Settler Cracker NuZilind smashes Waitangi Tribunal – Orac will green light the next massive lost generation of Māori babies

Never bet on black, the white man marches on!

Massive Political Win for Settler Crack NuZilind

Massive win by Settler Cracker NuZilind over the Waitangi Tribunal…

High Court finds minister Karen Chhour cannot be summonsed to Waitangi Tribunal

The High Court has ruled Children’s Minister Karen Chhour cannot be compelled to appear before the Waitangi Tribunal.

In a just-released decision, Justice Andru Isac granted the Crown’s application for judicial review, setting aside the summons issued by the tribunal.

…the green light has now been established to allow the next wave of Māori baby uplifts.

What an incredible day for NZ politics and what a heart breaking day for Māoridom.

The Social Investment  model is a fancy name the Right use to destroy the universals of welfare provision to just fund the worst case scenarios.

Wellington Bureaucrats worship their new Big Data Fascism, Orac

It’s Orac (The computer from Blake 7 for all the Gen Xers out there) plugged into welfare making decisions as to which baby to uplift.

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The argument is that children from backgrounds with specific features were the worst in terms of cost to the state, so if the state stepped in and removed the children quickly enough, that cost will fall. To do this they passed law reducing the legal rights of parents, streamlined their 0800 numbers and weaponised uplifts.

They also ensured that people with children taken from them are ineligible for legal aid so they couldn’t fight back legally.

Oranga Tamariki has always been about saving the State money and the welfare of the child is secondary to that!

Now Cracker Settler NuZilind has won the battle over Karen Chhour not having to justify removing 7AA from the Oranga Tamariki ACT,  so the new hard right racist beneficiary bashing climate denying Government can move the Social Investment model into place and start uplifting Māori Babies immediately without any cultural consideration.

This amounts to an enormous legal and political win for Cracker Settler NuZilind and a terrifying new reality for all those Māori Mothers that Orac will now tell the Wellington Bureaucrats must lose their babies to an uplift.

Never bet on black, the white man marches on!

What an incredible turning point in NZ politics, and I imagine none of the above will be explained to you in our dying media landscape.

God save NZ, because the fucking Courts won’t.


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  1. The judiciary is the flip side of the same Westminster System coin. It’s role is to protect Crown interests and maintain the integrity of the system…it too has been broken and gamed.

  2. There is more than one form of ethnic cleansing. In NZ /Ao we are a bit more delicate but just as deliberate. The slime that run and control WinstonFirst and Act have scoured the legislation to remove all of the ‘privileges’ Maori receive. Words fail me when I stop and try to fathom the mindset and rational of these people.

  3. As You commented taking children away from happy settled foster families because of their ethnicity was obscene.
    Revoking the section of the act stops that
    The first priority should be the welfare of the child

    • agreed, i respected Bomber for his objections to these terrible reverse uplifts, not sure why hes objecting to it for going away,

    • What if for every happy settled foster family there was a dysfunctional foster family? I have known people from both situations so it does happen. There are 2 decisions involved in taking the children & placing them with a foster family & if the first decision regarding taking the child is wrong then harm has been done even if the subsequent family is an excellent provider for the child.

    • Anne. Agree. If uplifting vulnerable children from happy settled foster families can be curbed, then surely that’s in the best interests of the kiddies concerned. Of course the welfare of the child should be prioritised.

  4. God won’t help anyone. Maori will help themselves and surround newborn babies to protect and raise them without the meddling of the settlers racist genocidal state.

  5. You are right Anne a happy secure home is more important than bringing race into the equation. These children have been let down by their natural parents for whatever reason the powers that be should not repeat the process .

    • It’s not about race Trev it’s about culture and our right to Tino rangatiratanga. Many are quick to put the boot into our Maori people not looking after our own and yet when we do step up out come all the haters. We have a right to be Maori in our own country. A few bad placements with Maori whanau does not justify the crowns over reach and control. Funny they don’t seem to apply the same approach to Glorivale yet they claim to care about children’s wellbeing. Hypocracy is rife with our CoCs as is Winstone speaking Maori at Gallipoli more hypocracy.

      • These same neoliberal dogs would presumably feel the same way about a White child adopted by an Indian family participating in the Gorehabba festival- but to just be consistent about things is too much to ask from anyone who would vote for the ACT Party and its leaders like Tim Jago and Seymour.

    • Short sighted, Trevor. All people have better, more fulfilled lives when they are part of a circle of connected community. Ideally, that starts with immediate family, and extends further out with those you are most congenitally and culturally related to.

      People without those natural relationships are more vulnerable, especially when they make the mistakes that we all do, because they don’t have folk that they can fall back on. Given the position of Maori in NZ society, they particularly need to have that kind of support.

  6. Chlour is a traitor to her race and to her class. History will show her culpability in the reduction of living standards of Maori and working class people since 1990.

    • The project to reduce the living standards of the poor, working class and Maori has been an ongoing project since them. The Axis of Evil has taken up the reins and plans to finish the job that one R O Douglas started all those years ago.

    • Ah, so you’re saying that Mrs. Chour has been familiar with how the most vulnerable in society have been targeted since the Douglass/Lange regime, for thirty years, and she’s doubling down on this?

      Not much excuse for that.

      • Millsy has been banned numerous times Ennius, he gets issued warnings on the blog for all to see…he then apologises like a good we boy, again for all to see, but can’t help himself attacking the messenger and not the message…gets banned!
        It’s why alot of people think he is only 18-20yrs old as he is so immature.


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