Labour isn’t racist – creating Jihadi Brides is racist



For the love of God – how can Andrew Little’s comments be so wilfully misconstrued and twisted into ‘Labour are anti-immigration’.

Labour pointing out some employers are exploiting immigration rules by bringing in workers which could be met by local demand isn’t racist!

There is one particular large fast food company in NZ that claims because it can’t find locals to be managers at its branches, it imports them! The abuse of our immigration labour laws are robbing locals of jobs! That’s not racist, that’s clamping down on exploitation of those workers being brought in and kiwis being denied jobs.

What is racist is Key creating Jihadi Brides that didn’t even live in NZ to create the necessary fear to pass new surveillance powers…

New Zealand ‘jihadi brides’ all left from Australia 

No presumed Jihadi bride has left from New Zealand, spooks have confirmed, instead all of the women who made headlines last year, departed Australia.

The Security Intelligence Service has confirmed those women were New Zealand citizens but living across the ditch.

Prime Minister John Key revealed in December, that some New Zealand women were known to have taken part in “weddings” before heading to Islamic State (Isis) stronghold Syria.

…how is it that Labour get accused of racism for criticising exploitative employment practices yet fucking National create muslim terrorists who don’t exist to gain mass surveillance laws and avoid answering questions about why the WTO spied for Tim Groser?

It’s not a difference of perspective the media are portraying – it’s a alternate bloody reality!


  1. Labour is more being accused of stupidity. the cook policy will not win favor with its usual demographic, even I knew that. This is simply stupid behavior on labours part yet again.

    • It was Tim Groser using the GCSB for personal use by spying on his rivals for the WTO post. No wonder he didn’t get the job, Groser was even way to dirty for the WTO, but dirty enough for the Americans.

  2. Well, I’ve walked down the aisle
    Like Salma and Zahra
    But I’ve always stood off to the side
    Each bride has me dressed
    In a hijab I detest
    Always a jihadi bridesmaid, never a bride.

  3. Martyn

    OIAs looking at the growth of labour imported via labour hire agencies and how if they are advertised to NZ workers would be a start.

    • Point is the “Jihadi Brides” held NZ passports. While they might have been residents somewhere else, until such time as they apply and are granted citizenship elsewhere they are still citizens of this country.

      • BUT the point really is, is that they are not living in New Zealand though. and that means John key lied and then blamed Kitteridge for lying.

    • NZMSM are muppets.

      If you look closely at Hosking, Henry, Garner, Gower et al, you’ll see National Party hands making their individual and collective mouths move. It’s like Fox news of the South Pacific.

      “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

      And it all started when Key – Joyce and the cabal got rid of John Campbell via their National muppet appointees Christie and Weldon.

      F-ing country is going to the dogs – dictator dogs.

  4. Watching Hollow Men and hearing Key denying he had met with the Brethern after he was filmed meeting them in his electorate office in earlier footage in 2005 before he rolled Brash showed how dumb the media was in accepting that and not looking at him a lot closer
    this was an early warning of the type of character New Zealand was going to elect as its future prime minister
    I cant listen to anything Key says particularly when he uses the line “In All Honesty”……
    and believe a word he says
    After all the deceit of the last 7 years the man has a serious credibility problem which no one questions apart from a few blog sites
    HONESTY is no longer a pre requiste for a man or woman who wants to aspire to the leadership of our country
    How sad is that!!

  5. Because referring to migrants as something we should be able to ‘turn the tap down’ on is racist and ridiculous. These are people, not bathwater. Little’s comments, especially in the wake of such things as the “Chinese Name” malarkey, are racist and come across as racist. The fact that Key is racist and the Nat’s policies have done more to harm anti-racism here than pretty much anything else doesn’t stop Little being racist. They are actually able to both be racist!

    FFS, when Winston Peters is accusing you of stealing his dog-whistle policies, you know you’re in trouble.

    • John key is in trouble, not Andrew Little and that why Nat sycophants are using dirty politics. Get over yourself James. It’s not racist saying we need to turn the tap down of migration into the country during bad times. Under John key the tap is full on, and National use the unprecedented flow of immigrants to drive down wages. Everyone knows in Auckland, that foreign mostly non resident property speculators, particularly from China, are hiding their wealth by landbanking and are fueling the housing crisis that the Key National government are complicit in. Thousands of homes are standing empty with owners residing overseas. Labour said John key and his National government would make NZers tenants in our own country, and National have proved Labour were right. NZers should have listened to Labour and not to John key’s lies and the lies of a corrupt msm.

      • Key is not in trouble at all. Little is. And despite the bearded Martyn thinking I an a Tory, I am not. I am simply a fan of having an effective opposition, which we have not. I watched Jacinda Ardern on Paul Henry this morning. She is labours future, articulate, clever, came across wee, sensible etc. Bye bye Little Little.

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