TDB Political Caption Competition


Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 2.03.08 pm


  1. “I much prefer to be hit with a large glass of New Zealand brew, than an obscene pink plastic pretend penis – even without a tariff.”

  2. key:..’i’m not gonna legalise medical-marijuana..don’t you know how much money the booze-barons have poured into national party coffers over the years..?

    ..if they don’t want..i don’t want it..cheers..!..’

  3. Bugger! I’d much prefer a Fluffy Duck, but C&T have instructed me to do this photo op. Makes me look like one of the boys.

  4. I’ll close my eyes and have a beer
    Pretend that I’ve nothing to fear
    Judith loves me-this I know
    (’cause she always tells me so)
    I’ll stay as leader (just to spite her)
    And close my eyes a little tighter.
    I’m sure I’ll be here 3 years longer!
    Now, a glass or two of something stronger…

  5. See, I’m just a regular Kiwi, I can dress in a nice suit and afford to go out for a drink…….Yeah, Nah.

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