Come on TV3 News – you are better than regurgitating Israeli propaganda


Say it isn’t true TV3 News, you are seriously bitching about this???? Flag burning isn’t disgusting, killing innocent children is disgusting.

The leader of the Mana Party, Hone Harawira, has supported flag burning at a pro-Palestinian march in Auckland at the weekend.

Mana Party flags can be seen in photos next to burning Israeli and American flags. Thousands of people marched up Queen St on Saturday.

TV3 want to bitch about an American and Israeli flag getting burnt? That’s their issue? Not the hundreds of dead Palestinians? Not the thousands of Palestinians wounded? Not the trauma of Palestinian children? Not the pain of Palestinian children? Not the terror of Palestinian children?  Not the illegal shooting of Palestinians? Not the possible breach of war crimes by Israel?


Oh no. TV3 News want to focus on a flag getting burned at an Auckland protest.

I respect TV3 News immensely and believe their decision to base Mike McRoberts in Gaza to cover the conflict is inspirational and righteous, but wanting to focus on flag burning is a pathetically sad departure from their out standing coverage to date.

It’s another example in the media of protest action being belittled and attacked. The NZ Herald claimed only a mere couple of hundred protesters marched last weekend. Here was the view of the protest from my apartment window that clearly shows the NZ Herald lied about the numbers they claimed.



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  1. ….yea saw a snippet of that last night. Internet-Mana are on a roll and gaining momentum….USA backs Israel…. operation intervention by corporate media strikes again. It’s hard for a lot of mms to be exempt now… I read TDB, Salon and The Nation… watch Democracy Now and these are my reference points for all other media.

    • I like tv3 too…..have always watched it…. So get a little broken hearted when seeing stuff like this 🙁 that was msm btw. Thanks

  2. To quote Chomsky again:
    ” A propaganda system will consistently portray people abused in enemy states as worthy victims, whereas those treated with equal or greater severity by its own government or clients will be unworthy. The evidence of worth may be read from the extent and character of attention and indignation…

    “Genocide” is an invidious word that officials apply readily to cases of victimization in enemy states, but rarely if ever to similar or worse cases of victimization by the United States itself or allied regimes…

    The double standard reflected in the politicized use of “genocide” is applicable to the treatment of news events more broadly, with the media regularly focusing on the abuse of worthy victims and playing down or neglecting altogether the plight of unworthy victims.”

  3. The burning of the flag was a disgusting, disrespectful and pointless act committed by a few desperate people on the far left desperate for some media time.

    The media are right to denounce it.

    • Sad and pathetic are those who demand more respect and dignity be shown to a piece of material than to actual human life.

      Gandhi, Mandela, Martin Luther King… Funny how “far lefties” tend to be on the absolute right side of history – don’t you think?

  4. I get sick of people who say nothing about burning babies, but get up in arms about burning bits of cloth.

  5. The flag burning was in response to ‘the hundreds of dead Palestinians, the thousands of Palestinians wounded’ the trauma of Palestinian children, the pain of Palestinian children, the terror of Palestinian children, the illegal shooting of Palestinians, the possible breach of war crimes by Israel’ etc etc etc

    Those complaining about flag burning are disgusting and should take a hard look at themselves.

    Super creeps.

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