefore also with Labour and NZ First.

      This may or may not have explained Metiria’s boldness in attacking Peters as a racist because they felt they had back up.

      It may soften Winston’s concessions demands somewhat if that is the case,… and conversely… it may also explain Peters wanting to limit parliament numbers and abolish the Maori seats… because the Maori party needs them, and also the coat-tailing ability to bring in more MP’s.

      So possibly strengthening Peters negotiating ability if he goes with Labour / Greens.

      I would also say that there is quite a lot of acrimony from some posters against NZ First which is far more damaging and unhelpful rather than constructive in getting rid of National , … the aim of the game is to get rid of National first and foremost and at least try and be conciliatory in some measure to all the party’s that are going to be needed to form the new incoming government.

      This is the MMP system we once voted for.

      Personally I think retaining the Maori seats is a good thing, however , they were sorely needed in the past and even then they were only included because of settler greed. And it wasn’t until around 1975 that this country started to grow up and stop acting like a colonial outpost . I can see that they might be getting a bit outdated in concept . But it is something the Maori people will have to decide. But it also affects non Maori to a point. So it would be hard not to include that demographic as well.

      As for the larger numbers in parliament that is a double edged sword… we have seen how it has been used to prop up and hold in power a very , very corrupt government. Conversely again… it has also enabled better representation and the ability for smaller party’s to make a difference.

      But I don’t think it is something that at this stage should be used to tear down what could the beginning of a very positive era for New Zealand.

  5. NZ First is basically a single personality masquerading as a party.
    It is the most successful of similar ventures which include Colin Craig’s Conservatives, Bob Jones’s NZ Party, Jim Anderton’s Progressives, Bruce Beetham’s Social Credit Party, Peter Dunne’s United Future and a host of insignificant others.
    They may have a party organisation, but to all intents and purposes they live or die with the fortunes of their founder.
    Winston’s political skills learned as a committed Muldoonist have made him the most successful and durable of these.
    Muldoon thought of himself as a one-man band and it was a huge shock to him to realise that National could carry on without him.
    But with NZ First there will be no carry on without Winston. He does not lead NZ First, he IS NZ First, and when the time finally comes for him to retire, NZ First will likely slowly fade into obscurity like all the others.

  6. Go you @ Martyn Bradbury !

    Your clarity and clear thinking is welcome here, in the swamps of bullshit and High Wankery that is our corrupt little system of 4.7 million head fucked minions walled in by swindlers and liars.


  7. Winston did not stuff up being Foreign Minister under Helen Clark. In fact he did a bloody good job. Charmed the pants off Condoleza Rice! Ask any pensioner about their Goldcard and see how valued they are! Winston is not the failure the uninformed portray him to be hence his solid support base. Can’t being myself to vote NZ First party vote this time too many UPFUCKS in their latest policy statements. But I sure as hell won’t vote for the Blairite scum of NZ Labour or the wittering twats in the present day Greens either.

    • He was also outstanding as racing minister, a ministry that declined ever since, just ask the racing fraternity how the stakes have declined.

  8. I find this road to Damascus moment hard to take. I have banging on about the nefarious nature of the Winston first party for yonks.
    And now Martyn and others have turned against him.

    Save those crocodile tears, its not principles that that turned you but the slow realisation that Winston likely will not go with the left wing after the election.
    NZ first’s policies haven’t changed but just your perceptions of power.

  9. I like Winston and what he says makes a lot of sense. IT takes courage to come out with a binding referendum for or against maori seats. I think your definition of Fascism is different from mine. All Winston is doing is going to the public and ask their opinion. Just like the amount of mp’s in parliament. I think of Hitler when I think of facism. The Nazi party had full control over the media the way the neoliberals do now, they pushed a lot of racial laws through using the media the way it is now. With the GCSB spying on us, I don’t see much difference between 1933 and 2017. Anything that goes against the grade of establishment, you people act like nazi sympathizers. New Zealand is divided by race and that’s because politicians lie to the public then get into office and secretly, with corporate media, pass their fascist laws.

  10. So all that said, given that you don’t see a change of government as being possible without Winston’s support and given that this policy is looking to be a bottom line for any coalition agreement, are you effectively resigning yourself with a “let’s hope National get an outright majority so as to keep Winston as far away from power as possible”? I’m devil’s advocating here, obviously, but Winston is a thing we’re going to have to address if National is to be kicked out.

    • Yep another 3 Years of National will be great for New Zealand ?

      Unfortunately Winston & NZF has a very strong Caucus and some very good new candidates, he could potentially win Clutha-Southland with Mark Patterson who is Head of the Sheep & Beef Excellence Council, after all Southland produce 18% of NZ Exports mainly from the Agricultural Sector.

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