The Daily Blog Open Mic – Friday – 29th April 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.


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  1. Listened to this fascinating interview by Brian Crump with a chap who has written a book on how the world’s military have been and still are giving their troops all sorts of drugs to desensitize them, give them courage, make their reactions faster and basically be better at killing. For the ancient Greeks it was wine. During World War II both the German and the Allied soldiers were stoked to the eyeballs with amphetamines which is the drug of choice for contemporary wars. Cocaine was common during World War I, mixed with rum. Montgomery gave out 100,000 pills before the battle of Al Alemien so that means New Zealand soldiers were popping their version of “P” while fighting along with everyone else. Obviously it is still going on today in all theatres of war. As the author points out, this is something that is barely acknowledged but is an integral part of all war environments.

  2. Why is the option to tick up or down been removed ?
    Why is the option to tick in support of each article at the top of the listing been removed ?

    Is this a whole site thing or are you limiting me personally, and if so why ?

    • it is a whole site thing…but is it a policy change ?…personally I like the tick up or down system

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