Alcohol arrests welcomed by Labour

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Alcohol arrests welcomed by Labour

Labour MP Sue Moroney has welcomed news that police have charged three people with the illegal supply of alcohol to a minor, following an incident in a Hamilton skate park last week.

“It is appalling that those old enough to know better thought it was somehow fun or appropriate to ply a nine-year-old child with alcohol.

“I have received numerous complaints from locals, concerned that the maximum $2,000 fine is not high enough for the harm caused to the victim or the level of disgust this incident has created in the community.”

She said she would be watching the case closely, as a test of how successful – or otherwise – new laws around prosecuting people supplying alcohol to minors were.

Labour was calling on the Government to act on recommendations from the Law Commission that it failed to include in its watered down alcohol law reforms, and widen sentencing options for judges regarding supply, she said.

Hauraki-Waikato Labour MP, Nanaia Mahuta, would also be attending a briefing with police on Thursday to get feedback on any improvements they believe should be made.

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