Government to axe $6billion cyclone fund for tax breaks as Civil Defence report highlights how vulnerable we are to climate change


The Political Right draw much of their support from the redneck provinces and hilariously this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government’s agenda is going to burn those redneck provinces first as the Government secretly loom to disestablish the climate change funds set up after last years climate change cyclones…

Budget 2024: Government accidentally reveals it is considering axing $6b infrastructure plan

Finance Minister Nicola Willis received advice on disestablishing the National Resilience Plan, a $6 billion scheme set up after Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland floods to fund “strategic investments” in “building back better” from last year’s devastating storms.

It appears a proposal to wrap up the plan and reallocate its funding was under consideration in the forthcoming Budget. Whether the Government follows through on the idea will probably be known by May 30, Budget Day.

The final decisions on the Budget are yet to be taken but, if the idea were included in the Budget, this would be a rare instance of a Government accidentally dropping a big hint weeks ahead of Budget Day.

The National Resilience Plan was created by former Finance Minister Grant Robertson in last year’s Budget. A press release promised it would “include future-proofing road, rail and local infrastructure wiped out by the extreme weather, as well as telecommunications and electricity transmission infrastructure”.

Usually, Budget ideas are marked “Budget Sensitive” and kept out of the public eye. However, this time the Government accidentally released the name of a Treasury paper revealing that it received advice on wrapping up the plan in February.

…baahahahahaha suck it up redneck NuZilind, you won’t be getting the climate change funding for a problem you don’t even believe is happening!

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It’s like Rednecks finding out Sanata Claus is black.

What’s even funnier are the report after report after report that highlight how dysfunctional our Civil Defence response to these enormous climate events are.

We are trapped by the Political Right that refuses to believe that climate change is human made and they have no intention of forcing their donor polluter mates to change. The best bit is that this impacts those in the provinces who vote Right the most!

I want to see their stupid ruddy faces trying to understand how their Right Wing Government are fucking them when the next climate change storm drowns their region.

Remember, we are trashing the climate change fund to afford a $2.9billion tax break for the richest landlords.



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  1. Clusterfuxon has ultimate faith Christ will return in the promised New Jerusalem Mothership to whisk him and his off to immortality in Paradise.

    He has no time for earthbound peasants and their piffling troubles.

    As George Michael said…Ya gotta have faith, uh faith uh faith!!!

  2. Martyn – Key word ‘considering’…I would love to know how much of that $6 Billion went into the locals hands, or did it go to organizations…such as the Art Deco Festival, or Forestry Companies.


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